woensdag 25 januari 2023

Study: These two simple nutritional supplements trigger spike protein UNFOLDING and may neutralize its harmful properties

Monday, January 23, 2023 by: Ethan Huff

Tags: #nutritionacetylcysteinealternative medicineantiviralBromAcBromelainCOVIDdiscoveriesgoodhealthgoodmedicinegoodscienceinfectionsnatural curesnatural healthnatural medicinenutraceuticalsnutrientsoutbreakpandemicpreventionremediesresearchspike proteinsupplements

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author



(Natural News) Is it possible to mitigate the damaging effects of covid “vaccine” spike proteins through simple nutrition? A new study published in the journal Viruses seems to suggest so.

Australian researchers looked at two common nutritional supplements – bromelain and acetylcysteine (BromAc) – that are capable of unfolding the structures that hold spike proteins together, effectively neutralizing them.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, also known as SARS-CoV-2, is demarcated by a spike glycoprotein and envelope protein that contains disulfide bridges for stabilization. They bind to the ACE2 receptor in host cells present in the nasal mucosa, triggering infection.

A BromAc treatment, the team found, is capable of “synergistic action against glycoproteins” in that the nutritional duo breaks apart the glycosidic linkages and disulfide bonds, reducing or even eliminating the ability of spike proteins to cause covid infection.

These same spike proteins, just to clarify, are present inside all of the so-called “vaccines” currently available to the public. Some would argue that the only source of these spike proteins is the injections, and that covid itself does not exist since the alleged virus has never been isolated.

“We sought to determine the effect of BromAc on the spike and envelope proteins and its potential to reduce infectivity in host cells,” the paper reads. “Recombinant spike and envelope SARS-CoV-2 proteins were disrupted by BromAc. Spike and envelope protein disulfide bonds were reduced by Acetylcysteine.”

“In in vitro whole virus culture of both wild-type and spike mutants, SARS-CoV-2 demonstrated a concentration-dependent inactivation from BromAc treatment but not from single agents. Clinical testing through nasal administration in patients with early SARS-CoV-2 infection is imminent.”

Is BromAc a natural solution for covid jab spike protein damage?

While treatment with acetylcysteine alone did not show any alteration of spike proteins, a combination of acetylcysteine and bromelain, or BromAc, at 50 and 100
g/20 mg/mL and 50 and 100µ g/mL, respectively, resulted in significant protein alteration.

“Treatment with Acetylcysteine on the envelope protein did not alter the protein, whereas treatment with Bromelain at 50 and 100µ g/mL and BromAc at 50 and 100µ g/20 mg/mL also resulted in near complete and complete fragmentation, respectively,” the paper further explains.

In other words, combining these two nutrients at the levels depicted in the study led to destabilization and unraveling of covid spike proteins, which is good news for everyone who got jabbed, as well as for those who may have had spike protein “shed” on them from a fully vaccinated person.

Since the tests were conducted in vitro, or in a test tube, more study is needed to determine if the same results can be achieved in actual human subjects. Still, the results are “encouraging,” the researchers say, pointing to a natural solution for covid spike proteins that otherwise outsmart most other potential remedies.

“There is currently no suitable therapeutic treatment for early SARS-CoV-2 aimed at preventing disease progression,” the authors note. “BromAc is under clinical development by the authors for mucinous cancers due to its ability to alter complex glycoprotein structures. The potential of BromAc on SARS-CoV-2 spike and envelope proteins stabilized by disul?de bonds was examined and found to induce the unfolding of recombinant spike and envelope proteins by reducing disul?de stabilizer bridges.”

“BromAc also showed an inhibitory effect on wild-type and spike mutant SARS-CoV-2 by inactivation of its replication capacity in vitro. Hence, BromAc may be an effective therapeutic agent for early SARS-CoV-2 infection, despite mutations, and even have potential as a prophylactic in people at high risk of infection.”

You can read the full story for free at ResearchGate.net.

You will also find more stories like this at CoronavirusNutrients.com.

Sources for this article include:




dinsdag 24 januari 2023

F*ck jullie ineffectieve gezichtsmaskers, F*ck jullie frauduleuze dodelijke mRNA Pfizer & Moderna COVID gen-vaccin, F*ck jullie vaccinpaspoorten, F*ck jullie groene klimaatzwendel, F*ck jullie digitale ID & CBDC’s

 januari 24, 2023  4833  38 


F*ck jullie sociale krediet bullshit, F*ck jullie oorlogen, F*ck alles wat jullie ons hebben aangedaan met COVID lockdown waanzin want wij zullen jullie ter verantwoording roepen, hoe lang het ook duurt, jullie zijn de COVID Taliban, wij zijn de COVID jagers.

