maandag 19 juli 2021

Hoe klimaatverandering de verwoestende regenval van vorige week heeft aangewakkerd (en hoe we dat weten)

 Mick Van Loon  19/07/2021

© Aangeboden door Business AM

 De desastreuze zware regenval en de daaropvolgende overstromingen in ons land en Duitsland, is extreem weer waarvan de intensiteit wordt versterkt door klimaatverandering. Zelfs wetenschappers die in het verleden aarzelden om een ​​extreme weersgebeurtenis expliciet in verband te brengen met klimaatverandering, stellen duidelijk dat klimaatverandering een rol speelde. Waarom?

Met meer opwarming zullen dit soort extreem weer-gebeurtenissen steeds vaker voorvallen. En niet alleen ver weg, maar zoals we nu zien, ook bij ons.

Dat Europese politici een directe lijn zouden trekken tussen deze extreme weersomstandigheden en klimaatverandering, is misschien niet zo’n verrassing, aangezien dezelfde week de Europese Unie een uitgebreide reeks voorstellen had aangekondigd om de klimaatnoodsituatie aan te pakken – voorstellen die stuiten op stevige tegenstand uit vele sectoren, waaronder minder welvarende EU-landen of landen die sterk afhankelijk zijn van fossiele brandstoffen.

Een catastrofale weersgebeurtenis die direct nadat die voorstellen waren aangekondigd, toeslaat, helpt EU-functionarissen zeker te illustreren waarom een ​​dergelijk ambitieus beleid nodig is. Maar het zijn niet alleen beleidsmakers die het verband leggen tussen de overstromingen in Europa en een opwarmende planeet: zelfs wetenschappers die in het verleden aarzelden om een ​​extreme weersgebeurtenis expliciet in verband te brengen met klimaatverandering, stellen duidelijk dat klimaatverandering hier waarschijnlijk een rol speelde.

Deze nieuwe bereidheid om deze expliciete verbanden te leggen, is deels te danken aan de vooruitgang in de attributiewetenschap. In attributiestudies wordt onderzocht wat de invloed van klimaatverandering is op de waarschijnlijkheid van optreden van een specifiek geval van extreem weer is, of op de omvang van de gevolgen.

Betere computers en meer gegevens

Een artikel uit 2004, gepubliceerd in Nature, wordt algemeen beschouwd als het eerste wetenschappelijke artikel over attributie en klimaatverandering. Drie Britse onderzoekers modelleerden daarin hoe menselijke activiteiten de kans op de recordbrekende hittegolf in de zomer van 2003 in Europa vergrootten. Het onderliggende concept dat in deze eerste en daarop volgende studies wordt gebruikt, is vergelijkbaar met de manier waarop we risico’s in de volksgezondheid bepalen: net zoals medische onderzoekers kunnen bestuderen hoe het roken van sigaretten het risico op longkanker bij mensen verandert door gegevens van rokers en niet-rokers te vergelijken, vergelijken attributiewetenschappers gebeurtenissen op onze planeet met die op een hypothetische “Planet B”, een planeet die onaangetast is door de uitstoot van broeikasgassen.

Het modelleren van deze hypothetische planeet kost veel rekenkracht, maar in het afgelopen decennium heeft betere technologie gezorgd voor een hausse in het veld. Onderzoekers hebben geen speciale computerbanken meer nodig om de meeste berekeningen uit te voeren; projecties van de hypothetische, klimaatonveranderde planeet B kunnen op laptops draaien.

Onderzoekers hebben nu ook veel meer gegevens die aantonen hoeveel klimaatverandering de frequentie en waarschijnlijkheid van hittegolven (en branden die daarop volgen), droogte, maar ook intense stormen en hevige regenval beïnvloedt. Met andere woorden, hoe meer extreme weersomstandigheden zich voordoen, hoe meer mogelijkheden wetenschappers hebben om te leren hoe erg de impact van klimaatverandering werkelijk is.

