vrijdag 6 augustus 2021


Hospitalizations And Deaths Among Vaccinated Surge, While Health Authorities Blame The Unvaccinated

HAFJuly 29, 2021


The official government narrative that the U.S. is facing a new “pandemic of the unvaccinated” continued this week, as the corporate media, the White House, and state governors all continued to blame the “unvaccinated” for rising cases of COVID-19 and the “delta” variant.

Image source.

Of course the mythical “delta variant” is simply a computer model used to label people through fraudulent diagnostic testing, as we have previously covered.

Steve Watson of Summit News reports:

Unvaccinated Americans were the talking point of the day on Monday with a slew of figures slamming those who have chosen not to take the coronavirus jabs, assigning blame to them for America ‘going backwards’, likening them to murderers, and suggesting that they are to blame for more deadly variants of the virus emerging.

First up, the White House with Press Secretary Jen Psaki claiming that America is in reverse because “there are still a large population of people in this country who are unvaccinated – and we have the most transmissible variant that we’ve seen since the beginning of the pandemic that more people are getting sick with Covid.”

Next up was Fauci, who appeared on his favourite softball network MSNBC to announce that unvaccinated Americans will be to blame for the next deadly variant.

CNN’s Lemon Don declared that the unvaccinated should be prevented from having normal lives.

“Don’t get the vaccine. You can’t go to the supermarket. Don’t have the vaccine, can’t go to the ball game. Don’t have a vaccine, can’t go to work. You don’t have a vaccine, can’t come here. No shirt, no shoes, no service. I think that’s where we should be because we can’t to waste our breath on people that are just not going to change,” Lemon decreed, with Chris Cuomo (imagine my shock) wholeheartedly agreeing.

Meanwhile in New York, Cuomo’s brother proclaimed “we have to get in those communities, and we have to knock on those doors, and we have to convince people, and put them in a car and drive them and get that vaccine in their arm. That is the mission.”

Finally, on the other side of the country, California governor Gavin Newsom likened unvaccinated Americans to murderous drunk drivers. ” (Source)

So where is the evidence of all these “unvaccinated” patients that are all of a sudden filling the nation’s hospitals?

We keep hearing and reading that “90% of new hospital admissions are among the unvaccinated.”

I went searching for all these “unvaccinated” people filling up the hospitals, and here is an example of what I found.

WCBD out of Charleston, South Carolina, ran this story today: COVID-19: Local hospitalizations are on the rise among unvaccinated.

Here are some excerpts from their report:

Lowcountry hospitals are seeing a rise in COVID-19 hospitalizations, especially among those who are not vaccinated.

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control last week said more than 90% of COVID-19 infections and deaths in June were among those who are unvaccinated.

Officials with Trident Health said they currently have 26 patients who are being hospitalized for the virus. Of those, 24 were not vaccinated or they were partially vaccinated.

At the Medical University of South Carolina, there are currently 13 inpatients at its downtown Charleston facility who are being treated for COVID-19.

Of those 13, five are in MUSC’s COVID-19 intensive care and two are currently receiving ventilator care for disease progression. All thirteen were unvaccinated. (Source.)

Since this is not the kind of story that Big Tech and the corporate media will “fact check,” let me please provide that service to the public and “fact check” these claims.

The Medical University of South Carolina is a “1,600 bed” facility. (Source.) I don’t know what their average occupancy rate is, but based on death statistics from the CDC we know that deaths from all causes and deaths “due to COVID” have been steadily declining all summer, as is the normal trend in the summer months.

So let’s give a conservative figure that right now the Medical University of South Carolina only has a 50% occupancy of its beds (it is probably much higher than that).

That means that according to this report, 13 out of 800 people hospitalized are unvaccinated. That’s a far cry from 90%, isn’t it?

We can only assume that they are only counting people hospitalized AND testing positive for COVID-19 as what they are allegedly reporting as comprising this “90%.”

But if that is the case, then they are basically admitting that very few hospital cases are being admitted due to COVID-19 “cases,” whether vaccinated or not.

The other hospital mentioned in this article is Trident Medical Center, a 321-bed “major medical center.” (Source.)

