zondag 15 augustus 2021


Dr. Richard Fleming warns that Fauci, NIH have already developed the NEXT bioweapon to be released with HIV-like capabilities that suppress human immunity

Friday, August 13, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: biological weaponsbiowarbioweaponcoronavirusCOVIDFauciHIVNIHPlandemicRichard Fleming


(Natural News) In a new Brighteon Conversation, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, got the chance to sit down and talk with Dr. Richard Fleming about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). And what Fleming had to say about this whole thing is truly eye-opening, including what may be coming next in the plandemic saga.

Fleming has a book coming out this fall, by the way, called Is COVID-19 a bioweapon? A scientific and forensic investigation. It dives deep into many of the topics discussed throughout the interview, which you can watch below:


As an esteemed research scientist, Fleming has been closely tracking all available Chinese Virus data ever since the beginning of the plandemic. He has also been looking into where the virus came from, uncovering ugly truths about how the American government funded it at all with taxpayer dollars.

Fleming is also concerned about how the virus continues to mutate due to mass vaccination. The very thing that the media says will end the pandemic is just fueling it even more, he warns.

“These viruses have a lot of variants,” Fleming stated, emphasizing that the Chinese Virus was not a random occurrence in nature.

“I’m actually watching the data that’s being done on the changes in these viruses to watch what’s going on, to watch what changes are occurring, what changes are happening naturally, evolutionary-wise to this virus … it’s making changes like living organisms do.”

Just like how antibiotics trigger “superbugs,” covid vaccines are creating “superviruses”

The rabbit hole goes pretty deep with this virus as it was technically engineered under American oversight, though we now know that much of its development was offshored to China, particularly the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), in order to sidestep domestic restrictions on the gain-of-function biological research that was necessary to produce it.

Tony Fauci from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) was of course involved, as was Peter Daszak from EcoHealth Alliance and others from Fort Detrick in Maryland and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Again, the rabbit hole goes deep.

The virus definitely came from a lab, Fleming says, and it is now mutating and spreading new variants due to the vaccines – much like how antibiotics cause the bacteria they are supposed to fight to turn into “superbugs,” some of which are much deadlier than what they started out as.

“Pressure selection works,” Fleming explained during the interview about what we are now seeing happen to the Chinese Virus because of the vaccines. “We know that if you put pressure on a species like this virus, it will select out for the ones that are most viable to live and cause a problem.”

To make matters worse, Fleming says that Fauci and friends are already working on the next bioweapon that will contain stronger HIV-like properties designed to suppress human immunity. While the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) can be fought off by the immune system, its next iteration will be designed to outsmart the body’s natural defenses.

He says the SARS virus that was released back in 2002 was the first iteration of this bioweapon, and the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is the second. That makes the new, already-in-development, HIV-like virus that is soon to come the third.

In the meantime, he warns, those who have been injected with spike proteins and mRNA chemicals via the vaccines will continue to develop serious illnesses from the shots, as well as spread those illnesses to others.

Be sure to check out the full interview with Mike Adams and Dr. Richard Fleming at Brighteon.com.

You can also keep up with the latest news about the plandemic at Pandemic.news.

Sources for this article include:



Is Covid-19 a Bioweapon?: 

A Scientific and Forensic Investigation


Product Details

$24.99  $22.99
Skyhorse Publishing
Publish Date
6.0 X 9.0 X 0.45 inches | 0.0 pounds

About the Author

Dr. Richard M. Fleming is a physicist, nuclear cardiologist, and attorney with fifty-three years of research experience. He has spent decades investigating what causes multiple health problems including heart disease, cancer, and SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19. He joined the American Heart Association in 1976 and actively began teaching and researching heart disease; including both what causes heart disease and how to accurately find heart disease. In 1994 he presented his original theory on "Inflammation and Heart Disease" which was published in a cardiology textbook in 1999 and presented on 20/20 in 2004. His research career has also involved investigating and correcting errors made in medical testing including coronary arteriography and nuclear imaging; for both heart disease and cancer. In 2017 after two decades of work he patented the first method capable of measuring regional blood flow and metabolic changes occurring inside the body. This method known as FMTVDM (Fleming Method) makes it possible to accurately determine what is happening inside the body as well as whether treatments prescribed for patients are working or not. In 2004 after reducing the amount of radiation he was giving patients for nuclear imaging tests of the heart he was accused of billing fraud. After evidence was hidden from the jury he agreed to a plea deal that did not state a crime making it possible for him to protect one of his children.


