vrijdag 1 oktober 2021

“Update from Israel”, Ilana Rachel over de booster die wel werkt...

 29 Sept. 2021

“Update from Israel”, Ilana Rachel over de booster die wel werkt...

6 maanden geleden interviewde ik Ilana Rachel vanuit Jeruzalem. De video ging viral en bereikte ruim 1.6 miljoen mensen en haar "outcry to the world from Israel" leek voor velen een ver van je bed show maar kijk waar we nu staan.


De greenpass waar Israël toen mee begon is nu ook in ons land van kracht. Medische apartheid die gevaccineerden en ongevaccineerden verdeeld en er wordt al gesproken over een derde prik. Wie had 1.5 jaar geleden gedacht dat tv persoonlijkheden dit beleid verdedigen en denken dat dit een tijdelijke situatie is terwijl er duizenden boa's worden opgeleid om de coronapas te handhaven...en dat voor heel even.


Ilana Rachel geeft een update vanuit Jeruzalem maar deze keer geen “outcry”. Het betreft een booster. Een morele booster die ons kracht geeft en oproept om niet op te geven en te blijven geloven in een toekomst. Een toekomst die alleen tot stand kan komen als jij en ik sterk zijn. Vanuit liefde acteren, empathisch blijven maar ook waakzaam en alert.

Universele kracht

De boodschap van Ilana is een appèl op onze spiritualiteit die niets met religie of geloof in een profeet te maken heeft. Ilana spreekt over een God maar stoor je daar niet aan als atheïst bent of als je een ander geloof aanhangt. God is in dezen niets anders dan een metafoor voor de universele kracht die we samen zijn. De video is dus vooral een appèl op die universele kracht die in ons allen schuilt om ons innerlijk kompas de koers te laten bepalen. En daar is niets zweverigs bij...want als je goed luistert naar je gevoel weet je heel goed welke weg de juiste is.

Outcry from Israel met meer dan 1.6 miljoen views

Ilana Rachel Daniel deed 6 maanden geleden een emotionele noodkreet vanuit Jeruzalem, de hoofdstad van Israël. De video die de hele wereld over ging is hieronder te zien.

Wie is Ilana Rachel?

Ilana Rachel is in Jeruzalem actief als gezondheidsadviseur en voorlichter van een nieuwe politieke partij die flink wordt tegengewerkt door het regime. Een bankrekening openen, is niet mogelijk en ook worden leden van de partij in hun dagelijks leven tegengewerkt. De facebook groep is verwijderd en ook de site is niet meer te vinden maar via dit kranten artikel kun je toch wat info vinden over de activiteiten van haar en de partij.

LINK: https://youtu.be/WMsn0bj_P6o

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Rappeh, A New Israeli Political Party Against the Lockdowns – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]


 Israel News Talk Radio


 3 Adar 5781 – February 15, 2021

The cure has become far worse than the disease. So say angry Israelis across the Left- Right political spectrum. Now, a new political party has formed under Dr. Arieh Avni, called ‘Rappeh’, a new Israeli political party built on informed consent. No more forced lockdowns, no coercion to vaccinate, and a return of human and personal medical rights for everyone, which the Rappeh party states, have been taken away from Israeli citizens under the government’s fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

Also, Israel is getting the ‘cold shoulder’ form US President Joe Biden. He still hasn’t called Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, nor has he made a call to Saudi Arabia, both Middle Eastern allies of the USA. Why are these US allies being ‘stood up’ by the new administration?

Tamar’s guests:

Ilana Rachel Daniel, English language spokesperson for the Rappeh party, who is a Health advisor, health and safety researcher, political activist, and writer. 

Visit their facebook page at ‘Rappeh – Only Health’: www.facebook.com/groups/rappeh/?ref=share

and Barry Shaw from www.Strategic-Israel.org & www.TheViewFromIsrael.com




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Vervuilde lucht triggert burn-out

en depressie

 In periodes met verhoogde luchtvervuiling vallen meer mensen uit op het werk wegens een mentale aandoening, en dan gaat het vooral om burn-out of een ­depressie. Dat schrijft De Standaard donderdag op basis van een studie van de Onafhankelijke Ziekenfondsen, die gevalideerd is door de KU Leuven.

jvh Bron: BELGA  en Jeroen Deblaere Bron: De Standaard/eigen info


Het ziekenfonds legde zijn cijfers over arbeidsongeschiktheid voor het jaar 2019 naast de gegevens van de Intergewestelijke Cel Leefmilieu (Ircel), die de luchtkwaliteit monitort in de drie gewesten. Het is de eerste keer dat zoiets gedaan wordt. Er waren 12.270 mensen bij betrokken die arbeidsongeschikt waren bevonden door een mentale aandoening.

Op momenten waarop het ­aantal roetdeeltjes (of black carbon, een van de types fijn stof) met 0,5 microgram per kubieke meter lucht toenam, werden er 3,5 procent meer diagnoses gesteld. Wanneer een andere polluent, koolstofdioxide (NO2), met 5 microgram per kubieke meter toenam, steeg het aantal arbeidsongeschikten met 4,2 procent. De diagnose werd gesteld de dag van de vervuilingspiek zelf of tot twee dagen erna. Dat wijst op het acute karakter van de effecten.