Hoe klimaatverandering extreme regenval kan veroorzaken

In de nu getroffen gebieden in ons land maar ook in Duitsland en Nederlands Limburg, werd op twee dagen tijd bijna evenveel regen geregistreerd als de regio gewoonlijk in een maand ziet. Er zijn twee belangrijke verbanden tussen klimaatverandering en die extreme regenval. Ten eerste kan een warmere atmosfeer meer vocht vasthouden. Volgens de Clausius-Clapeyron-vergelijking kan een temperatuurstijging van één graad de intensiteit van de regenval met 7 procent verhogen.

Maar dat is niet de enige factor. Het tweede punt is dat aan de polen in temperatuur toeneemt met twee tot drie keer de snelheid van aan de evenaar. Dat verzwakt de straalstroom boven ons deel van Europa. In de zomer en de herfst heeft de verzwakking van de straalstroom een ​​domino-effect waardoor langzamer bewegende regenstormen ontstaan. Die blijven dus langer boven eenzelfde gebied hangen en lozen daar meer water. Er is dus een dubbele klap van toenemende intensiteit, maar de regenstormen houden plaatselijk ook langer aan.


Zo hoor je het ook eens van een ander:

Meeste Britse tieners krijgen geen coronavaccinatie


De meeste Britse tieners zullen geen inenting tegen COVID-19 worden aangeboden, zo heeft volgens Sky News staatssecretaris van Inentingen Nadhim Zahawi maandag op een persconferentie bekendgemaakt.

Niet alle adolescenten kunnen zich kunnen aanmelden voor een prik, omdat het Britse vaccinatiecomité (JCVI) dat niet heeft geadviseerd. Volgens het JCVI hebben gezonde kinderen minimaal voordeel bij een inenting, vooral omdat ze bijna nooit ernstig ziek van COVID-19 worden.

Alleen minderjarigen met onderliggende gezondheidsrisico's of die met zo iemand leven komen in aanmerking voor een inenting.



 Doctor Releases Horrific Findings!


PHOTOGRAPHIC PROOF! The shots being referred to as 'vaccines' are absolutely poisonous, 
and the proof is now here!

Mirrored - Stew Peters TV

Expert Scientists Testify on Virus Origin

Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked 17/07/2021

  • Expert testimony from two scientists adds to evidence that clarifies the origin of COVID-19, which they believe leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, as a result of controversial gain-of-function (GOF) research
  • There is no evidence to support the theory that SARS-CoV-2 emerged from a wet market in China, and no animal host or widespread animal-to-human transmission has been found
  • SARS-CoV-2 has a unique trigger on the surface called a furin cleavage site and a unique code in the genes for that site called a CGG-CGG dimer; these markers do not exist in natural coronaviruses, but are known to have been used in GOF research
  • SARS-CoV-2 was preadapted for optimal human-to-human transmission, another sign of GOF research

Two scientists were called as witnesses at the House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Select Coronavirus Crisis hearing, held June 29, 2021.1 Their testimony adds evidence that clarifies the origin of COVID-19, which they believe leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, as a result of controversial gain-of-function (GOF) research.

Many have stated that we’ll never truly know the origin, short of China confessing or a whistleblower coming forward. But as Richard Muller, Professor Emeritus of physics at the University of California, Berkeley, stated during his testimony, “We have a whistleblower, the virus itself.”2

Muller, who has worked on scientific efforts that have won Nobel Prizes, states that the virus, which came out of China, carried with it genetic information about its origins.

“In my mind, there are five compelling sets of scientific evidence that allow us to reach this very strong conclusion that, yes, it was a laboratory leak,” Muller said. Dr. Steven Quay, the first scientist to testify, came to the same conclusion that COVID-19 has a laboratory origin, based on “six undisputed facts that support this hypothesis.”

A summary of the evidence, which they review in detail in the video above, follows, in the hope that, by revealing the true origin of COVID-19, we can help to prevent future pandemics and related loss of life.

‘Could They Have Come From Our Lab?’

Quay is a physician and scientist with an impressive background, including hundreds of published articles that have been cited over 10,000 times. Quay holds 87 patents across 22 different fields of medicine, has invented seven FDA-approved medicines — and believes that SARS-CoV-2 came from a laboratory in China.

