vrijdag 6 augustus 2021

Tens of Thousands of COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Fight Censorship to Bring Their Stories to the Public

Total Views : 13,179


by Brian Shilhavy

Editor, Health Impact News

A website that claims to have1000 COVID Stories” of people injured by the COVID-19 injections features some heart-wrenching videos.

Are you thinking of getting a COVID shot?

Is your teenager being forced to take a shot in order to return to college?

Do you have friends on the fence about vaccines?

Are you concerned about their possible side effects?

If you go online and do simple research on the term “COVID Vaccine Side Effects” you are presented with a gaggle of links that are strangely similar. “Side effects are minor and common.” “Side effects are a sign that your vaccine is working properly.”

When you visit YouTube and do the same search, again, the videos have a consistent theme. “The risk from the vaccines are less than the risks from COVID” and “vaccine side effects are actually a good thing.” If you post a comment or video on Facebook about vaccine side effects your post is deleted and your account may be closed.

But when you go to an uncensored website like Bitchute.com or Rumble.com and do the same search, you see hundreds of videos from real people who have had horrific side effects from their injections.

This website is dedicated to sharing the truth about these people and their testimonials.

Watch for yourself and make up your own mind. Is it worth it to risk life-changing and even fatal side effects from a vaccine for a disease that is survived by 99.98% of people under 70?

Below, you will find countless stories of side effects directly from those involved, or sadly, if they died, from their relatives. (Source.)


I wish some of these videos had more documentation, but some of these stories we have also covered in the past.

More and more of these people are gathering online to find support and help each other, as their injuries are denied to be related to the COVID-19 injections, and their own doctors usually have no answers, or sometimes not even a desire to help them.

Here are some other places online where people are gathering to tell their COVID-19 “vaccine” stories.


Covid19 Vaccine Victims & Families (Facebook Group – 57.5K members)


There are many other groups also on Facebook, and alternative social media sites such as Telegram.


We are your moms, dads, brothers, and sisters, spouses and friends. We are suffering, often silently, with confusing, troubling symptoms that the current medical system hasn't addressed. It might look like we're okay, but we are not.

A certain percentage of people – in the thousands – who had the covid vaccine are suffering with debilitating symptoms. Our lives, in many cases, have been ruined with terrifying symptoms, leaving many of us with the inability to work. The widespread general denial – even bullying – of those facing symptoms is making matters worse.

We continuously find doctors who do not know how to help, as this is not yet a recognized issue by the CDC and FDA. Many doctors even refuse to see us, if the vaccine is mentioned as a possible cause.

We each believed the science, and did our social duty to help stop the pandemic. In return, we ask that you acknowledge these adverse reactions, help us press for desperately needed medical research and attention.

We firmly refuse to be dragged into the political debates surrounding the pandemic, yet many of us are afraid to speak out due to intense social pressures and denialsThousands of us have gathered online to try and help each other. Our websites and groups have been deleted and the sufferers have been told that no such reactions to the vaccines exist. Some of us have been fired from our jobs for just sharing our experience. Some of us have been fired from our doctors for just mentioning the vaccine.

Even though we've been called names and bullied, and we're scared to tell our stories – we must. So many are continuing to struggle physically, and we can't do this alone. Check out our full stories on www.c19vaxreactions.com.

We need your help. Our aim:
  1. Raise awareness so the medical community will work to bring resources and solutions for a cure,
  2. Help others like us who are suffering from many months of symptoms, and
  3. Break through the silence and censorship that is labeling our real life experiences as misinformation.

Please, recognize our pain. Please share our stories! Please help bring pressure for this issue to be heard, and to be solved. Please don't treat us like outcasts, but like someone suffering the medical effects of this terrible pandemic.

We thank you! We appreciate you! And we look forward to rejoining you when we are healthy again.

Vax Longhaulers
with C19vaxreactions.com

Private Support Groups are being censored, and people scattered!

 These groups are a sample of dozens being taken down over things like: pictures of a rash, or sharing of symptoms. We are losing contact with people who are suicidal and need help, because they cannot cope with their symptoms. All the groups have rules where you can not post antivax propaganda, anti-science statements, or conspiracy theories. Yet they are being removed over sharing our own personal experiences.

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