Ja, ’the big Kill’ komt eraan en ik crediteer mijn vriend Dr. Hodkinson voor het bedenken van deze uitdrukking. #diedsuddenly. Ja, waarom is ‘plots gestorven’ een van de meest opgezochte woorden in de media vandaag? Deze hashtag #diedsuddenly, schrijft Drs. Paul Alexander.

Dit hebben wij als goede mensen niet verdiend. Zij hadden hun zieke verwrongen hegemonie duistere bedoelingen, maar hoefden ons onderweg niet te schaden.

Volgende kerst zullen wij ons geloof, onze religie, onze Heer, het leven, onze families vieren, we zijn burgerlijk, goed bestuur, vreedzaam, altijd gezagsgetrouw, en we staan nu op en worden wakker en begrijpen dat dit een echte oorlog is, een echte strijd voor uw leven en toekomst en wat u achterlaat voor uw kinderen en kleinkinderen.

Ze voeren nu al 3 jaar oorlog tegen ons en ze zullen niet stoppen. We moeten ze stoppen bij de stembus en de rechtbanken. We hebben geen keus.

Dit is oorlog, zij voeren oorlog met u, ken de vijand en reageer met helder denken. Gebruik uw kritisch denken nu.

Fu*k ze allemaal, want nu heeft elke gevaccineerde met die frauduleuze COVID-injecties vaccinletsel opgelopen. Ja. Pfizer en Moderna weten dit, Fauci en anderen weten dit. Zij hebben uw natuurlijke aangeboren en adaptieve immuniteit op lange termijn verkloot. Zij kunnen op geen enkele manier bewijzen hoe deze fraudeprik u heeft geholpen, want zij weten dat het nooit heeft gewerkt. Het was allemaal een leugen! Allemaal, deze hele pandemische fraude om een duistere reden die we binnenkort te weten zullen komen.


Fu*k alles wat jullie ons de afgelopen 3 jaar hebben aangedaan, het gevoel van hopeloosheid, wanhoop, hulpeloosheid, machteloosheid. Jullie smerige geestelijk lege slechte mensen. Academisch slordige incompetente misdadigers bij CDC, NIH, FDA en NIAID. Allemaal die achterover leunden en deelnamen terwijl ze het bedrog van jullie acties kenden.

Jullie beesten, jullie COVIDiaanse Taliban, jullie Fauci en Francis Collins et al. hebben alles beschadigd en om zeep geholpen, jullie hebben de klinische geneeskunde om zeep geholpen want niemand vertrouwt nog een dokter. Jullie hebben academisch onderzoek en universitair onderwijs vermoord, jullie hebben evidence-based medicine/EBM vermoord, jullie hebben het publiceren van medische artikelen vermoord, jullie hebben het allemaal vermoord in jullie verrotte ondernemingen.

Wij (u, alle lezers hier, wij allemaal) zijn unieke krachtige mensen, individuen, jong en oud en voor al het goede dat u ooit doet, loven en prijzen wij u en danken wij u. En voor al het onrecht in COVID zullen wij zorgen dat we gerechtigheid en verantwoording krijgen in de rechtsgang, tribunalen, hoorzittingen. Dat moet.

Copyright © 2023 vertaling door Frontnieuws.


Cardiologist goes off script on live TV, warns covid vaccines pose a cardiovascular risk and must be shut down

 Tuesday, January 17, 2023 by: Lance D Johnson

Tags: Aseem MalhotrabadhealthbadmedicineBBCBig Pharmabiological weaponcardiovascular riskcorporate mediacovid vaccinesDangerous Medicineheart healthheat attackModernapandemicPfizerpharmaceutical fraudpridepropagandaspike proteinsudden deathtruthUnexplainedvaccine deathvaccine moratorium

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author



(Natural News) Cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra took the BBC and the medical establishment by surprise when he ditched the script and called for an end to the covid-19 vaccine program. In a live BBC broadcast, Dr. Malhotra said that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines pose a cardiovascular risk and are the most likely contributing factor to the excess cardiovascular death that is being observed in the young and in the old.

Cardiologist who lost his father to the covid jabs is now speaking out

As the visiting Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine at the Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health in Brazil, Dr. Malhotra was a respected voice during the vaccine rollout. As an honorary council member of the Stanford University School of Medicine’s Metabolic Psychiatry Clinic and cardiology examiner at the U.K.’s University of Hertfordshire, Dr. Malhotra was expected to get the vaccine first and promote the jabs every chance he got. And that’s what he did, until he lost his father to the vaccines in July of 2021.

Dr. Malhotra lost his father – Dr. Kailash Chand – who died from an unexplained cardiac event, suddenly and unexpectedly after taking the covid-19 vaccines. Dr. Chand was “a very eminent doctor in the U.K., considered one of the most prolific advocates for the National Health Service.” He too advocated for the vaccines, but they did not save his life.