I recently interviewed Dr. Quay and we will post it soon. But in his research paper of 140 pages, which is more like a book, he makes a strong argument that there is virtually no chance that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is from nature. How unlikely? Imagine all the atoms in the universe and then imagine trying to find the same atom twice. That would be far more likely than the virus coming from nature.

As early as December 30, 2019, there were signs. This was the day Shi Zhengli, Ph.D., the director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s (WIV) Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases, also known as “bat woman,” was told about a novel coronavirus that had caused an outbreak of pneumonia cases close to WIV.

“Could they have come from our lab?” Shi, who had been studying bat-borne viruses since 2004, including SARS-like coronaviruses, wondered.3 Since then, evidence has continued to accumulate that COVID-19 likely emerged from a laboratory in China after having undergone some sort of manipulation to encourage infectiousness and pathology in humans, known as gain-of-function (GOF) research. According to Quay:4

“In the last 18 months, we’ve learned an intense amount about the origin of the pandemic, but one of my frustrations is that virologists and science writers around the world seem to want to ignore what has been learned and the inevitable conclusion it reveals.

As inconvenient as it is, I believe the evidence conclusively establishes that the COVID pandemic was not a natural process, but instead came from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, and that it has the fingerprints of genetic manipulation for a process called gain of function research.”

Quay: Six Undisputed Facts Suggest COVID Leaked From Lab

Quay stated that six undisputed facts support the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 leaked from a lab.5

1.COVID Didn’t Begin in a Seafood Market — In the early days of the outbreak, China told the world that the COVID-19 pandemic began at the Hunan Seafood Market, a wet market in Wuhan, because half the initial cases were associated with that location. This is reminiscent of other coronavirus outbreaks, including SARS-Cov-1 (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), both of which began in animal markets.

However, “after 18 months, we know it [COVID-19] did not begin in a market in Wuhan for three reasons,” Quay said. First, none of the early COVID patients from the Hunan market were infected with the earliest version of the virus, meaning that when they came to the market, they were already infected.

“Four patients with the earliest version of virus had one thing in common,” Quay said. “None had exposure to the market.” Second, none of the environmental specimens taken from the market had the earliest virus either, which means they also came into the market already infected.

In addition, 457 animals from the Hunan market were tested, and all were negative for COVID. Another 616 animals from suppliers to the Hunan market were also tested, and all were negative. Wild animals from southern China — 1,864 of them, of the type found in the Hunan market — were also tested and found to be negative for the virus.

2.The Virus Has Not Been Found in an Animal Host — Scientists have tested 80,000 samples from 209 different species, but the SARS-CoV-2 virus has not been found in a single specimen. “The probability of this for a community-acquired infection is about 1 in a million,” Quay said. “This is what you’d expect for a lab-acquired infection.”

3.No Cases of COVID Were Detected in Blood Samples Prior to December 29 — If the virus had emerged naturally from a wild animal, a small number of cases would likely have already been in circulation. But, “after testing 9,952 stored human blood specimens from Wuhan hospitals from before December 29, there was not a single case of COVID in any specimen,” Quay said.

“It was expected that between 100 and 400 would be positive. The probability of this for a community-acquired infection is also about 1 in a million, but this is what you’d expect for a lab-acquired infection.”6

4.No Evidence of Multiple Animal-to-Human Transmissions — With prior coronavirus outbreaks like SARS and MERS, 50% to 90% of the early cases were clearly linked back to various animal-to-human infections. For SARS-Cov-2, 249 early cases of COVID-19 were examined genetically and they were all human-to-human transmission.

For a community-acquired infection, Quay said, “This is the probability of tossing a coin 249 times and getting heads every single time. This is, however, what you’d expect for a lab-acquired infection.”

5.SARS-CoV-2 Has Two Unique Factors That Point to GOF — SARS-CoV-2 has a unique trigger on the surface called a furin cleavage site and a unique code in the genes for that site called a CGG-CGG dimer. “These are two independent levels of uniqueness,” Quay noted. Furin is a protein coding gene that activates certain proteins by snipping off specific sections.