Study: “Imperfect” vaccines such covid jabs ENHANCE viral transmission and worsen pandemics

Friday, August 13, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: coronavirusCOVIDJoe Roganleaky vaccinesMarek's diseasePlandemicStudyvaccinationvaccinesvariants



(Natural News) During a recent episode of his podcast, comedian Joe Rogan mentioned a study published in the journal PLOS Biology back in 2015 that completely decimates the idea that “vaccines” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are in any way helping to stop the spread.

To the contrary, what the study found is that some vaccines, which the study describes as “imperfect,” actually contribute to enhanced disease spread. Chinese Virus jabs, it turns out, fall square into this category because they “leak.”

“Leaky” injections, we now know, put selective pressure on viruses in such a way as to make them mutate and become more virulent. In the case of the Wuhan Flu, this is why we are now seeing a sudden spike in the spread of new “variants” such as “delta.”

Those who receive leaky shots end up becoming walking incubators for these new strains, which would seem to spread from the vaccinated to others with whom they come into contact.

“Could some vaccines drive the evolution of more virulent pathogens?” the study asks in its abstract. “Conventional wisdom is that natural selection will remove highly lethal pathogens if host death greatly reduces transmission.”

“Vaccines that keep hosts alive but still allow transmission could thus allow very virulent strains to circulate in a population.”

The study looked at vaccines for Marek’s disease, which is a virus that transmits in chickens. Another leaky vaccine, these chicken jabs, the researchers found, enhance the “fitness” of more virulent strains of Marek’s disease, “making it possible for hyperpathogenic strains to transmit.”

Further, the so-called “immunity” elicited by the injections fails to prevent infection, viral replication and transmission. This is also true about Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” injections for the Chinese Flu.

“Our data show that anti-disease vaccines that do not prevent transmission can create conditions that promote the emergence of pathogen strains that cause more severe disease in unvaccinated hosts,” the authors of the Marek’s disease vaccine study explain.

“Fully vaccinated” humans are walking, talking variant factories

While normal, natural immunity would eventually weed out the “hot” strains of a circulating virus, vaccine-induced “immunity” does the opposite. Leaky vaccines like Fauci Flu shots and chicken virus shots not only fail to weed out hot viral strains but actually create more of them.

“There is a theoretical expectation that some types of vaccines could prompt the evolution of more virulent (‘hotter’) pathogens,” the study explains.

“This idea follows from the notion that natural selection removes pathogen strains that are so ‘hot’ that they kill their hosts and, therefore, themselves. Vaccines that let the hosts survive but do not prevent the spread of the pathogen relax this selection, allowing the evolution of hotter pathogens to occur.”

“Perfect” vaccines, as they call them, do not provoke the creation and spread of new hot pathogenic strains because they effectively block transmission. Unfortunately for Fauci Flu shots and chicken virus shots, the jabs are anything but perfect.

The medical establishment has been skirting around the issue of leaky vaccines for more than a decade, pretending as though they do not even exist. Actual medical science, though, has been warning about the threats they pose to public health, both in animals and humans.

In the case of chickens, Marek’s disease injections were found to eventually cause more virulent strains of the virus to spread within fowl populations. This resulted in countless birds dying, thanks to the “shedding” of these deadly strains from vaccinated birds.

It took a while for these effects to be seen, though. They often did not occur immediately, which bodes ominous for the future of humanity as far as Chinese Virus vaccines are concerned.

Right now, every person who has been “fully vaccinated” for Chinese Germs is a walking variant factory. Some are already manifesting these hot strains while others are still manufacturing them inside their bodies. Either way, they are all a walking, talking disease threat.

The Marek’s disease study makes it very clear that non-sterilizing vaccines, which include Chinese Virus injections, do not kill pathogens. Consequently, they put selective pressure on said pathogens to mutate.

“Thus, anti-disease vaccines (those reducing in-host replication or pathogenicity) have the potential to generate evolution harmful to human and animal well-being,” the study states plainly.

