zondag 20 februari 2022

Aantal sterfgevallen in Australië schiet omhoog na uitrol vaccin / Waarom nadert het aantal sterfgevallen in grotendeels gevaccineerd Denemarken recordhoogte?

                                             Foto: Vrijheidsmars in Melbourne (Unsplash)

Het aantal sterfgevallen stijgt hard sinds de uitrol van het vaccin. Op 3 september 2020 bedroeg het aantal dagelijkse coronadoden 0,85 per miljoen mensen. Op dat moment waren vaccins nog niet uitgerold.

Vier keer hoger

Het aantal dagelijkse coronadoden was op 11 januari dit jaar, toen bijna 78 procent van de bevolking volledig was gevaccineerd, gestegen naar 0,97 per miljoen mensen. Het aantal piekte op 30 januari toen er 3,39 sterfgevallen per miljoen mensen werden gemeld. De sterfte lag dus vier keer hoger dan in 2020, schrijft The Daily Sceptic.

Daarnaast telde Australië op 9 augustus 2020 2,17 ic-patiënten per miljoen mensen. Op 18 januari dit jaar waren dat er 16,44. In Frankrijk, Zweden, Groot-Brittannië en de Verenigde Staten is een soortgelijk patroon zichtbaar.


Ondertussen groeien de coronaprotesten in Australië. In de Australische hoofdstad Canberra was afgelopen weekend een enorme mensenmassa op de been.

Australia: Another Country Where Covid Infections and Deaths Have Been Far Higher Since the Vaccine Rollout

There follows a guest post by Ramesh Thakur, Emeritus Professor at the Australian National University and former Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations, who is based in Ocean Shores, NSW, Australia.


What does the Australian experience teach us about the efficacy of Covid vaccines? Why, for instance, have infections and ICU admissions been hugely higher after vaccination campaigns really got under way? Australia hit 50% of the population double-vaccinated (meaning a much higher percentage of the adult population) on October 10th 2021, and 70% in mid-November. On October 10th our total Covid-related deaths were 1,448. On February 15th 2022, with 79% of the total population fully vaccinated, the total number of deaths was 4,726. So the number who died with Covid after we hit 50% vaccination is 2.3 times higher than the number before that point.

To come to the same conclusion from a slightly different angle – Our previous highest Covid mortality rate was 0.85 daily new deaths per million people, on September 3rd 2020. On that date, vaccines had not yet been developed anywhere in the world. The rate was exceeded on January 11th this year with 0.97 daily new deaths per million people, when we had 77.5% of the total population fully vaccinated. The rate peaked on January 30th at 3.39 daily new deaths per million people: four times higher than the pre-vaccination peak. At this time 78.3% of the population was fully vaccinated.

Now let’s look at ICU numbers, especially as this has been the most often cited public justification for encouraging and requiring vaccination. The pre-vaccines peak was on August 9th 2020 with 2.17 ICU patients per million people. The highest rate of ICU daily occupancy was on January 18th this year, 16.44 ICU patients per million people.

Finally, we see a similar absence of correlation between vaccination and COVID-19 infection, ICU and mortality rates in four major country examples: France, Sweden, U.K. and USA.

I am not questioning the decision of any individual to get vaccinated. I am double vaccinated.

Rather, what I am asking is: How can it possibly be justified to mandate universal vaccination on this data? This is simply not defensible on medical and ethical grounds. Globally and in Australia, hard data clearly show there is no discernible difference in transmissibility between vaccinated and unvaccinated of any significance to base policy on.

Finally, does the country, or any private company or public entity including a university, really want to lock itself into a never-ending cycle of boosters, which is a very real prospect both on overseas trends and also on the numbers of vaccine doses Australia has already purchased or ordered?

What the data do show is continuing strong protective benefits of the vaccine for the elderly and vulnerable. What might make more sense would be to make the vaccine compulsory for people 65 and older – not that I am suggesting that older people should be compelled in this way to have regard for their own safety, as they may wish to assess the equation differently, which they should be entitled to do. But such a policy – though still illiberal and unethical – would at least have some kind of evidence behind it, which universally mandating this vaccine plainly does not.

By Ramesh Thakur  /  18 February 2022 • 10.54


                                                                     Foto: Pixabay

Waarom nadert het aantal sterfgevallen in grotendeels gevaccineerd Denemarken recordhoogte?

“We nemen afscheid van beperkingen en verwelkomen het leven zoals we dat vóór corona kenden,” zei premier Mette Frederiksen. Denemarken was daarmee het eerste EU-land dat zo’n verregaande stap nam.

Soortgelijk patroon

Ondertussen nadert het aantal sterfgevallen een recordhoogte, terwijl meer dan 80 procent van de Denen volledig gevaccineerd is. Dat is vreemd, aangezien er relatief weinig mensen op de ic liggen.

Israël vertoont een soortgelijk patroon: ondanks de hoge vaccinatiegraad noteerde het land deze winter een recordaantal sterfgevallen. Het enige verschil was dat er in Israël ook veel mensen op de ic lagen.


Ook in Zweden stijgt het aantal overlijdens, al worden daar nog geen records gebroken omdat eerdere golven heftiger waren. Dat is vreemd omdat in de lente van 2021 er veel coronapatiënten op de ic lagen, maar weinig mensen stierven. Nu zijn er weinig ic-patiënten, maar relatief veel sterfgevallen.

De hoge sterftecijfers in Denemarken en Israël ondanks vaccinatie en de mildheid van omikron zijn opvallend en zouden verder moeten worden onderzocht, schrijft The Daily Sceptic.

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