“Wij zeggen niet dat lucht­vervuiling depressie of burn-out veroorzaakt, daar zijn nog veel andere factoren bij betrokken”, benadrukt Luk Bruyneel, één van de auteurs van de studie. “Maar een dag met een piek in slechte lucht kan wel de trigger zijn, de druppel die de emmer doet overlopen, zeg maar.” Zowel roet als koolstofdioxide komt vooral voort uit de verbranding van fossiele brandstoffen. De Onafhankelijke Ziekenfondsen pleiten daarom voor doorgedreven inspanningen voor een schonere lucht en voor het klimaat.


donderdag 30 september 2021

Voor zij die nog gemaskerd door het leven gingen: NIET VERGETEN vanaf 1/10/21 ......



 26% of those prescribed Remdesivir for COVID died, according to Medicare database

The high mortality rate and frequency of adverse effects associated with Remdesivir 'begs the question … Why is this the protocol in American hospitals?'



Wed Sep 29, 2021 - 7:05 pm EDT

LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. View it here. 

(LifeSiteNews) — An attorney recently released data showing a remarkably high fatality rate for COVID patients who were prescribed Remdesivir.

According to attorney Thomas Renz, 25.9% of those prescribed Remdesivir for COVID-19 are recorded as having died in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) database. CMS data indicated that of 7,960 beneficiaries prescribed Remdesivir for COVID19, 2,058 beneficiaries died. Forty-six percent of those fatalities occurred within 14 days of Remdesivir treatment. 

The death rate for COVID patients prescribed Remdesivir dwarfs the fatality rate of COVID patients prescribed Ivermectin, which is recorded by the CMS database as being 7.2%.

For the public’s further consideration of Remdesivir’s safety, Renz has pointed out that a Remdesivir Clinical Trial Final Report has shown that about a quarter of patients experienced serious adverse events from the drug. The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, showed that “serious adverse events were reported in 131 of the 532 patients who received Remdesivir (24.6%).”

Renz noted on his website that this data “has been withheld by the government from our citizens.” He added, “This begs the question … Why is this the protocol in American hospitals? Does this appear ‘safe and effective’ to you?”

Remdesivir is currently the only Food and Drug Administration-approved drug for the treatment of COVID-19, as the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel continues to recommend against the use of hydroxychloroquine, and will neither recommend for or against Ivermectin.

In a presentation shared on his website, Renz also pointed out that whereas hospitals will pay $390 per vial of Remdesivir, coming out to an average of $2,340 to $3,120 for a fiveday course of the drug, the average cost of Ivermectin per patient is $24.

Renz’s report of the CMS data is not the first to find a high mortality rate with the use of Remdesivir. The drug was dropped from a clinical trial for Ebola in 2018 after it was found that it had the highest death rate of the four drugs being tested, Dr. Bryan Ardis shared in a videotaped interview by an international legal group that is investigating human rights violations by governments during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Ebola clinical trial was sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), of which Fauci is director. As one of then-President Donald Trump’s chief medical advisers on COVID-19, he must have known that Remdesivir had a 50% death rate, compared with 35% of two other drugs in the trial – and that serious side effects, including at least one death, led to the drug being pulled and research on it abandoned.

Even as Fauci promoted the use of Remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19 in April 2020, he admitted that “the mortality benefit of Remdesivir” had “‘not yet reached statistical significance,’” as CNBC reported.

It was after the FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the use of Remdesivir on May 1, 2020, that Ardis told the Corona Investigative Committee that America suffered the highest death rate from COVID-19 in the globe.

“Before May 10, the United States had a lower coronavirus death rate than other high-mortality countries, but after that date, all six of the other high-mortality countries (Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom) had lower death rates than the United States,” according to an October 2020 report from the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP).

In addition, there was a continued failure to demonstrate any life-saving benefit of the drug. In October 2020, just before the FDA granted the drug final approval, a World Health Organization study found the drug didn’t decrease mortality or hospital stays.

Ardis has pointed out that a study on the “Compassionate Use of Remdesivir for Patients with Severe Covid-19” found that 60% of study patients reported adverse events, and 23% reported serious adverse events, the most common being “multiple-organ-dysfunction syndrome, septic shock, acute kidney injury, and hypotension.”

Wolfgang Wodarg, a physician, politician, and former head of the public health department in Flensburg, Germany, agrees with Ardis that Remdesivir is “very toxic.”

“We don’t know any positive effect of this drug, we only know toxic effects. So, this was for sure a wrong decision to give it to so many patients with a positive PCR test,” Wodarg said in a discussion on the “mechanism of organ failure leading to the death” in 2020 of U.S. patients diagnosed with COVID-19.”




Centers For Medicare And Medicaid Services




National Institute Of Allergy And Infectious Diseases




 ‘Damage is done’: Husband of NY nurse forced to resign speaks out on COVID jab mandate

‘[Even if we win in court] my point is it doesn’t matter, you’ve destroyed the lives of the nurses in the meantime,’ the husband said.