In the case of chickens, the more harmful disease strains are believed to spread through dust contaminated with “virus shed.” In covid-vaccinated humans, it could be those ever-dreaded mouth and nose droplets that the medical fascists told us all to block by wearing a face mask for most of 2020.

“Vaccine failure in the face of virulent pathogens has been documented for at least two viruses other than MDV: feline calicivirus and infectious bursal disease virus in poultry,” the study goes on to explain.

“Both cases are also associated with long-term use of leaky anti-disease vaccines.”

The latest news stories about Chinese Virus vaccine deception can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

Sources for this article include:






Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens

·         Andrew F. Read ,

·         Susan J. Baigent,

·         Claire Powers,

·         Lydia B. Kgosana,

·         Luke Blackwell,

·         Lorraine P. Smith,

·         David A. Kennedy,

·         Stephen W. Walkden-Brown,

·         Venugopal K. Nair



Could some vaccines drive the evolution of more virulent pathogens? Conventional wisdom is that natural selection will remove highly lethal pathogens if host death greatly reduces transmission. Vaccines that keep hosts alive but still allow transmission could thus allow very virulent strains to circulate in a population. Here we show experimentally that immunization of chickens against Marek's disease virus enhances the fitness of more virulent strains, making it possible for hyperpathogenic strains to transmit. Immunity elicited by direct vaccination or by maternal vaccination prolongs host survival but does not prevent infection, viral replication or transmission, thus extending the infectious periods of strains otherwise too lethal to persist. Our data show that anti-disease vaccines that do not prevent transmission can create conditions that promote the emergence of pathogen strains that cause more severe disease in unvaccinated hosts.

Author Summary

There is a theoretical expectation that some types of vaccines could prompt the evolution of more virulent (“hotter”) pathogens. This idea follows from the notion that natural selection removes pathogen strains that are so “hot” that they kill their hosts and, therefore, themselves. Vaccines that let the hosts survive but do not prevent the spread of the pathogen relax this selection, allowing the evolution of hotter pathogens to occur. This type of vaccine is often called a leaky vaccine. When vaccines prevent transmission, as is the case for nearly all vaccines used in humans, this type of evolution towards increased virulence is blocked. But when vaccines leak, allowing at least some pathogen transmission, they could create the ecological conditions that would allow hot strains to emerge and persist. This theory proved highly controversial when it was first proposed over a decade ago, but here we report experiments with Marek’s disease virus in poultry that show that modern commercial leaky vaccines can have precisely this effect: they allow the onward transmission of strains otherwise too lethal to persist. Thus, the use of leaky vaccines can facilitate the evolution of pathogen strains that put unvaccinated hosts at greater risk of severe disease. The future challenge is to identify whether there are other types of vaccines used in animals and humans that might also generate these evolutionary risks.


zaterdag 14 augustus 2021

 DR PETER Mccullough – Urgent Warning About Poisonous Jabs

By Alexandra Bruce
Forbidden Knowledge TV

July 23, 2021






it seems like I’m running all Stew-Peters-all-the-time, I was looking for the most recent video featuring Dr Peter McCullough – and found him on with Stew Peters in this interview that was published yesterday.

Dr Peter McCullough MD is a Professor at Texas A & M College of Medicine, President, Cardiorenal Society of America, Editor-in-Chief, Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, Senior Associate Editor, American Journal of Cardiology and others. He has written 46 peer-reviewed publications on COVID-19 and is considered among the world’s experts on the topic, testifying in the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs in November 2020, and throughout 2021 in the Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, in the Colorado General Assembly, and in the New Hampshire Senate, concerning many aspects of the pandemic response.

Dr McCullough also practices internal medicine in Dallas and he was initially a proponent of the vaccine, until the many adverse reactions among his patients changed his mind completely. He has since come out adamantly against the jab.

He says, “Like most physicians looking at the data coming out of the registrational trials, the products looked like they were effective, ‘90% vaccine efficacy’…Through December, January, February, probably 70% of my patients here at Baylor in Dallas received the COVID-19 vaccine…looking backwards, now, on January 22nd, we had actually already had 186 deaths that had occurred after the vaccine. The threshold of concern is about 150 or so. In general, we get about 150 [deaths] for all the vaccines combined. 500 million shots per year, across 70 vaccines but for a single vaccine…

“I think if we had had a data and safety monitoring board, they would have shut down the vaccine in February of 2021.”

