zaterdag 7 januari 2023

A Summer of Illness and Excess Death in Australia

Covid Worsened Dramatically - 

but no UNVACCINATED in hospitals!

January marks the middle of summer in Australia.

Unfortunately, despite “health experts” hoping that Covid is a seasonal disease and would go away in summer, Australia is in the middle of yet another wave of Covid.

New South Wales, one of the Australian provinces, publishes “weekly surveillance reports.” Compared to November, COVID hospitalizations more than tripled, according to the latest report.

Here’s the strange part: the unvaccinated comprise exactly ZERO out of 1,779 hospitalized people. If we are to believe that unvaccinated people die of Covid without ever being hospitalized (a phenomenon seen only in NSW and not anywhere in the world), only 6% of deaths in NSW are unvaccinated.

94% of deaths are in vaccinated people, but only 84.3% are vaccinated:

Deaths Without Hospitalizations?

NSW health authorities want us to believe that unvaccinated people die of Covid without being hospitalized before dying!

While people certainly do die without being hospitalized, the pattern I compiled from recent reports is odd:

The table shows that out of 27 dead unvaccinated people, only four were hospitalized before death. Not sure about you, but to me, this isn't easy to accept. Are they counting any deaths with “unknown” status as unvaccinated to pad their numbers?

More Vaccine Doses - More Hospitalizations!

I looked at persons over 16 in NSW and compiled hospitalization data (with known status) and percentages of the population with the respective number of doses.

While some of this is explained by age affecting the number of vaccines received, the NSW data shows the utter failure of Covid vaccines.

A year ago, NSW health minister Brad Hazzard said at 2:12:

There is no question that we will NOT get out of this pandemic without a very substantial portion of our population being vaccinated.

Now this “substantial portion,” sadly, is quite sick as Brad is nearing his retirement - while no unvaccinated people are in NSW’s hospitals.

Excess mortality in Australia runs at 17% of their usual mortality. This statistic is understated because the Australian Bureau of Statistics includes 2021 as part of the 2022 “baseline,” despite 2021 also being marked by a significant amount of excess deaths that occurred due to their vaccination drive. Thus, the true number of excess deaths in Australia is about 20%. The chart only goes until 18th of September - so it will not catch the spike of deaths we discussed in the first half of the article.

What awaits Australia in 2023? We do not know, and Covid proved everyone’s past predictions wrong. I cannot see how these endless waves of Covid will end when people's immunity worldwide is unset by reckless vaccinations.

The only thing that I know is that if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging, so I hope that Australians will soon stop taking COVID vaccines.

Is the Australian public waking up? I am far from certain about that! What do you think?


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