zaterdag 13 mei 2023

COVID was Not Dangerous to Unvaccinated Pregnant Women

Only Nine Pregnant Women Died of COVID-19 in 2020 in the UK

Remember the endless media hysterics about COVID being “dangerous to unvaccinated pregnant women”?

A recent report MBRRACE-UK throws doubt on such statements. It covers 2018-2020, so the year of 2020 was a part of the COVID pandemic.

In the UK, in 2020 (before COVID vaccines), only NINE women died from (or with) COVID-19 during pregnancy or up to six weeks after giving birth.

Remember that in 2020, all pregnant women in the UK were unvaccinated. COVID was at its worst in 2020.

COVID was quite rampant in the UK at the time. According to Our World in Data, the UK had 94,194 COVID deaths in 2020. However, only nine deaths out of those involved pregnant women.

ONS reports that England and Wales had 613,936 live births in 2020.


  • Pregnant women’s COVID deaths (9 total) were less than one in ten thousand overall COVID deaths.

  • Pregnant women’s deaths (9 total) were less than one in 68,000 (sixty-eight thousand) births.

  • In other words, for every pregnant woman who died of COVID in 2020, over 68,000 did NOT die.

Every death is a tragedy, especially those of future mothers. Those nine deaths were tragic for the families involved. I am very sorry for each of the nine women who died with COVID in the UK in 2020. I am relieved, however, that the number of deaths among pregnant women was far less than what the media intimated.

Was COVID a great danger to pregnant women? The numbers above suggest that the chance of dying from COVID for unvaccinated women in 2020 was very remote, as there was less than one COVID death per 68,000 births.

To me, this cannot be considered “particularly dangerous.” Pregnant women are young (most are under 40), and Covid is not particularly deadly to that age category.

So, those who believed that COVID-19 puts future mothers’ lives at tremendous risk were lied to. Pregnant women were given false information to nudge them to get vaccinated.

We finally have the proof.

What do you think?


Gideon van Meijeren wil onderste steen boven: ‘Waarom wordt deze belangrijke informatie geheimgehouden?’

Gideon van Meijeren merkte dinsdag tijdens het debat over de wolf op dat de discussie over dit onderwerp hoog oploopt en steeds feller word...