Stew responds, “25 people died during the Swine Flu vaccine. They shut it down immediately…Now, you’re talking about 180-some odd deaths at one location. The CDC is now acknowledging over 12,000 deaths. For perspective, that’s 3 [sic] times the amount of people that perished in 9/11…some of the most deadly days in our world’s history, specifically, here in the United States are minuscule in comparison to these deaths, I just don’t understand. So how did you come to the conclusion that these deaths or the condition of these inoculated patients was actually related to the injections?”

Dr McCullough says, “Initially, we didn’t know. As these deaths continued to mount, on two occasions, in March and then later on, in June, the CDC put on their website that CDC and FDA reviewers had looked at the deaths and none of them were related to the vaccine and so doctors in my circles were questioning this, because patients were immediately dying after the vaccine at the vaccine centers or then shortly thereafter, we’d be called about some kind of fatal event that’s happened, whether it’s at home or patients come to the hospital with some type of fatal event.

“And so two important analyses came forward, one from McLaughlin in London and one by Rose, using the VAERS data and they basically concluded this: that 50% of the deaths occur between 48 hours of the injection and 80% of the deaths occur within a week.

“86% of the deaths have no other explanation. They’re well enough to walk into an ambulatory and actually have the COVID-19 vaccine and within two days, they’ve died. So, it’s my judgement – and I’ve done a lot of work on data and safety monitoring boards and clinical review boards – it’s my judgement, at this point in time that the vaccine is the cause of death in the majority of cases…

“The proposition, now of coming in or of even being pressured or forced or coerced into a vaccine, which, for some people, it looks like it will be fatal is an agonizing situation. I’ve never seen it in my career.”

Dr McCullough says that in a report published by the American Journal of Science and Law, it looks like the non-fatal events that occur go along 4 organ systems: the brain, the heart, the immune system and the hematologic system.

“My analysis of this, for instance, the cardiac myocarditis – there’s now an official FDA warning on this – that appears to relatively immediate, in the data that the CDC and the NIH reviewed – and the FDA reviewed – it was in about two days of the second shot…I’ve seen these cases in my clinic and they’re frightening.

“The CDC has now certified 2,000 of these cases. They tended to hit younger individuals…I’m becoming very worried that the messenger RNA or the adenoviral DNA is taken up and it’s not disposed-of and that the spike protein is continuing to be produced locally in the tissues and causing damage.

“Senator [Ron] Johnson held the first vaccine injury…press briefing and I was amazed at what the late-onset and the emergence of the neurologic symptoms that you mentioned. And it really depends – and we know – the lipid nanoparticles are taken up into the brain, the messenger RNA and the adenoviral DNA is taken up into the brain and it probably depends on how much and where the seeding occurs…

“I have a patient in my practice who has a very prominent cerebellar syndrome…she has imbalance and also has tremendous memory loss, tremor. She is absolutely not right, Stew. I’ve had her ten years in my practice and she was perfectly normal. She took a vaccine and within about a month, now it’s progressing to the next level, she has this horrific neurologic syndrome.”

The two get into the baffling symptoms presented by some, particularly the young, who are gasping for breath but whose tests appear normal and what the explanation might be.

Dr McCullough says, “Doctors in my circles, the interpretation of this is that the messenger RNA or the adenoviral DNA is taken up in the cells, the spike protein is produced in the cells, it’s expressed on the cell surface and then body is attacking its own cells. The spike protein that circulates in the blood, after a few weeks, that’s actually mopped-up by the circulating antibodies, which are supposed to be there.

“Ogata and colleagues from Harvard published a paper showing the first injection of messenger RNA, they’re circulating spike proteins. After the second injection, the antibodies raise up in the bloodstream and damp down the spike protein but the local production of spike protein is what we’re concerned about, causing these neuro-, cardiac and hematologic syndromes.

“So we have some laboratories hints. Dr Charles Hoffe in Canada has presented on this. The D-dimer test, which is a sensitive test of blood-clotting, which is elevated in SARS-CoV-2 infection, appears to be elevated in those patients with these vaccine injuries. He’s reporting 50% to 60% rates of elevation of D-dimer.

