zondag 30 januari 2022

Inflammatory Injuries From the Pfizer COVID Shots

 Inflammatory Injuries From the Pfizer COVID Shots

January 30, 2022

 Visit the Mercola Video Library

This woman talks about the horrific side effects her parents have been suffering since they took their COVID shots. Near death, her previously healthy 78-year-old dad had to be rushed to the hospital.

He didn’t have COVID, she says, but his lungs looked just like those of a COVID patient. It’s time to stop ignoring the adverse events that are occurring, she says. By not paying attention to the injured persons, the WHO, CDC and other health agencies and officials are being derelict in their duties.


SOURCE: BitChute December 31, 2021


‘Please Stop Doing This to People’

January 28, 2022



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A man named Fred Pye got his Moderna shot May 25, 2021, and experienced extreme adverse reactions including paralysis, heart problems and uncontrollable seizures and tremors.

In this video he documents what he calls “three months of a living hell” as doctor after doctor ignored his concerns that the shot caused these reactions. “Look at me,” he says in a shaking voice, “and please, please, stop doing this to people. Please.”


SOURCE: BitChute October 12, 2021


Hello Drug Companies and the CDC: These Victims Set the Record Straight

January 25, 2022

       LINK: https://youtu.be/o73dQ5vZenY

The women featured in this video are not anti-vaccine. They did what the CDC told them and stepped to the plate and took their COVID shots.

What happened afterward to each of them, however, has every single one expressing her regret over getting the shot. Each has neurological and other problems and they are begging people to listen to their stories to set the record straight and help them get the help they so desperately need.


SOURCE: YouTube December 8, 2021


COVID Jab Victim: ‘Don’t Get This Poison’

January 24, 2022



In this video, a collage of COVID jab victims talk about the health horrors they’ve suffered since they took their COVID shots — the safety of which is actually still unknown.

If we’re told we have to do this, our freedoms are ripped from us,” one weeping woman, whose husband died after his shot, says as she begs for viewers to watch and listen with compassion.

“Don’t end up like me and have to tell your 12-year-old son what to do with me, another woman says. “Don’t get this poison.”


SOURCE: BitChute January 11, 2022

Gideon van Meijeren wil onderste steen boven: ‘Waarom wordt deze belangrijke informatie geheimgehouden?’

Gideon van Meijeren merkte dinsdag tijdens het debat over de wolf op dat de discussie over dit onderwerp hoog oploopt en steeds feller word...