Since then, Dr. Malhotra has publicly suggested that the covid vaccines were a contributing factor in his father’s tragic, sudden death. In an October 20, 2022 tweet, Dr. Malhotra wrote: “How did my father die? It’s very likely that the mRNA products cause rapid acceleration of coronary artery disease. The evidence is clear & overwhelming for complete suspension of these vaccines pending an inquiry. Today I take this to parliament. Let’s end this!”

Before he lost his father, Dr. Malhotra followed the script, promoting covid-19 vaccines on television and proudly stating he was one of the first to take the Pfizer jab. Today, after reviewing the scientific data, he is calling for the covid-19 vaccine program to be shut down.

He said live on the BBC: “What is almost certain — if I can just say this — my own research has found, and this is something that is probably a likely contributing factor, is that the COVID mRNA vaccines do carry a cardiovascular risk. And I’ve actually called for the suspension of this pending an inquiry, because there’s a lot of uncertainty at the moment over what’s causing the excess deaths.”

The network’s presenter, Lukwesa Burak, was caught entirely off guard. Burak followed up with, “So what you’re saying in terms of the mRNA link to cardiovascular risk is that that’s been proven medically, scientifically?”

BBC deploys propagandist to denigrate those who lost a loved one to the covid jabs

BBC spokesperson tried to cover up the truth by having another doctor come on and rebuke Malhotra’s claims. “Dr. Aseem Malhotra was invited on to the BBC News Channel to talk about the latest NICE [National Institute for Health and Care Excellence] recommendations on statins. During the discussion he made unprompted claims about the COVID mRNA vaccine. We then asked Professor Peter Openshaw, who represents the overwhelming scientific consensus on the vaccine, to be interviewed on air on this topic and he challenged and rebutted the claims that had been made.”

Dr. Openshaw is a professor of experimental medicine at Imperial College London. This is the same institution that conjured up models in March 2020 predicting mass infection and death if lockdowns and social distancing were not implemented worldwide. Dr. Openshaw was essentially used as a propagandist to denigrate those who lost a loved one to the covid jabs. To make matters worse, the medical establishment and the corporate media are now trying to paint the grieving Dr. Malhotra as an “antivaxxer” who spreads “misinformation” even after he got the vaccines, promoted the vaccines, and grieved the loss of his father after he died from the vaccines.

Sources include:






      Video Link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Bb5zRrldtA46/

Mirror. Source
Young Hearts Part 30 – A Narrative Shift has begun 

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Covid Vaccine Scientific Proof Lethal https://www.saveusnow.org.uk/covid-vaccine-scientific-proof-lethal/ Source: Get this shared all over - Action time is now Here is the science link, the crime ref# is 6029679/21 https://tinyurl.com/ywdw84t8

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In deze 13 Europese landen is het geboortecijfer schrikbarend gedaald

Negen maanden na de uitrol van de coronaprikken is het geboortecijfer in 13 Europese landen, Engeland en Wales, Australië en Taiwan schrikbarend gedaald, blijkt uit onderzoek van arts Robert Chandler.

In Zwitserland is sprake van de grootste daling in 150 jaar, ontdekte Chandler. Het geboortecijfer daalt daar nog harder dan in de twee wereldoorlogen en de Grote Depressie.

In drie kwartalen van 2022 daalde het geboortecijfer in Duitsland met 8,3 procent. Tot juni 2022 was het geboortecijfer in Engeland en Wales met 12 procent gedaald. Daarna stopte de overheid met het publiceren van data.

Tachtig procent ging dood

Ook in Taiwan worden aanzienlijk minder baby’s geboren, maar de gegevens zijn onvolledig. Tussen oktober en november 2021 daalde het geboortecijfer in Australië met 21 procent, van november tot december 2021 met 63 procent.

Op 25 augustus vorig jaar publiceerde de Zwitserse Hagemann-groep een onderzoek over de zeer alarmerende daling van de geboortecijfers in Europa. Volgens de groep kan de daling worden gelinkt aan de coronavaccinaties.

Chandler laat ook zien dat Pfizer wist dat de prikken schadelijk zijn voor de vruchtbaarheid. Toch gingen ze ermee door. Tachtig procent van de baby’s die ze volgden, ging dood, zei journalist Naomi Wolf in Bannon’s War Room.

Ze moorden West-Europa uit

En nu zien we dus dat de geboortecijfers in West-Europa negen maanden na de uitrol van de vaccins beginnen te kelderen. “Ze moorden West-Europa uit.”

Bij de 13 landen in Europa gaat het om Finland, Zwitserland, Nederland, Litouwen, Oostenrijk, Duitsland, Letland, Hongarije, Polen, Zweden, Slovenië, Estland en Roemenië.

Top 10 plaatsen waar u ZEKER uw handen moet wassen na aanraking

  16-12-2024 //  SD. Wells  //  2K  Views Tags:  bacteria places ,  badhealth ,  ziekteoorzaken ,  deurkiemen ,  kiem beladen ,  kiemplaat...