vrijdag 3 maart 2023

COLLUSION: Merck, Big Pharma trying to kill off all generic ivermectin production because it’s cutting into profits

 Thursday, March 02, 2023 by: Ethan Huff

Tags: alternative medicineantiviralbadhealthBig PharmaconspiracycorruptionCOVIDcovid-19drugsgenerichealth freedominsanityivermectinMedical TyrannyMerckpandemicpharmaceutical fraudremediessupply chainSuppressed

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author


(Natural News) There are growing concerns that Merck and potentially other pharmaceutical giants are working behind the scenes to shut down all generic production of ivermectin, particularly in India where more than 50 different companies currently manufacture it for the global market.

Dr. Kazuhiro Nagao, chairman of the medical company Yuwakai and director of the Nagao Amagasaki Clinic in Japan’s Hyogo prefecture, issued a warning – you can watch an English translation below – claiming that Merck is buying up the Indian companies that produce ivermectin in order to shut down their operations.

Nagao says that India’s dozens of ivermectin producers are in the crosshairs of Big Pharma, which does not like this tried-and-true remedy for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) and other health conditions because its widespread availability and affordability are cutting into their profit streams for other drugs.

“Generic plants are making it, and Merck is getting more and more of them,” Nagao says in the video. “The biggest one, Fanfan, Merck is buying them. Ivermectin production is coming out. It’s being discontinued now. And now these giant pharmaceutical companies are coming out of India.”

(Related: Pfizer also wants to ban ivermectin just like Merck does in order to make way for its new “Pfizermectin” ivermectin rip-off drug.)

Big Pharma wants all your money before it kills you with its latest “blockbuster” drugs

Right now, those in the know can freely obtain ivermectin from the Indian market for pennies on the dollar. A simple covid remedy course of ivermectin costs just a few dollars and it works, which is not the case for the so-called “vaccines” that are killing thousands and giving millions more vaccine-induced AIDS.

Merck and the rest know that we know the truth, so their last-ditch effort to stop medical freedom is to buy up the competition and shut it all down so people are forced to take their latest “blockbuster” drugs.

“They don’t want to give us the generics,” Nagao warns. “We need to run more because there’s a lot of pressure from the world for everything, including generic ivermectin. It’s amazing.”

Video Address: https://twitter.com/i/status/1627548660799004673

Nagao, who is also a visiting professor at Kansai University of International Studies, is making waves online with these claims, which remain speculative until further evidence emerges to prove that Big Pharma is making these moves against the ivermectin industry.

“I cannot find anywhere evidence that supports the claims of Dr. Nagao that Merck is buying generics manufacturers and shutting down production of ivermectin,” noted the Twitter account that tweeted the video of Nagao revealing this information.

“I have reached out to Dr. Nagao and I am trying to confirm his sources of information. Will keep you posted.”

In response to this tweet series, someone joked that perhaps the time has come for people to start producing their own ivermectin.

“There are micro ‘breweries’ springing up – it’s called your local compounder Rx,” this person wrote.

Another wrote that compounding pharmacies will still have the ability to make ivermectin since there is no patent remaining.

“Surely there is a market for it so pharmacies can continue profiting,” this one added. “Merck isn’t able to be the ONLY maker of it, ever.”

Others added to this skepticism by asking for Nagao to release the names of the companies that Merck is allegedly taking over and shutting down in a bid to deprive the world of ivermectin.

The latest news about the corrupt pharmaceutical industry can be found at BigPharmaNews.com.

Sources for this article include:




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