zondag 5 maart 2023

German Chemist Dr. Andreas Noack Makes Bombshell Video Exposing Graphene Hydroxide as Nanoscale Razor Blades in COVID Vaccines, Now Reported Dead

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Video Post & Note With Links | Ramola D | Nov 29, 2021

A German Chemistry Ph D and carbon expert who says in the video-lecture linked below, recently posted online, that he has worked for the world’s largest activated carbon manufacturers, has a solid understanding of graphene oxide and graphene hydroxide, and is qualified to describe rGO found in the COVID vaccines by Spanish research scientist Dr. Pablo Campra as nanoscale razor blades is now being reported dead (on Nov 23, 2021) and also reported as subject of a police arrest at his home.

While it is not clear what exactly may have transpired, video of a police break-in to his home and another video of a young pregnant woman purporting to be his wife speaking on camera in German have been posted and are linked below. Comments and text below the video of his wife speaking suggest he didn’t die at the hands of police but suffered a respiratory incident or “breathing attack”–or the whole thing is some kind of crisis-actor staged hoax–viewers and readers are advised to kindly explore further on their own. The implication that police caused his death is refuted by this broadcaster who has posted the wife’s video and says the video of the police break-in is from 2020 and not related. Two posts offering more detail and all videos mentioned here can be found here:

Dr. Andreas Noack : another German whistleblower dead/Stranger in a Jewish World/Reposted at State of the Nation

How did Dr. Andreas Noack Die?/Andrew Livingstone

The video-lecture now subtitled in English is posted at Bitchute and linked here below because it offers rather chilling yet critical information–which again viewers are advised to research further, given the many questions surrounding the sudden surfacing of this video and the questionable reports of death. If true however, the information presented here could have far-reaching implications–and puts the matter in rather stark and unsettling terms.

Nano Graphene Hydroxide Acts As Razor Blades and Remains Forever in Blood so Hemorrhaging & Clotting are Inevitable

Describing the Nano Graphene found by spectroscopy in the vaccines as Graphene Hydroxide rather than Graphene Oxide–it has actually been identified as reduced graphene oxide–Dr. Noack stresses that the monoatomic layers of carbon which it comprises can form chains 50 nanometers long and 0.1 nanometer thick and the jagged edges of this nano carbon layer can cut blood vessels like razor knives. The dangerous, jagged edges of graphene oxide found in the vaccines has previously been remarked as such by Dr. Campra’s team and by Dr. Robert Young in analyzing the findings.

Stating that toxicologists do not yet have the tools to understand the phenomenon he says chemists are better equipped to understand the consequences and that what is happening essentially is that people are hemorrhaging on the inside and athletes dropping dead on the field because of the internal slicing of blood capillaries and hemorrhaging as well as blood clots that is occurring.

Of further alarm is his statement that the rGO is non-decomposing–it will remain in the bloodstream and cannot be removed except by blood transfusion which means its effects will inevitably occur over time if not immediately. The amount of rGO in the batch given to anyone lining up for the shot will determine the Russian roulette of whether death is instant or delayed. The question to ask Pfizer, he says, is why these carbon razor blades have been put in the vaccines.

(Nano graphene has actually been found in all 4 major vaccines: Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca.)

Many doctors and naturopaths have made different recommendations for removing the nano graphene oxide, many noted here. Dr. Young recently discussed detoxifying with French Montmorillonite clay, while Clean Slate from Root Brand has been found recently to remove graphene oxide from the blood of the vaccinated. Clean Slate can be found here at this link, which also supports the podcasts at Ramola D Reports.

Dr. Noack made these comments around the time Austria announced a vaccine mandate for all citizens on November 22, and said that Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg needed hundreds of thousands of letters from people informing him the rGO in the vaccines would act as razor knives and death machines, and that if Mr. Schallenberg went ahead with the mandates then he would be functioning as a mass murderer.

The information presented here suggests that all COVID vaccines be halted immediately, given their clear exposure now as killing machines. While mainstream media refuses to publish the facts of discovery of Nano Graphene Oxide in the vaccines, the multiple confirmations using electron microscopes, optical phase contrast microscopes, and energy spectroscopes by different teams of scientists reported here earlier and here and here, now makes it impossible for educated readers to question these findings as dubious. Ultimately, it will have to be informed readers and viewers to take resolute action such as writing informative and questioning letters and continuing mass rallies (which are already taking place worldwide) to stop governments from imposing mandates and encouraging vaccination with these deadly injections.

The situation in Austria seems quite dire since this chancellor seems to be planning vaccine mandates for five year olds and up as well.

“As a chemist I say these are razor blades. And I see how doctors do not know enough about chemistry. But they are doing chemistry in the body, in small children, in pregnant women. But now you doctors know what you are doing–and if you continue to inject, you are murderers. Go out, give this information to your doctors, your politicians–and if you continue, I promise no court in the world will save you.”

Dr. Andreas Noack

This video is a must-watch, regardless of all questions surrounding. Please explore further and post any further information in comments if you have any.

Please also inform all government officials of the findings reported here as in other articles at this site, so they cannot say later they were never informed. Government officials need to recognize their individual liability and culpability and act decisively to halt these non-vaccines.

Graphene “razor blades” found in the COVID vaccines (Dr. Andreas Noack)/Bitchute


  1. Pingback: Bombshell: Thermal Imaging and Microscopy from Dr. Felipe Reitz Show Terrifying Blood Clots in Vaccinated | Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea calls on All Doctors to Immediately Stop Administering the COVID Shots | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen

  2. Here is an article from the Chinese, copyright 2016, on graphene nanoparticles and what happens to one’s body when it is inroduced. Go to page 14 to see how they are used as “blades” , cutting up cells and such.

    Scientists have know about the effects of graphene in the body for a long, long time. There is even more info in the article concerning what it does to the entire system of the human body…everything you’ve heard about it is true. Evil.


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