dinsdag 31 augustus 2021


It’s Happening Now But People Don’t See It - Roger Waters on Challenging Authority


11.218 weergaven


    LINK: https://youtu.be/nanCWrRR-xw

  T&H - Inspiration & Motivation

 A revolutionary and powerful speech from musician and Pink Floyd band member Roger Waters on challenging authority and societal change.

This is not a drill. "We are all brothers and sisters under the skin and above it . . .

it's super important that we stop lobbing bombs over the top of the wall and start trying to dismantle it, so that we can say 'hi' to whoever is on the other side, whether the divide is religious or nationalistic or politic or economic."

- Roger Waters Speaker: Roger Waters

Learn more:

https://rogerwaters.com/ https://twitter.com/rogerwaters?s=20


Speech: Various Produced and Edited by T&H Inspiration ►Follow T&H: Facebook:

https://www.facebook.com/THinspiratio... YouTube:


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