To gain entry into your cells, the virus must first bind to an ACE2 or CD147 receptor on the cell. Next, the S2 spike protein subunit must be proteolytically cleaved (cut). Without this protein cleavage, the virus would simply attach to the receptor and not get any further. “The furin site is why the virus is so transmissible, and why it invades the heart, the brain and the blood vessels,” Quay explained.7

While furin cleavage sites do exist in other viruses like Ebola, HIV, zika and yellow fever, they’re not naturally found in coronaviruses, which is one reason why researchers have called the furin cleavage site the “smoking gun” that proves SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab. The entire group of coronaviruses to which SARS-CoV-2 belongs does not contain a single example of a furin cleavage site or CGG-CGG code, Quay said.

Quay’s Bayesian analysis of SARS-CoV-2 origins revealed that finding a CGG-CGG codon pair in the furin site of SARS-CoV-2 is “a highly improbable event,” and this can be used to adjust the likelihood that SARS-CoV-2 is of zoonotic origin to only 0.5%, while the likelihood of laboratory origin is 99.5%.8

Further, since 1992, WIV and other laboratories around the world have inserted furin sites into viruses repeatedly as part of GOF experiments. “It is the only sure method that always works and always makes them more infectious,” Quay said. WIV was also known for their broad use of CGG-CGG codon pairs.

Quay wrote in his analysis, “Scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology provided the scientific community with a technical bulletin on how to make genetic inserts in coronaviruses and proposed using the very tool that would insert this CGGCGG codon.”9

6.SARS-CoV-2 Optimized for Human Transmission — Quay’s last point focused on SARS-CoV-2 being preadapted for human-to-human transmission. “Specifically,” he said, “the part of the virus that interacts with human cells was 99.5% optimized. When Sars-1 first jumped into humans, it had only 17% of the changes needed to cause an epidemic.” How was SARS-CoV-2 “taught” to infect humans so efficiently in a laboratory?

A commonly used GOF method to optimize SARS-CoV-2, Quay explained, would have been serial passage in a lab on a humanized mouse to develop human-like pneumonia. In short, researchers infect the humanized mouse with the virus, wait a week, then recover the virus from the sickest mouse. That virus is then used to infect more mice, and the process is repeated until you get a virus that can kill all of the mice.

The challenge is to create the humanized mice to begin the process in the first place, but it’s known that part of WIV’s GOF research involved using humanized mice for experiments to determine which coronaviruses could infect humans, as well as research to make viruses that weren’t able to infect humans do just that.10

Other reports also claimed that WIV was carrying out research infecting humanized mice with novel bat SARS coronaviruses in 2019, and years earlier video was released showing WIV scientists working with little or no protective gear while working with live viruses.11

What’s more, according to Quay, WIV acknowledged they’ve been working with humanized mice, developed by Ralph Baric, Ph.D., at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, at U.S. taxpayers’ expense.12

Five More Signs That Point to a Lab Origin

Muller largely agreed with Quay’s testimony and added five points of his own, which further solidify the high likelihood that COVID-19 came from a lab.13

1.Absence of prepandemic infections — Like Quay, Muller found the absence of prepandemic infections in more than 9,000 samples taken in Wuhan to be highly suspect. “It’s unprecedented,” he said. “It didn’t happen with MERS or SARS.”

2.Absence of a host animal — Muller brought up the February 2020 Lancet letter,14 in which a group of 27 scientists, including Peter Daszak, who has close ties to WIV, condemned “conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.”

If you look at The Lancet letter, Muller said, they say you can dismiss a lab origin because China identified the host animal and even went so far as to praise China for its openness. “This paper, The Lancet, does not read well when we look at it 16 months later,” Muller said, noting that a host animal hasn’t been found.

3.Unprecedented genetic purity — Echoing Quay, Muller also said that SARS-CoV-2’s unique genetic footprint is unlike that of other coronaviruses like MERS and SARS, as well as that of other types of natural viruses. But, he said, “It is exactly what you would expect if you’d gone through gain of function.”