“We know that the imaging, right now is not helping us. Getting MRI imaging or other imaging, you can’t see the spike protein, itself causing damage and yet, we can’t measure the spike protein in blood. There’s still no clinical test to do that but importantly, we do imaging. It’s important, because we have to rule out blood clots and we know the FDA has warnings on J&J, for instance on blood clots in the brain. There are analyses showing that blood clots are, to a greater extent, with Pfizer and Moderna.

“They can occur throughout the body, so every patient who presents with a neurologic syndrome must have imaging, either CT or MRI imaging, mainly to rule out blood clot as an etiology of the neurologic syndrome.”

Stew then asks him if there is a way to reverse any of this. Dr McCullough replies, “We don’t think so. I think what happens, Stew is that so many Americans patriotically went out, hey volunteered to be in the vaccine program in December, January and February. We had a huge rush a people who did this. They were told that it was safe and effective. Nobody really asked what was in these vaccines and then, we started to see this evolve over time, so I think it’s fine for people to change their view on the vaccine and they should, based on emerging data. The CDC keeps telling us, ‘Go to VAERS.com and look for yourself, do your research. That’s what we see throughout all the CDC webpages.

“What we haven’t had, that is really an act of malfeasance is we have not had a press briefing by the sponsors of the program, which is the CDC and the FDA to tell Americans what’s going on with safety…They should be having at least weekly or monthly press briefings on this. They should have a critical event committee, a data and safety monitoring board, a human ethics committee. There was a paper by Bruno and colleagues – worldwide paper, 57 authors, 17 countries – they basically told everybody in the world, ‘Get the safety mechanisms in place on the vaccine program or shut it down.’

“We can’t continue to do this and blindside Americans and people all over the world on safety. We can’t ask them to take a vaccine without giving fair disclosure, fair balance on safety information.”

Stew asks him if he’s ever in his career seen a blank insert, such as is seen in the packaging of the vaccine vials. Dr McCullough says he hasn’t and that the mechanism of that is the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA); they’re not fully approved, so there is no vetted packages insert on safety information.

“It’s called ISI or Important Safety Information and what the viewer should know is that when something gets fully approved, it must be fully presented with fair balance. And what we see by our government agencies is that they’re taking advantage of the loosely-written EUA legislation, which doesn’t indicate that fair balance needs to be presented and so they’re not presenting it.

“But I’ve chaired over two dozen data and safety monitoring boards, with committee work – we always work in teams – I have been a part of major programs where we’ve had to shut it down because of safety. I’ve done this before. I’ve done this type of work, I’ve chaired the data and safety monitoring boards for the National Institutes of Health – in fact, I’m doing so, right now. So I can tell you, as a doctor and this is my book of business. I’m in my fourth decade of doing this, I can tell you, this program should have been shut down in February, based on safety…Stew, it’s going to go down as the most dangerous biologic medicinal product roll-out in human history…

“The mechanism of action is clearly poisonous and then we know that the generation of the spike protein, itself, it damages local tissues, it’s not natural for a human cell to produce this foreign spike protein. We’ve never asked the human body to produce a foreign protein, ever. This is so radically new to do this and to do it on a mass scale and to, let alone express on the cell surface and have the body start to attack its own cells and then, let it circulate in the bloodstream, where we know it damages blood cells and causes blood clotting.

“So the mechanism of action in the human body is so alarmingly dangerous, if you were to draw this up on a chalkboard, two years ago and say, ‘You know, we’re gonna do this, we’re gonna give it a whirl, I don’t think we could even get a human volunteer to sign up for this. I don’t think I wold ever bring it forward as a product idea, even on the drawing board.”

Stew asks him if he wold ever recommend the vaccine for a child and he responds, “Under no circumstances…at this point in time, I really can’t recommend it to anybody…I think, at this point in time, it’s fair to warn against it…I’d say, take the risks with a natural infection right now and let’s treat early. We have EUA on monoclonal antibodies. They have just as good of an approval as the vaccines. We should give monoclonal antibody infusions…The vaccine, once it’s in the body, we can’t get it out and we don’t know how to manage these complications, some of which are fatal.”

When asked about the “shedding” phenomenon, Dr McCullough does think it’s real but he doesn’t think it persists much beyond 4 weeks, as the antibodies mop them up, which is the purpose of the vaccine.

Reprinted with the author’s permission.

