maandag 30 januari 2023

Ben Armstrong: Data shows globalists are succeeding with their DEPOPULATION plan

Thursday, January 26, 2023 by: Kevin Hughes

Tags: adverse effectsbadhealthbadmedicinebirth rateconspiracycovid-19Dangerous MedicinedepopulationEuropeFDAFertilityglobalistsmRNApandemicPfizerpopulation collapsepopulation controlreproductive disorderssperm countswomen's health

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author


The depopulation plan of the globalists is succeeding, 

according to podcast host Ben Armstrong.

“Data shows the depopulation plan is having major success. This is not something I want to bring to you, but I bring the truth. I don’t bring you what you want to hear. You don’t want to hear this, especially if you’re vaccinated. But it looks like the globalists dream of depopulation is here. And we might not be able to stop it,” Armstrong said during the January 24 episode of “The Ben Armstrong Show.”

Armstrong said the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine has done enough damage to bring about depopulation, with data from different cases of adverse effects showing that it is already happening. Sadly, he added, people are still getting vaccinated.

The host cited a report from bestselling author and columnist Dr. Naomi Wolf, which made him realize that the depopulation plan is having success. Wolf is overseeing a crowdsourced project to analyze Pfizer documents released via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

He mentioned that a lot of countries in Europe and the Western world are going to see more deaths than births.

“I think that just happened in China, but you’re going to see it in the Western world. And once we hit that point, I just think it’s going to actually escalate. And this is the plan because what’s happening is the fertility of people who have been vaccinated is extremely damaged,” Armstrong said. (Related: DEPOPULATION ALERT: Shocking new study reveals covid vaccine TERMINATES 4 out of 5 pregnancies via “spontaneous abortions.”)

Pfizer, FDA know mRNA vaccine affects menstrual cycles

Armstrong then showed a video clip of Wolf talking about the adverse effects of the mRNA vaccine, especially on women. In the video, Wolf said Pfizer and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) knew that the mRNA vaccine affects women’s menstrual cycles.

Wolf mentioned that 72 percent of women suffered reproductive disorders as adverse events from the vaccine. The co-founder and CEO of the Daily Clout added that after the massive rollout of this mRNA injection, substantial birth rate drops were seen in 13 of 19 European countries, as well as in Australia and Taiwan.

According to Wolf, Germany had an 8.3 percent drop in the birth rate through three quarters of 2022; England and Wales had a 12 percent birth rate drop through June 2022; and birth rates in Australia fell 21 percent from October to November 2021, followed by a 63 percent decrease from November to December 2021. Also, Wolf said the decline of births in Switzerland was the largest in 150 years.

Armstrong pointed out that the depopulation plan of the globalists using the vaccine is having major success because of the massive number of babies not being born with many women having miscarriages and unable to get pregnant.

The podcast host said aside from the destruction of fertility and the massive decline in birth rates, many people who developed myocarditis due to the vaccines are going to die. He said 50 percent of young people who get myocarditis will likely die within five years and a whole bunch of people with myocarditis is going to die yearly.

“They don’t want us to reach nine billion and I think they’ve done it. The truth is I’m thinking the world won’t see nine billion. I think they vaccinated enough people, damaged enough people that there is going to be enough people dying from the vaccine – from their immune system being damaged or from myocarditis. One or the other,” Armstrong said.

Follow for more news about the depopulation agenda of the globalists.

Watch the video below to know how the globalists are succeeding with their depopulation plan.

Video link:

This video is from  The New American channel on

More related stories:

The coronavirus vaccine is the “final solution” depopulation weapon against humanity; globalists hope to convince BILLIONS of people to commit “suicide-via-vaccine.”

700 million people will DIE from COVID injections, says Dr. David Martin.

Mainstream scientists now embracing vaccine depopulation explanation for why the vaccines are killing so many people.

BOMBSHELL: Pfizer’s own documents admit that mRNA covid vaccines will result in mass depopulation.

Absolute proof globalists knew it could ‘take years for all hell to break loose’ following release of a ‘new vaccine’, setting world up for death and depopulation.

Sources include:


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