4.Spike mutation — Muller also highlighted the unique mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. “The fact that there’s no known way for that spike mutation to get there other than a gene insertion in a laboratory is a very powerful argument,” Muller said.

5.Virus was optimized to attack humans — This is something that has never happened in natural virus releases, Muller said, “but it does happen if you run it through gain of function.”

While there is no evidence in favor of a zoonotic origin for SARS-CoV-2, “each one of these things is compelling by itself,” Muller said. “If we had any one of the five things, we should conclude that the evidence strongly favors the lab origin.” And we have not one of the five, but all of them. Muller also shared an anecdote that occurred with a colleague of his — a story he says is “as horrifying and more frightening than almost anything else in my life.”

In the early days of the pandemic, he called on an expert virologist friend to help him review literature suggesting there may have been a lab leak. The friend said no, so he asked if someone in his laboratory could do it. But the answer was no again. Muller pressed him on the refusal, to which he responded:

“If anyone in my laboratory is discovered to be working on a laboratory leak hypothesis, China will label us enemies of China and the laboratory will be blacklisted and we will no longer be able to collaborate. We collaborate all the time with China. Nobody will take that risk.”

“The idea that China has managed to interfere, to break United States’ freedom of expression, freedom of investigation, freedom of thought through this collaboration is really scary,” Muller said, calling it “one of the most chilling conversations I’ve had in my life.” Ultimately, however, the truth will prevail as long as the long-censored lab-leak theory and evidence in support of it continue to go mainstream. 

zondag 18 juli 2021

Studies highlight the dangers of face masks for children

Image: Studies highlight the dangers of face masks for children

(Natural News) Face masks have been a necessity for everyone since the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic began. But two studies have pointed out that face masks do more harm than good, especially to children. Both papers focused on the negative effects of high concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) children inhale when wearing masks for prolonged periods.

The first study published June 2021 in JAMA Pediatrics involved a clinical trial in Germany with 45 volunteers from both genders. The volunteers aged between six and 17 years old were made to wear masks. Researchers then measured the levels of CO2 under the children’s masks.

Estimates showed that children forced to wear face coverings while in school do so for an average of 4.5 hours. The researchers discovered that CO2 levels under children’s face masks after just three minutes of being worn exceeded levels deemed unacceptable by the German Environment Agency. They also found that the amount of CO2 inhaled by the child with the lowest CO2 level was three times higher than the agency’s 2,000 parts per million (ppm) limit. Furthermore, the air measured from one seven-year-old child had a CO2 concentration of 25,000 ppm.

The study noted that CO2 building up in the dead-space volume of the masks can lead to hypercapnia or too much CO2 in the bloodstream. It pointed out that “most of the complaints reported by children” such as irritability, headache and reluctance to go to school “can be understood as consequences of elevated [CO2] levels in inhaled air.”

The second study published April 2021 in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) looked at 65 papers about face masks. Of these papers, 44 pointed out the significant negative effects of face coverings. Thirty of the 44 studies related to both surgical and N95 masks, while only 10 pertained to face masks made of fabric.

The April 2021 IJERPH study noted that masks “also present an inhibition to habitual actions” such as eating, drinking, touching, scratching and cleaning the otherwise uncovered part of the face. It added that a face covering “is consciously and subconsciously perceived as a permanent disturbance, obstruction and restriction.”

Study caused a stir in the medical community

The JAMA Pediatrics study mentioned “ample evidence” proving the harmful effects of prolonged mask use. Its authors concluded that “children should not be forced to wear them” in the first place. They continued: “We suggest that decision-makers weight the hard evidence produced by these experimental measurement accordingly.” (Related: Face masks causing children’s bodies to experience spike in toxic CO2 levels.)

The study caused a stir within the medical community, with experts holding debates about it. A report by Just the News continued that the experts also tackled the scant number of studies on whether masks have indeed benefited schoolchildren. A number of schools required children to mask up when in-person classes resumed.

Johns Hopkins University epidemiologist Stefan Baral asked fellow epidemiologist Tracy Hoeg if sharing the study made him an anti-masker. Hoeg was a co-author of a paper that looked at the low risk of COVID-19 spread in schools with masked children. In response, Hoeg said the JAMA Pediatrics study did not provide “the implications of these CO2 levels” or an “unmasked baseline group by age.” This led her to question why the journal even published it in the first place.

