dinsdag 31 augustus 2021


Another Thrombotic Event Connected to COVID Vaccine

August 29, 2021

The Lancet, an international weekly medical journal, reports that a new syndrome of vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) has emerged after vaccination for COVID. According to reports, cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is the most common manifestation of VITT and certain CVT cases have been determined as being vaccine-induced.

Data collected earlier this year from 99 patients among 43 U.K. hospitals show that after four patients were excluded because tests showed no definitive evidence of cerebral venous thrombosis, 70 of the remaining 95 patients had VITT and 25 did not. According to the study, death occurred more frequently in patients with VITT-associated CVT as compared with the non-VITT control group.

After the introduction of the AstraZeneca vaccine, five cases of severe VITT were reported in Norway, with four of those cases being CVT, according to reports. A similar condition was noted with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and case reports also associate two mRNA vaccines — Moderna and Pfizer —with thrombocytopenia, only with slightly different symptoms.


SOURCE: The Lancet August 6, 2021

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