zondag 10 oktober 2021

 Mum Lives off Home Garden for a Year


35.871 weergaven  -  29 mei 2017


            LINK: https://youtu.be/B7c9SUotJ94

Permaculture Documentary : Jodie Vennitti Start Your Journey In the suburbs of Perth, Western Australia lies a Permaculture Food Forest grown by Jodie Vennitti.

It all began when she discovered Permaculture and found her love for plants, she soon realised, home growing was one thing, but using the produce was another. Restricted by time, she threw herself into the challenge to live off her own home-grown garden for a year in a bid to bring her urban farm fully into her life.

What she gained, she couldn't have even imagined in the beginning. This is her story.

Enjoy the Film!

Eigen bevolking doelwit van cognitieve oorlogsvoering door de NAVO

  woensdag, 26 maart 2025 09:44 Oorlogsgeilheid, daar heeft het veel van weg. Die verdomde Poetin moet onderhand maar eens een keer ophoepel...