University of California San Francisco epidemiologist Vinay Prasad tweeted: “[One] year later and no one has shown that asking kids to wear masks works.” He cited guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommending children two to five years old wear masks. “They need to do a trial to prove it. I bet it will fail,” Prasad wrote.

Meanwhile, blogger Jennifer Cabrera said there were two better questions to ask about the matter. She pointed out why studies used to promote masking do not have a control group. Cabrera also noted why researchers have not studied the effects of wearing masks all day. (Related: “Mask mouth,” skin disease and breathing difficulties: Experts reveal the dangers of prolonged use of face masks.)

Cabrera helped coordinate a group of Florida parents to get their children’s school-required face masks tested in June 2021. The said masks were sent to the University of Florida‘s Mass Spectrometry Research and Education Center for testing. Laboratory tests found that “pathogenic bacteria” that caused diseased such as tuberculosis, pneumonia and meningitis clung to the masks. has more articles about the dangers of COVID-19 mask mandates on children’s health.

Sources include: 1 2 

 Former Pfizer VP says mainstream media “fact checks” are “a pack of lies”

Image: Former Pfizer VP says mainstream media “fact checks” are “a pack of lies”

(Natural News) When it comes to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), there is no such thing as “asymptomatic transmission” or “variants.” These are completely made-up concepts that have no basis in reality, and yet anyone who tries to tell the truth about it is chided by the mainstream media for spreading “misinformation.”

Reuters is doing this to Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former vice president and chief science officer at drug giant Pfizer. For daring to claim that much of the plandemic rhetoric is a pile of pseudoscientific garbage – and it is – Yeadon has been labeled an “anti-vax proponent” who is making “unfounded claims.”

A “fact checker” article analyzing Yeadon’s claims says that he has created “a mixture of straw men and sheer invention” by revealing that asymptomatic transmission is a lie, and that the idea of variants is just “idiotic.”

“There’s also a terrific peer-reviewed journal article showing that domestic transmission in asymptomatic cases was effectively zero,” Yeadon is quoted as saying about symptomless transmission of the Fauci Flu.

As for variants, Yeadon had this to say:

“I can show several good quality papers demonstrating that T-cells from a convalescent person or an immunized person each recognize all the then-available variants, again, as anticipated by fundamentals of immunology. The weak twaddle in their piece about antibodies is risible.”

Yeadon: People who claim Wuhan Flu shots are safe are “bastards”

Yeadon has also come out in condemnation of the so-called “vaccines,” explaining that “bastards” created them in order to depopulate the world.

“We have VAERS, Yellow Card, and EMA monitoring,” Yeadon says. “We have mechanisms of toxicity. We have multiple open letters to EMA (warning of blood clots) which were immediately followed by vaccine withdrawals (for blood clots).”

The fact that the government is pushing these things on pregnant women is even more heinous, Yeadon says.

“No one in their right mind thinks giving experimental treatments to pregnant women is other than reckless. Especially when reproductive toxicity testing is incomplete.”

Two recent public disclosures show that in mice models, Chinese Virus injections create “a very disturbing concentration” of vaccine chemicals in the ovaries. This is major news, and yet the mainstream media is nowhere to be found in reporting on it.

“No one has followed it up, so the assumption has to be this is happening in humans too, and (II) our concern expressed in the December 2020 petition to EMA about immune cross-reactivity between spike protein and human syncytin-1 has been confirmed,” Yeadon says.

“A paper was very recently published showing young women making antibodies to syncytin-1 within days of vaccination.”

The entire thing is “fraud,” Yeadon says, suggesting that thousands have already died from the injections. And yet where are the people in protesting the scam – and perhaps more importantly, where are they in protesting the government entities that are pushing it on us all?

“These people all need locking up in that new high-security facility being built at speed at Wellingborough, Northants,” Yeadon says. “The prima facie case against a dozen or so people in U.K. warrants their arrest pending criminal prosecutions.”