                            Anna Jurkovska / Shutterstock.com


Wed Sep 29, 2021 - 2:48 pm EDT

(LifeSiteNews) — The husband of one of the nurses forced out of a job in New York state over the COVID jab mandate told LifeSiteNews that “the damage is done,” even if “we’re going to fight it in court and somehow overturn it.”

“[Even if we win in court] my point is it doesn’t matter, you’ve destroyed the lives of the nurses in the meantime,” he stressed.

Lewis County General Hospital (where his wife worked) shut down the maternity ward on September 25 due to staff shortages exacerbated by the essentially coerced “resignation” of the unvaccinated.

At least 94,000 healthcare workers in New York state are facing termination for refusing to receive the jab, leading Gov. Kathy Hochul to declare a state of emergency Monday, allowing her to call in the National Guard to replace removed workers.

According to the husband, his wife had come across many vitriolic comments and threats from people on the internet, including statements by people who advocate to track down and destroy the lives of workers who lost, or will lose, their jobs for standing up to the state’s vaccine discrimination policy.

In explaining his wife’s side of the story, the husband informed LifeSite that staff shortages have been a consistent problem for “years” in New York state, and these new discriminatory directives will only further “exacerbate” the already pressing issue.

He continued by saying that even if all the maternity staff at Lewis County General Hospital were to have complied and gotten the jab, the ward would still have been required to shut down because the more “essential” departments like the “emergency” department are desperate for workers, and workers from “non-essential” departments like the maternity ward are being poached to fill the urgent vacancies.

In addition to the social ramifications, the husband mentioned that the financial ramifications are possibly even more devastating to many of the now jobless medical professionals.

“Because this is a county hospital, these are state employees,” he said. “It’s not like a non-vaccinated medical professional can just go somewhere else; you’ve destroyed the career of the medical professionals because this is a statewide mandate.”

“Even if they could go somewhere else, they’ve lost their state retirement,” he explained. “Many of these women were willing to work at a local hospital for less money because they knew they were going to get a state retirement, that has all been destroyed now.”

The husband stressed that the mainstream media and his wife’s ex-employer, Lewis County General Hospital, will never admit that “at least one doctor” is among the 165 Lewis County staff deciding not to be injected.

He hinted that excluding to mention that doctors are some of the people against the state mandate is the media’s way of framing the story to suggest to the public that only the “less educated” professionals, such as nurses, are against forced vaccination.

“This is just some of the things we are dealing with in this one-party state, where conservatives and Christians have just no, no influence on their government,” he lamented. “This is happening here, and this is probably one of the most conservative counties in the state, like this is the last bastion of hope, Lewis County, for New York, and it has been destroyed in one fell-swoop.”

When asked about the potential for religious exemptions, the husband told LifeSite that the process was designed to be as difficult as possible, and involved a series of invasive questions he referred to as “repugnant.”

“No sooner did my wife and I kind of work through and say, ‘Okay, here’s going to be our plan to request a religious exemption, and we were going to use the NCBC (National Catholic Bioethics Center) template for her,’ they took away [religious exemptions] as an option,” he outlined. “And of course, that spurred on the St. Thomas More Society lawyers to sue [which led the court to rule that religious exemptions were allowed].”

“[But] imagine being told about the mandate, having to deal with that emotional thing, then being told there is no religious exemption, then being told there is, but it’s so close to the deadline you have to scramble and put something together, all the while the forms are [intentionally] making it very difficult for you,” the husband said.

Expressing gratitude for the work being done in the courts on behalf of the religious objectors to the mandate, the husband emphasized that although that is “well and good,” in many respects, the “damage is [already] done.”

“New York state is, for all intents and purposes, a one-party state,” he said. “This is entirely imposed on us by the Democrats and big cities, all the big cities, Albany and New York City specifically, and we have no recourse.”

“I appreciate that Judge Hurd said, ‘Oh no, here’s a temporary restraining order while we work this out’ … but my point is that it doesn’t matter, you’ve destroyed the lives of the nurses in the meantime,” he reiterated.

The husband referenced the importance of “Catholic moral theology,” which explains that a person ought not cooperate with evil, even if there is a perceived good attached to doing so. He believes, in accordance with Catholic teaching, that the CEO has a moral duty to protect his workers from unjust and illegal government demands, and should in turn have refused to have any “participation” in the implementation of the medical apartheid.

Addressing likeminded people, he stressed the point that “conservatives” need to stop being “failures” and start “conserving” instead of capitulating to demands from “the left,” citing that over the past ten years in particular, these concessions have been steadily “destroying America.”

Gov. Hochul, a radically pro-abortion Democrat, used an odd amount of religious language to promote the reception of the abortion-tainted vaccines to a group of Christians in Brooklyn on Sunday. “I need you to be my apostles,” Hochul said. “I need you to go out and talk about it and say, ‘We owe this to each other. We love each other.’”


Coronavirus Vaccine

Kathy Hochul

Vaccine Mandates

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