dinsdag 5 april 2022

Video: The New World Order is Here: Global Digital Currency / World Govt. Announced Amid Global Collapse


Video Link : https://www.brighteon.com/16e1d4e9-cefd-44e7-b449-b01f36d164c6

The New World Order is Here: Global Digital Currency / World Govt. 

Announced Amid Global Collapse

      Published 4/04/2022 


·         MrBirkozo

This guy has not much time left, he looks in a terrible shape.He better gets his project going quickly. Also the opposition is growing. Even his billions will not take him far. I hope he has a good rabbito help him in his final days..

LY9 hours ago

Job 21:13 They spend their days in WEALTH, and in a MOMENT go down to the GRAVE.
Proverbs 11:4 RICHES profit NOT in the day of WRATH but RIGHTEOUS delivered from DEATH.
End times is here. Focus on the rapture meeting Jesus.
This world is not our home.


Dave Robinson LY 3 hours ago

The Rapture is an ancient heresy known as Chiliasm.
Everybody will go through the Tribulation.
Better prepare, rather than have false hope in a non-existent rapture.


FigoTino9 hours ago

NAZI JEW Globalists = Our WORST enemy! Whatever they infiltrate, They destroy!
THAT is the Jew World Order.
long, long list of EVIL demons out to destroy humanity. Like bubonic
plague ridden rats on a sinking ship, They know they're goin down &
Almighty God Yahweh can't get here soon enough to rid the world of this
satanic spawn.


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