Copyright © Forbidden Knowledge TV


 Uit Kipdrego's Blog:

De weg naar een wereldwijde burgeroorlog wordt geplaveid.

Hopelijk worden regeringsleiders en aanstichters, net als na WOII, met de doodstraf bedacht.

Het Covid-19 vaccinpas zou verplicht worden in Italie

De linkse regering van Italië sluit zich nu aan bij degenen die burgers verplichten zich te identificeren met COVID-19 vaccinpassen om te kunnen reizen en zich in openbare gelegenheden te kunnen bevinden.

De voormalige minister van Binnenlandse Zaken van het land en leider van de conservatieve Lega-partij bekritiseert de regering voor het “ruïneren van het leven” van de Italianen, bericht samnytt.se.

Woedende Australiërs door Lock-Downs zonder Coronapatiënten.

Massale volksprotesten tegen de dwangmaatregelen van de Australische regering zijn in verschillende grote steden gedeeltelijk geëscaleerd, tegelijkertijd waarschuwen de Australische media voor “snel stijgende Covid-19 gevallen” in Sydney en andere regio’s van het continent, terwijl de autoriteiten van een “hardnekkig en groeiend probleem” spreken.

The Guardian meldt in zijn zaterdageditie dat “duizenden boze, ongemaskerde mensen” zaterdagmiddag door het centrale zakendistrict van Sydney marcheerden om een einde van de Lock-down te eisen.

De huidige uitgaansverboden gaan nu hun vijfde week in, en de Covid-19 patiënten zijn in feite niet te meten, schrijft report24.news.

Israëlische premier zegt dat ongevaccineerde burgers niet zullen mogen deelnemen aan de samenleving

De Israëlische premier Naftali Bennett verklaarde dat ongevaccineerde burgers zullen worden beperkt van deelname aan de samenleving totdat zij de COVID-injectie nemen, bericht infowars.com.

In een toespraak tot de natie donderdag, drong Bennett erop aan dat burgers die de injectie hebben geweigerd het hele land in gevaar brengen en moeten worden afgezonderd van de samenleving, of meer Lockdowns zullen worden opgelegd.

“Er is een tijd en plaats dat deze discussie moet stoppen. De wetenschap is duidelijk: de vaccins werken, ze zijn effectief, ze zijn veilig.” zei Bennett in de primetime toespraak.

“Een miljoen Israëli’s weigeren zich te laten vaccineren. Ze brengen de hele bevolking in gevaar, ze brengen de andere 8 miljoen burgers in het land in gevaar.”

(PS een ongevaccineerde kan in principe geen gevaccineerde in gevaar brengen, tenzij de gevaccineerde met een nep vaccin werd behandeld) 

Volledig gevaccineerde lopen 65% meer kans op ziekenhuisopname en 1540% meer kans op overlijden als gevolg van Covid-19 dan ongevaccineerden²

Public Health England heeft de 19e technische briefing over Covid-19 varianten vrijgegeven en daaruit blijkt dat mensen die ten minste één dosis van een Covid-19-vaccin hebben gekregen, meer dan 65% uitmaken van alle vermeende Covid-19 stergevallen van 1 februari 2021 tot en met 19 juli 2021, meldt dailyexpose.co.uk.

Het ‘vaccins zijn het antwoord’ narratief wordt aan diggelen geslagen, nu meer en meer van de ‘volledig gevaccineerde’ ziek worden en sterven.

Volgens de CDC’s eigen definitie van ‘vaccin’, is een vaccin: Een product dat het immuunsysteem van een persoon stimuleert om immuniteit te produceren tegen een specifieke ziekte, waardoor de persoon beschermd wordt tegen die ziekte, schrijft  AllNewsPipeline.com.

Terwijl Reuters in februari dit ‘factcheck verhaal‘ publiceerde met de titel “Het mRNA coronavirus vaccin is een vaccin, en het is ontworpen om ziekte te voorkomen”, hebben we alleen al in de afgelopen dagen massa’s bewijs gekregen dat dit zogenaamde ‘vaccin’ niet ‘werkt om ziekte te voorkomen’, met talloze verschillende verhalen die recentelijk over de hele wereld naar buiten zijn gebracht en die het globalistisch ‘vaccin-is-het-antwoord-op-Covid’ narratief, aan diggelen hebben geslagen.

