woensdag 25 januari 2023

Study: These two simple nutritional supplements trigger spike protein UNFOLDING and may neutralize its harmful properties

Monday, January 23, 2023 by: Ethan Huff

Tags: #nutritionacetylcysteinealternative medicineantiviralBromAcBromelainCOVIDdiscoveriesgoodhealthgoodmedicinegoodscienceinfectionsnatural curesnatural healthnatural medicinenutraceuticalsnutrientsoutbreakpandemicpreventionremediesresearchspike proteinsupplements

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author



(Natural News) Is it possible to mitigate the damaging effects of covid “vaccine” spike proteins through simple nutrition? A new study published in the journal Viruses seems to suggest so.

Australian researchers looked at two common nutritional supplements – bromelain and acetylcysteine (BromAc) – that are capable of unfolding the structures that hold spike proteins together, effectively neutralizing them.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, also known as SARS-CoV-2, is demarcated by a spike glycoprotein and envelope protein that contains disulfide bridges for stabilization. They bind to the ACE2 receptor in host cells present in the nasal mucosa, triggering infection.

A BromAc treatment, the team found, is capable of “synergistic action against glycoproteins” in that the nutritional duo breaks apart the glycosidic linkages and disulfide bonds, reducing or even eliminating the ability of spike proteins to cause covid infection.

These same spike proteins, just to clarify, are present inside all of the so-called “vaccines” currently available to the public. Some would argue that the only source of these spike proteins is the injections, and that covid itself does not exist since the alleged virus has never been isolated.

“We sought to determine the effect of BromAc on the spike and envelope proteins and its potential to reduce infectivity in host cells,” the paper reads. “Recombinant spike and envelope SARS-CoV-2 proteins were disrupted by BromAc. Spike and envelope protein disulfide bonds were reduced by Acetylcysteine.”

“In in vitro whole virus culture of both wild-type and spike mutants, SARS-CoV-2 demonstrated a concentration-dependent inactivation from BromAc treatment but not from single agents. Clinical testing through nasal administration in patients with early SARS-CoV-2 infection is imminent.”

Is BromAc a natural solution for covid jab spike protein damage?

While treatment with acetylcysteine alone did not show any alteration of spike proteins, a combination of acetylcysteine and bromelain, or BromAc, at 50 and 100
g/20 mg/mL and 50 and 100µ g/mL, respectively, resulted in significant protein alteration.

“Treatment with Acetylcysteine on the envelope protein did not alter the protein, whereas treatment with Bromelain at 50 and 100µ g/mL and BromAc at 50 and 100µ g/20 mg/mL also resulted in near complete and complete fragmentation, respectively,” the paper further explains.

In other words, combining these two nutrients at the levels depicted in the study led to destabilization and unraveling of covid spike proteins, which is good news for everyone who got jabbed, as well as for those who may have had spike protein “shed” on them from a fully vaccinated person.

Since the tests were conducted in vitro, or in a test tube, more study is needed to determine if the same results can be achieved in actual human subjects. Still, the results are “encouraging,” the researchers say, pointing to a natural solution for covid spike proteins that otherwise outsmart most other potential remedies.

“There is currently no suitable therapeutic treatment for early SARS-CoV-2 aimed at preventing disease progression,” the authors note. “BromAc is under clinical development by the authors for mucinous cancers due to its ability to alter complex glycoprotein structures. The potential of BromAc on SARS-CoV-2 spike and envelope proteins stabilized by disul?de bonds was examined and found to induce the unfolding of recombinant spike and envelope proteins by reducing disul?de stabilizer bridges.”

“BromAc also showed an inhibitory effect on wild-type and spike mutant SARS-CoV-2 by inactivation of its replication capacity in vitro. Hence, BromAc may be an effective therapeutic agent for early SARS-CoV-2 infection, despite mutations, and even have potential as a prophylactic in people at high risk of infection.”

You can read the full story for free at ResearchGate.net.

You will also find more stories like this at CoronavirusNutrients.com.

Sources for this article include:




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