vrijdag 6 augustus 2021


Dr. Judy Mikovits interviewed by the Health Ranger: Fauci's covid crimes aren't his first "plandemic"


"I can not find any isolated material for the covid-19 virus, apparently it does not exist" asks Mike Adams in an interview of Dr. Judy Mikovits.

Excerpt .../.. Sars-cov2 was never a human virus, isolated from human cells and shown to be infectious and transmittable to human cells../.. What was done is the sars-cov2 virus was manufactured in the "viro-monkey-kidney-cell-line" in the manufacturing plant.  Every picture you get of Sars-cov2 or Sars or Mers is literally a manufactured particle that is a monkey virus.  But that monkey virus it's DNA, it is sequences (that) were injected in polio vaccines, in MMR vaccines, in flu vaccines and they (have) been in that cell line since the mid nineties ('90)../.. It is only a bunch of sequences... This is what PCR detects "a sequence of virus protocols".  It buds out of the cell of the host.... They took it out of the lung lavage in people... In every single case they put it in the viro-monkey-kidney-cell-line. ./.. They did not isolate it... It never was a human virus that I coughed on you and you coughed on me and/or anybody else../.. I see these doctors reports, the transmission of this virus was airborne?  NO it was not. No show me the virus... they showed these sequences NOT the virus... They have not isolated the virus.... They are taking a monkey virus.  The genetic material of sars-cov2 is a monkey virus../.. The envelope alone is the disease and we know this since 1980..... With the flu shots they crippled our immune system and with the PCR they said here is the next wave of covid.../..

Dr. Mikovits: SARS-CoV-2 is actually a lab-made monkey cell virus, readily deployed through the flu, MMR and polio vaccine supply

Wednesday, August 11, 2021 by: Lance D Johnson
Tags: biological weaponscausative agentcontaminated vaccinesCOVIDDr. MikovitsFlu shotsmedical experimentsmonkey cell linesmonkey virusesno-see-umoutbreakpandemicscience errorscience fraudspike proteinsusceptibilitytransfectionvaccine warsvaccinesvirologyvirus interference


(Natural News) Dr. Judy Mikovits was recently interviewed on Brighteon Conversations, and she did not hold back unveiling the real causes of transfection behind SARS-CoV-2 and the scientific fraud that was used to promote a pandemic and suppress people’s immune systems. Dr. Mikovits was formerly a government virologist who purified and studied viruses. She created cell lines that support viral replication, to understand how they create infection in humans. She is the author of Ending Plague, A Scholar’s Obligation in an Age of Corruption.

Dr. Mikovits confirmed that isolated, certified reference material for SARS-CoV-2 does not exist. The virus has never been isolated from human cells and was never a human virus in the first place. The SARS-CoV-2 virus can only be manufactured and replicated in the vero monkey kidney cell line, which is a group of epithelial cells extracted from African green monkeys in the 1960s. These monkey cell lines, readily contaminated with latent retroviruses, have been injected into the population since the mid-90s through the flu, MMR and polio vaccine supply, and are the only originating vector by which SARS-CoV-2 can manifest disease in humans.

Evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 being deployed through vaccine supply

Every bio-safety level 4 lab that claimed to isolate SARS-CoV-2 from humans ultimately placed the sample in a monkey kidney cell line to “prove” its replication. This virus is not a truly isolated human virus because it could only be replicated in the monkey kidney cell line. To determine whether SARS-CoV-2 is an infectious human virus, it must be taken from the blood, sputum, or lung lavage of an infected human, but the infectious RNA of SARS-CoV-2 was never cultured in a continuously growing human cell line that supports the replication of SARS-CoV-2. Since this novel coronavirus only replicates demonstrably in vero monkey cell lines, it has never been proven to originate or spread from human-to-human, let alone spread from healthy people.

Since the current flu, MMR and polio vaccines contain these same vero monkey cell lines, the only way to deploy SARS-CoV-2 is through transfection via these needles. SARS-CoV-2 is a lab-made sequence that originates and spreads through the existing influenza vaccine supply. This could be why the Department of Defense discovered that flu vaccine recipients from 2017-2018 were increasingly susceptible to coronavirus interference.

“When you take a synthetic part of a virus and you grow it in the monkey cells, you can get recombination events of all the monkey viruses, so it’s a monkey virus,” Mikovits confirmed, referring to the respiratory infections seen in covid-19. The HIV component comes from the Simian immune deficiency virus, which is also a natural monkey virus.

The vector that promises to save humanity is the tool being used to transfect us

Mikovits confirmed that Fauci knew about, funded and acquired cell lines and genetic material from biosecurity labs in the US that could be further weaponized in Wuhan. Mikovits said these virus experiments using the monkey cell line can create endless variants. “Two amino acid changes in the envelop of the spike can change a leukemia virus to a Parkinson-causing virus,” she said, citing her previous lab research. These sequences can be readily changed in the lab, creating endless variants of the same causative agent.

Yet, the errors of vaccine science are easily blamed on nature, which is why Dr. Anthony Fauci and everyone involved in these unethical human-virus experiments are rushing to force and mandate new vaccines onto the population, to control the narrative and cover up their crimes. Dr. Fauci and Dr. Daszak coordinated with Big Tech to censor scientific debate on the origins of SARS-CoV-2, because their virus research is an error of vaccine science that has poisoned the population and primed people to new infections for years.

Dr. Fauci and Dr. Daszak coordinated with media outlets and intimidated their colleagues into silence over the origins of SARS-CoV-2 because they were using no-see-um techniques to create these sequences in monkey cells. The no-see-um approach used in gain-of-function research, pressures the recombination process in the monkey cell line, and the resulting viral creation is unknown. Now the envelope of the virus, the S-1 sub-unit of the coronavirus spike protein, is assaulting the human population through the very vectors by which scientists like Fauci promised to save us. These new infectious sequences are in the cell lines which are then injected into the population via vaccination.

For more insight into the science fraud, watch the interview with Dr. Mikovits on Brighteon.com.

Sources include:




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