En terwijl links doorgaat met het krankzinnige geschreeuw over “verkeerde informatie” over vaccins die mensen doden, zoals dit artikel Dokter: Hartproblemen door mRNA-injecties “Zal de meeste mensen doden” van 10 juli meldde, zal volgens een arts in British Columbia in Canada “de overgrote meerderheid van de mensen die een injectie krijgen voor het coronavirus binnen een paar korte jaren sterven aan hartfalen”, aldus Dr. Charles Hoffe, M.D.

Dr. Peter Mccullough – Dringende waarschuwing over giftige COVID-19 injecties

Dr. Peter McCullough is professor aan het Texas A & M College of Medicine, voorzitter van de Cardiorenal Society of America, hoofdredacteur van Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, Senior Associate Editor van o.a. American Journal of Cardiology. Hij heeft 46 peer-reviewed publicaties over COVID-19 geschreven en wordt beschouwd als een van ’s werelds deskundigen op dit gebied. Hij heeft in november 2020 getuigenis afgelegd in de commissie voor binnenlandse veiligheid en overheidszaken van de Amerikaanse Senaat en in 2021 in de senaatscommissie voor gezondheid en menselijke diensten van Texas, in de algemene vergadering van Colorado en in de senaat van New Hampshire, over vele aspecten van de reactie op de pandemie, schrijft lewrockwell.com.

Dr. McCullough praktiseert ook interne geneeskunde in Dallas en hij was aanvankelijk een voorstander van het vaccin, totdat de vele bijwerkingen bij zijn patiënten hem volledig van gedachten deden veranderen. Sindsdien is hij fel tegen het vaccin gekant.

Zullen de COVID-19 geïnfecteerde, gemuteerde varianten veroorzaken?

Gebaseerd op wetenschappelijk bewijs is het verhaal dat ongevaccineerde mensen virale fabrieken zijn voor gevaarlijkere varianten onjuist. Net zoals antibiotica resistentie kweken bij bacteriën, oefenen vaccins evolutionaire druk uit op virussen om mutaties te versnellen en meer virulente en gevaarlijke varianten te creëren. Virussen muteren de hele tijd, en als je een vaccin hebt dat de infectie niet volledig blokkeert, dan zal het virus muteren om de immuunrespons van die persoon te omzeilen. Dat is een van de bijzondere kenmerken van de COVID-vaccins – ze zijn niet ontworpen om infectie te blokkeren. Ze laten infectie toe en verminderen in het beste geval de symptomen van die infectie. In een niet-gevaccineerd persoon ondervindt het virus niet dezelfde evolutionaire druk om te muteren in iets sterkers.

Dus als SARS-CoV-2 in dodelijker stammen muteert, is massale vaccinatie de meest waarschijnlijke oorzaak. Tot dusver verschillen de varianten van SARS-CoV-2 hooguit 0,3% van het oorspronkelijke Wuhan-virus. Zo’n kleine variatie betekent dat het virus zich niet als een nieuw virus zal presenteren. Als je hersteld bent van COVID-19, zal je immuunsysteem het nog steeds herkennen, luidt Dr. Joseph Mercola zijn artikel in.

Dagelijkse COVID-doden in Zweden staat op NUL, terwijl andere landen zich klaarmaken voor meer lockdowns

Een land dat niet veel nieuws maakt is Zweden.

Zweden werd in 2020 uiteraard verguisd omdat het afzag van een strikte Lock-down.

De Guardian noemde zijn aanpak “een catastrofe” in wording, terwijl CBS News zei dat Zweden “een voorbeeld was geworden van hoe je niet met COVID-19 moet omgaan”.

Ondanks deze kritiek gaat de Zweedse laissez-faire aanpak van de pandemie vandaag nog steeds door. In tegenstelling tot zijn Europese buren, verwelkomt Zweden toeristen. Bedrijven en scholen zijn bijna zonder beperkingen open. En wat de mondkapjes betreft, is er niet alleen geen mandaat, de Zweedse gezondheidsambtenaren bevelen ze zelfs niet aan.

Wat zijn de resultaten van het veelgeroemde Zweedse laissez-faire-beleid?

Uit gegevens blijkt dat het 7-daags voortschrijdend gemiddelde voor COVID sterfgevallen gisteren nul was. En het staat nu al ongeveer een week op nul.

