vrijdag 29 oktober 2021

JUST IN: GOP Lawmaker Calls For 'Full Criminal Investigation Must Begin' Against Fauci


Forbes Breaking News

LINK : https://youtu.be/75SeXCYQQBQ

JUST IN: GOP Lawmaker Calls For 'Full Criminal Investigation Must Begin' Against Fauci

18.577 weergaven

29 okt. 2021



jason labarre

29 minuten geleden

Finally let’s hold him accountable.

Thorn in your Side

40 minuten geleden

Don't forget to hold Obama and Biden accountable for funding the NIH research.

God Spark

37 minuten geleden

Yes! Crimes against God and humanity

Poorboy Man

33 minuten geleden

ARREST Dr. FRAUD-CI and bring him to justice on charges of Crimes Against Humanity! Lets Go Brandon!


32 minuten geleden

Lock him up, and take his money.

Steve Stephens

17 minuten geleden

This will end up just like everything else ALL TALK and NO ONE will ever be held responsible for anything.

Stanley Marrero

29 minuten geleden

Do it already, enough talk. We know what's going in this corrupt administration

Stephen Nee

36 minuten geleden

There are hospital blood samples galore in every city on earth. Going back decades. All they have to do is test them and they will find the lab source.

Susan Young

28 minuten geleden

Finally. Just had to let it all play out... Prison is the only acceptable outcome.





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