These are bold statements, and ones that Reuters has decided are unacceptable. In its “fact check,” Reuters declared that Yeadon is wrong, and that the plandemic narrative is somehow right, even though there is zero evidence to support any of it.

“If these figures are of the same order of magnitude for other countries as well, and there is no reason to assume otherwise, then the plague is a deception of unprecedented proportions, and crimes committed against humanity on a huge scale have been committed here,” Yeadon says.

More of the latest news about Chinese Virus deception in the media can be found at

Sources for this article include:

Former Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon Answers Reuters ‘Fact Checker’: ‘A Pack of Lies’

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Former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer Michael Yeadon today told America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) that a Reuters“fact checker” article calling his statements “misinformation” is “a mixture of straw men and sheer invention,” saying the Reutersarticle was “well worth rebutting”.

This is not the first time Reuters has tried to discredit Yeadon by “fact checker” obfuscation, although past attempts have been less half-hearted. This time, Reuters called Yeadon an “anti-vax proponent” who “has made unfounded claims”. Relying on an entity that calls itself “Meedan’s Health Desk, a group of public health scientists working to tackle medical misinformation online,” the Reuters“fact check” addresses Yeadon statements on asymptomatic spread, variants, the COVID-19 vaccine, and its use in pregnancy.

The article’s concluding “verdict” tries to claim that “infected but symptom-free people can spread the coronavirus; vaccinated people are better protected but not 100% immune; research shows COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective for adults and pregnant women.”

Relating to the article, Yeadon said: “The narrative statements that have repeatedly been claimed by the authorities which are a pack of lies are:

“1. Asymptomatic transmission. It’s definitely a lie. Have you seen that video where Fauci states that ‘it’s always a symptomatic person who drives an epidemic and never people without symptoms’?

“A WHO doctor said exactly the same thing.

“There’s also a terrific peer-reviewed journal article showing that domestic transmission in asymptomatic cases was effectively zero.

“All marries up with the statements I’ve made, and with biological logic.

“2. Variants. They’re just being idiotic. I can show several good quality papers demonstrating that T-cells from a convalescent person or an immunized person each recognize all the then-available variants, again, as anticipated by fundamentals of immunology. The weak twaddle in their piece about antibodies is risible.

“3. Vaccines. The bastards are actually claiming they’re safe. Got them. We have VAERS, Yellow Card, and EMA monitoring. We have mechanism of toxicity. We have multiple open letters to EMA (warning of blood clots) which were immediately followed by vaccine withdrawals (for blood clots).

“4. Pregnancy/fertility. No one in their right mind thinks giving experimental treatments to pregnant women is other than reckless. Especially when reproductive toxicity testing is incomplete.”

Yeadon continued:

“But on top of this stupidity, are two recent public disclosures: (I) the distribution of vaccine to tissues in mice shows a very disturbing concentration into ovaries. No one has followed it up, so the assumption has to be this is happening in humans too, and (II) our concern expressed in the December 2020 petition to EMA about immune cross-reactivity between spike protein and human syncytin-1 has been confirmed. A paper was very recently published showing young women making antibodies to syncytin-1 within days of vaccination.”

Summarizing, Yeadon concluded:

“Of course this is wholly fraud. Imagine that the number of people in U.K. who’d actually been killed by the virus, instead of dying with it, was just a couple of thousand; you’d been on the streets with torches and pitchforks.

“You should be. Governments everywhere have lied and lied and lied about every one of the central narrative points about this virus.

“The effect of compliance with their ludicrous policy responses has been to hollow out and arguably to have destroyed economically several G20 counties, and actually increased the number of avoidable deaths, not least by deprivation of healthcare.

“These people all need locking up in that new high-security facility being built at speed at Wellingborough, Northants. The prima faciecase against a dozen or so people in U.K. warrants their arrest pending criminal prosecutions.

“If these figures are of the same order of magnitude for other countries as well, and there is no reason to assume otherwise, then the plague is a deception of unprecedented proportions, and crimes committed against humanity on a huge scale have been committed here.”


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Featured image is from America’s Frontline Doctors

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