Again, let’s give a conservative estimate that only half of the beds at Trident are currently occupied. That would mean that out of 160 people currently admitted in their hospital, 24 of those are unvaccinated. This is clearly not 90% of their patients hospitalized.

These corporate media sources, politicians, and government health officials are clearly LYING to you.

How do we know?

Well besides the fact that we just spot fact checked their claims and the numbers do not even come close to adding up to what they are claiming, they themselves are reporting large amounts of people being hospitalized and dying as “breakthrough” cases FULLY VACCINATED!

Some examples: 80 fully vaccinated Mass. residents have died from COVID-19 as breakthrough cases surpass 5,000


Eighty fully vaccinated Massachusetts residents have died from COVID-19 and the number of breakthrough cases reported across the state has surpassed 5,000, new public health data shows.

As of July 17, 716 more fully vaccinated residents had tested positive for COVID-19, bringing the number of breakthrough cases statewide to 5,166, numbers released by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health indicate. There were 4,450 breakthrough cases reported last week.

Fifty-seven fully vaccinated residents were hospitalized and later died from the virus, while 23 others who were vaccinated died without going to the hospital.

A total of 272 fully vaccinated people have been hospitalized after becoming infected. (Source.)

27 fully vaccinated people have died in Tennessee, health department says


The Tennessee Department of Health reports 27 fully vaccinated people have died from COVID-19.

These are among the state’s more than 1,000 “breakthrough” cases. These are cases in which fully vaccinated people have contracted the virus.

Data is sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). TDH Commissioner Dr. Lisa Piercey said Friday more than two dozen deaths since May 1 and 195 hospitalizations are among breakthrough cases. Including dates before May 1, there have been more than 1,000 breakthrough COVID-19 cases, the state reports. (Source.)

Fully Vaccinated New Orleans Woman Dies of COVID Aged 33

(Can we really believe these cases are “rare”??)


A 33-year-old woman who was fully vaccinated against COVID-19 has died from the virus in a rare “breakthrough” case.

Angelle Mosley, from New Orleans, Louisiana, passed away on Sunday after falling ill on Thursday.

She had been convinced that she didn’t have COVID-19, according to her mother, because she had been fully vaccinated and wasn’t experiencing some of the key symptoms of the virus, such as loss of taste and smell.

“She said ‘I know I do not have COVID. I still can smell and taste. And I am vaccinated.’ But when she got to the hospital, [it] turns out she had it,” Tara Mosley told WDSU News. (Source.)

In California, a doctor reported to Katy Grimes of the California Globe that hospitals are being instructed to NOT test those who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 when they are admitted, which would obviously skew the numbers.

A physician contacted the Globe and said testing protocol from Scripps is indicating that they aren’t testing the vaccinated in the hospitals – they are only testing the unvaccinated for COVID (see below), despite the many COVID breakthrough cases reported.

The physician asked, “I wonder if this is the new testing protocol state wide?”

The physician contacted another hospital and reported to the Globe:

“They HAVE NOT been testing the vaccinated for COVID routinely like they have the unvaccinated, but they JUST changed their policy to begin doing this.” Unbelievable! So all this BS in the newspapers has been spewing about the vaccinated NOT having COVID BECAUSE THEY DON’T TEST FOR IT!” (Source.)

The “pandemic of the unvaccinated” is a complete lie.

If there is any “pandemic” today, it is among the hundreds of thousands of people who took one of the COVID-19 shots and are now dead or suffering terrible injuries, primarily from blood clots.

This is the sad condition of the United States today

where truth is discarded and deceitful

propaganda is funded by the billionaire

corporate Globalists to be distributed to

the corrupt media and politicians with the sole

purpose of getting as many (U.S.) citizens

injected with their COVID-19 shots as possible,

trying to reach 70% of the population as “fully


They will do whatever is necessary to achieve their goals, including writing narratives that are full of lies and manipulating diagnostic tests.

Those resisting their lies and their efforts to achieve these goals are the unvaccinated who are on to their schemes, and stand in their way.

And that is exactly where we need to remain.

Source: HealthImpactnNews.com



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