dinsdag 31 augustus 2021

Is the mainstream media beginning to turn against failed covid vaccines?

Monday, August 30, 2021 by: Lance D Johnson
Tags: badhealthbiasedBlood clotsbreakthrough infectioncontrolling the narrativedisinfofraudheart inflammationhospitalizationsinflammationIsrael Green Passliesmainstream mediamisinformationnormalizing vaccine injurypropagandarespiratory illnessspike protein bioweapontruthvaccine damagevaccine failurevaccine warsvaccines


(Natural News) There are signs that the mainstream media is starting to fracture on the issue of “safe and effective covid vaccines.” Some of the loudest vaccine-worshipers are beginning to question whether this experimental mRNA interference is actually “safe and effective.”

In just eight months, there have been hundreds of thousands of reported vaccine injuries and tens of thousands of deaths, post vaccination, but the media won’t dare report on this data and the harrowing testimonies of vaccine injury. Just as concerning, hundreds of thousands of adverse events and medical issues are now ignored because headaches, fever, pain, skin reactions and fatigue are now considered normal effects of an “effective” vaccine. Respiratory infections after vaccination are considered normal too and advertised as “breakthrough.”

But with heavily vaccinated nations like Great Britain, Singapore, and Israel reporting total vaccine failure, and with fully vaccinated people being carted off with severe respiratory distress, heart inflammation and blood clots; the mainstream media cannot parrot a false narrative any longer.

Mainstream media is beginning to crack, as vaccine failure sweeps the globe

Bloomberg recently published an article titled, “The Vaccinated Are Worried and Scientists Don’t Have Answers.” The article points out that severe illness continues in the “fully vaccinated” as heavily vaccinated countries continue to experience sickness and death. The article admits that “vaccinated people appear to be getting the coronavirus at a surprisingly high rate.”

“It’s quite clear that we have more breakthroughs now,” said Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease expert at the University of California, San Francisco. “We all know someone who has had one. But we don’t have great clinical data.” There is little clinical data because the CDC changed the cycle count for the PCR tests to artificially lower covid cases in the vaccinated. In an act of willful fraud, the CDC stopped counting cases in the vaccinated, to make the unvaccinated appear more infectious. A case study in Provincetown, Massachusetts found that the fully vaccinated accounted for more than three-fourths of new cases.

The BBC published an article, “Covid: What’s the best way to top up our immunity?” The article credits naturally-acquired immunity as superior, while calling out waning vaccine-induced antibodies for causing a rise in sickness and hospitalization. The article quotes Professor Eleanor Riley, an immunologist from the University of Edinburgh. “We could be digging ourselves into a hole, for a very long time, where we think we can only keep Covid away by boosting every year,” warned Professor Riley. The article credits natural immunity for imparting “memory T-cells” that linger in the body, and priming B-cells to produce a new flood of antibodies on demand.

Mainstream media is finally publishing what was once considered “vaccine misinformation”

After pushing propaganda for over a year, the mainstream media is now publishing simple vaccine truths that were once considered “dangerous vaccine misinformation.” All these issues have already been censored off the Big Tech platforms. Will Facebook, Twitter, Google and the rest of Silicon Valley re-instate these important discussions across social media now that the mainstream media is talking about them?

ABC News published a piece skeptical of covid booster shots and gave reasons “why you shouldn’t rush to get a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot before it’s your turn.” The article quotes Dr. Jeremy Faust, an emergency medicine physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, who is skeptical of boosters for the broader population. “The risks are unknown, and the benefits are unknown,” Faust said. “I can’t, as a responsible physician, give someone advice, when I haven’t been able to weigh those two things.”

The vaccine-worshiping Daily Beast put out an article about vaccine failure in Israel, titled: “Ultra-Vaxxed Israel’s Crisis Is a Dire Warning to America.” Over 80 percent of Israelis over the age of 12 have been inoculated twice, but hospitalization and severe infections continue to climb in the vaccinated population, putting the forceful vaccine program to shame. Instead of reversing course, Israel is tripling down, offering a third dose, while re-configuring its Green Passports to block the unvaccinated from society. Israel is only granting civil liberties to those who are triple-vaccinated now, and blocking travel for the vaccinated every six months, until they receive ANOTHER booster or DIE from it. By the end of next year, a fourth and fifth dose will likely be required, as people are either enslaved, segregated from society or killed off as they succumb to vaccine failure.

Sources include:









New York Times admits the Pfizer vaccine is FAILING in Israel as post-injection infections skyrocket

Tuesday, August 24, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: badhealthbadmedicinebadsciencebreakthroughcasesCOVIDDeltafailurehospitalizationsIsrael


(Natural News) You know things are bad with Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” and the plandemic agenda when even The New York Times is sounding the alarm about surging infections due to widespread vaccine compliance.

The more people get injected, the Times now admits, the more they are testing “positive” for Fauci Germs, in many cases requiring hospitalization. How can this be when the jabs are supposed to be the “cure” for covid?

The answer, of course, is that Fauci Flu shots cure nothing and actually cause antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), an unnatural immune response that makes it easier for the Chinese Virus to enter cells.

Vaccine-induced ADE makes a person more at risk of getting sick from the Wuhan Flu while doing absolutely nothing to build immunity. It is the exact opposite of what is needed to put a stop to the Chinese Virus once and for all.

Using Israel, one of the world’s most vaccinated countries, as an example, the Times explains that the daily case rate is spiking to astronomical levels thanks to the injections.

“I believe we are at war,” announced Israeli coronavirus commissioner Prof. Salman Zarka during a recent parliamentary committee meeting.

Once propped up on the world stage as a shining example of how “safe and effective” Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines are, Israel now serves as a cautionary tale of what not to do in the midst of a pandemic.

The “fourth wave” of covid sickness is a direct result of mass vaccination

The latest excuse, however, blames “waning” immunity, which the “experts” claim can be fixed if the “fully vaccinated” line up to get their “booster” injections as soon as possible.

The claim is that the injections from Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” program are simply not effective at treating the “delta” variant – though many would contend that the shots are responsible for spawning and spreading the delta variant.

“The vaccine may be less effective at preventing infection with the highly contagious Delta variant, now the primary version of the virus in Israel,” the Times reported. “And the first cohort to be vaccinated was an older group whose immune systems may have been weaker to begin with.”

Herd immunity would have long since been achieved had there been no vaccines at all, it turns out. The virus would have completely fizzled out months ago all on its own and life could have returned to normal.

Thanks to Operation Warp Speed, though, the “fully vaccinated” are now spreading new variants like wildfire, threatening to undo all of the progress that was made in eradicating the pandemic.

The mainstream media is slowly coming around to this reality, even if outlets like the Times are still claiming that the injections supposedly helped in the beginning.

Prof. Ran Balicer, chairman of an “expert” panel that advises the Israeli government on covid-related issues, claims that the jabs worked well for the original virus, but not for “future variants” like delta.

Truth be told, there would not even be a delta were it not for the vaccines, but fake science hacks like Balicer will never tell you that. You will have to read between the lines on your own to see the truth about this sham, which continues to mutate just like the virus as the “experts” manufacture new excuses for why they cannot get things under control.

Like the United States, Israel is now pushing “booster” shots as the solution to the delta variant. Once these boosters get into people arms, they will likely spawn yet another new variant for which authorities will push another round of boosters, and this cycle will repeat itself probably forever.

To learn more about how Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are dangerous and ineffective, be sure to check out ChemicalViolence.com.

Sources for this article include:




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