woensdag 6 april 2022

‘You will own nothing, and you will be happy’: Warnings of ‘Orwellian’ Great Reset

 2.225.504 weergaven

13 dec. 2020 (Maar nog steeds MEER dan ACTUEEL – Must See!)


    VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/NcAO4-o_4Ug

Sky News Australia

A terrifying coalition of big business and big tech are so confident and brazen they are promising the public “you will own nothing, and you will be happy” in an advertising campaign for a global reset, according to Sky News host Rowan Dean. 

“What they should have added is ‘we the very rich will own everything and be even happier’," he said. 

The Great Reset is a proposal set out by the World Economic Forum for a new globalised fiscal system which would allow the world to effectively tackle the so-called climate crisis. 

Mr Dean said the plan intends to use the “tools of oppression” implemented during the pandemic, such as lockdowns and forced business closures as well as other measures destroying private property rights, to combat the coronavirus to achieve climate outcomes. 

“I've spoken before about the insidious phrase Build Back Better which sounds like common sense but is in fact just one of several slogans for the Great reset, another being the Orwellian phrase the fourth industrial revolution”. 

“This is as serious and as dangerous a threat to our prosperity and freedom as we have faced in decades." 

Mr Dean warned viewers to think again if they believed this was just “crazy old Rowan with his conspiracy theories”. 

“This garbage is already deeply embedded into our state and federal governments.”


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