Alan Watts - We are nature
DogsGoWoof Productions01:56
As I woke to a beautiful foggy morning, Alan Watts quotes resonated in
my head and it inspired me to put together this video using quotes taken from
his talk on man's relationship with nature.
This idea of understanding the deeper relationship with nature, stems
from a feature film I am working on Permaculture The Documentary - An
ecological design system that works with nature, rather than against it and
allows us to create complete sustainable systems.
Permaculture The Documentary:
Produced by Dogs Go Woof Productions:
Original Alan Watts Video: of
Watts - The Law of Nature
11.586 weergaven - 26 jul. 2019
A prolific author and speaker, Alan Watts was one of the first to interpret Eastern wisdom for a Western audience. Born outside London in 1915, he discovered the nearby Buddhist Lodge at a young age. After moving to the United States in 1938, Alan became an Episcopal priest for a time and then relocated to Millbrook, New York, where he wrote his pivotal book The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety. In 1951 he moved to San Francisco where he began teaching Buddhist studies, and in 1956 began his popular radio show, “Way Beyond the West.” By the early sixties, Alan’s radio talks aired nationally and the counterculture movement adopted him as a spiritual spokesperson.
He wrote and travelled regularly until his passing in
1973. In several of his later publications, especially Beyond Theology and The
Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are, Watts put forward a worldview,
drawing on Hinduism, Chinese philosophy, pantheism or panentheism, and modern
science, in which he maintains that the whole universe consists of a cosmic
Self-playing hide-and-seek (Lila); hiding from itself (Maya) by becoming all
the living and non-living things in the universe and forgetting what it really
is – the upshot being that we are all IT in disguise. In this worldview, Watts
asserts that our conception of ourselves as an "ego in a bag of
skin", or "skin-encapsulated ego" is a myth; the entities we
call the separate "things" are merely aspects or features of the
Alan Watts
books frequently include discussions reflecting his keen interest in patterns
that occur in nature and which are repeated in various ways and at a wide range
of scales – including the patterns to be discerned in the history of