Wit-Russische president verklaart dat IMF en Wereldbank hem smeergeld hebben aangeboden om COVID-beperkingen op te leggen.

De Wit-Russische president Aleksandr Loekasjenko heeft vorige maand via het Wit-Russische telegraafagentschap BelTA verklaard dat de Wereldbank en het IMF hem een omkoopsom van $940 miljoen USD hebben aangeboden in de vorm van “Covid Relief Aid”. In ruil voor deze 940 miljoen dollar, eisten de Wereldbank en het IMF dat de president van Wit-Rusland:

Zijn mensen in Lock-down plaatsten.

Dwingen om mondkapjes te dragen.

Een streng uitgaansverbod instelt.

Een politiestaat instelt

De economie te laten crashen

WHO beveelt genetische manipulatie van mensen aan.

Degenen die waarschuwden dat de “Corona-vaccinaties” de eerste stap waren in de richting van genetische manipulatie van de mens, werd blootgesteld aan harde aanvallen van de mainstream media, politici en activisten, die dit ontkenden en de bijbehorende angsten belachelijk maakten. Maar dat is nu allemaal achterhaald: op 12 juli 2021 heeft de WHO zelf de kat uit de zak gelaten en aanbevelingen gepubliceerd – voor iedereen beschikbaar op de website van de WHO – over de genetische manipulatie van mensen “ter bevordering van de volksgezondheid” (1), bericht blauerbote.com

Frontnieuws’ artikel over de waarschuwing van de Canadese arts Dr. Bridle werd breed opgemerkt: 

Vaccinonderzoeker geeft “enorme fout” toe, zegt dat spike-eiwit gevaarlijk ‘vergif’ is.

Zoals op dat moment al duidelijk was, werd Bridle vervolgens door de Covidianen aan een enorme vijandigheid blootgesteld. Nu komt er hulp uit onverwachte hoek: de uitvinder van mRNA- en DNA-vaccinaties, Dr. Robert Malone stelt dat Dr. Bridle een onberispelijk karakter heeft en dat zijn mening wordt ondersteund door wetenschappelijke literatuur.

De gebruikelijke aanvallen en het schofferen van Dr. Bridle, die niets anders had gedaan dan het verzamelen en presenteren van gegevens van officiële peer-reviewed studies, moet Dr. Robert Malone hebben geschokt.

Robert W Malone heeft een open brief aan het grote publiek gericht waarin hij verklaart dat hij de mRNA vaccinatietechnieken heeft uitgevonden – en dat de beweringen van Dr. Bridle volkomen juist zijn.


Even bedenken dat AIDS een gevolg van een HIV besmetting, veel gevaarlijker is dat een Griep, eender van welke stam of virus dan ook.

Mogen we dan vragen waarom mensen met AIDS vrij rond mogen lopen, of waarom men niet iedereen in Lock-down dwingt, om besmettingen en verspreiding van het virus te voorkomen.

Waar is de logica naartoe, wanneer men weet dat Corona een vorm van Griep is van een ander stam, zoals bleek na een jaren lange studie van 1960 tot aan de publicatie van de onderzoeken in 1967, en zoals in de besluiten der onderzoekers David Tyrrell en June Almeida werd opgetekend en gepubliceerd.

Waar houdt deze waanzin op, terwijl tot op heden, relatief gezonde mensen geen daadwerkelijk risico lopen of overlijden door Corona, of hetzij eender welke vorm van griep dan ook.

Als laatste:

De sociale netwerken “FaceBook” en “Messenger” dat onder “Face Book” valt, beletten hun  gebruikers om openlijk en grondig gefundeerd, tegen de Corona maatregelen berichten en bewijzen te publiceren, of commentaren op hun acties en blokkades te uiten. Hiermee tonen deze zogenaamde “Sociale platformen” dat ze slechts een dekmantel ten voordelen van overheden en het kapitalisme zijn, en door hun acties de berichtgeving tegen de belangen van hun leden manipuleren, om zo de totale berichtgeving te vervalsen.  

Truth Be Told With Todd Callender, Esq: Destroy the Nanotech Within The Body

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD     Sep 13, 2024 Truth Be Told Truth Be told vaxxchoice I was with Todd Callender Esq this morning dis...