zondag 29 mei 2022

Great Reset- What do they think of people who will live in the country?

 798.139 weergaven  -   3 apr. 2022

This presentation was BRILLIANT! MUST WATCH for anyone that wants to understand what is coming if they do not prepare (Commentator)


                  Video Link: https://youtu.be/omGd7NNzjBk

68,5K abonnees

Have you heard of the Great Reset promoted by the World Economic Forum? They tell us that soon we will own nothing and will be happy. What does this have to do with country living? They tell us. Here is the information directly from their sources.



Austen Don’t worry about it

It gives me great hope to see people outside of politics discussing what is coming, it makes me very very happy to see that people across the board are realizing that this is not a conspiracy theory . This is coming, and we need to start talking about it and letting people know that we refuse to let this happen. Let’s go freedom, let’s go humanity!

Shawn Hampshirehick

Get Ready, get prepared, the battle will not be easy.

Never Forsaken

Its crazy how out in the open all of this stuff is now, yet if I quote something they say publicly, some folks still think I am talking about some conspiracy theory.


Keep in mind that this very forum in which we speak can easily be sensored. When things get bad enough, you will need to communicate IN PERSON. Learn how to be an effective communicator. As silly as it sounds, this is a skill......hone it.

The Stevo Experience

I’ve been research the Great reset and WEF for about 8 years now. It’s incredible to watch, truly. I see the roadmap being played out in real time. The population management - fear tactics, genocide in plain site, attack on small business, farmers and land owners. I live on some land. I never want to leave. You hear the crickets. You see the stars. You can slow down… detach from the busy world and connect with nature. Animals. Grow your own food, process your own meat. You think a job has purpose? Try moving your household to a sustainable operation. That’s living as God intended. And trust me when I say - virtually every small town and back woods folks are preparing for a potential worst case scenario. And if this agenda is adopted in the inner cities - we will not be the ones who are felt sorry for. It will be those who comply to the system. You’ve been conditioned for going on 2 years to accept this. They’re going to have to do something drastic here in America. To many of us will not accept this.

John Smith

Country people: “I live a peaceful life, I work hard, I treat everyone with respect, please just leave me alone.” The WEF: "You're a threat to society"

Ron Timmons

I've been telling people this for years. Everyone thought I was crazy. Now I just keep my mouth shut. They have their plans. We have ours. Country boy will survive. This video wins the internet today. Thanks for your hard work and research and merely putting this out.

Patton Was Right

"WE DEFEATED THE WRONG ENEMY!" Now we are being destroyed from within

Jeep Driver

I had a hunch this was coming. My only surprise is that it's out in the open. To address your question: I think the independent people scare those in control because independent people can say "no" and make it stick. By the way, wanting to control everyone shows a great contempt for people - the belief that folks cannot be trusted to run their own lives and that they must be 'managed' indicates that they think everyone else is a lesser human being.

Max Hamilton

I was born and grew up in a former socialist/communist country before I became a naturalized American citizen at the age of 46. One thing I can assure you guys, to live in communism is terrible. Yes, many things are “free” or very cheap but NOT available. Yes. Banana was cheaper than in the West - let say in Germany - but the stores has zero banana. You asking now, how it can be possible that a non existing merchandise has a low price. Price tags are attached to the merchandise, right? Wrong. Prices were set up by the communist government. They said for example: banana should be 10 cents per pound. The stores said: sorry guys, we have NO banana in stock. 

So banana was very cheap under one condition: was not available so you was never able to buy any of it phisycally. Smart, ehh? So this is the same system those idiots want to introduce again and the result will be the same again. A few million people will die throughout the process though. They don’t care.

nvdr.: it's called communism (you know Stalin, Mao, a.s.o. ...)

Skip Degraff

You can easily get forced off a homestead and into a jail for little or no excuse. The ability to live undetected is the only actual sustainable life. As a trucker Christian and former felon I offer this... I ran into the woods from police repeatedly... never caught. I ran across open field several times and got caught every time.


The problem is not the “government” but the people running it. And I can’t see schwab or gates or any of those sociopaths giving up anything. And for total strangers to think they have the right to decide how everyone should live is also psycho. This has been slipped into society slowly for a long time. Nonviolent resistance to this criminal conspiracy is a moral duty. If you see something say something.


Since I was a child I always lived in the countryside. Then my parents decided to move to London, and I felt a lab rat. 7 years ago I moved to the British countryside. That was the best decision I took in my life. It’s been some time that I am thinking to buy a small land and go off grid. I do want to give myself and my little one the best life. And the city is not one of those places.

Cool Granddad

My late dad fought actual Nazis in WWII. He thought he was fighting for democratic Rights and Freedoms, he was prepared to die for those beliefs. I agree with his beliefs, self-determination, land/property ownership are crucial for a prosperous society. Very disturbing to see the pope in this group as the scriptures support private property and ownership rights. Why is he there?????

Kelli Macalister

They have figured out a way to get people off of their land, with the new sustainability/ inclusion legislation being passed, they will tax everyone into bankruptcy and off of their land. Also, they will make the ability to have animals more and more expensive and more difficult most likely through limitations and taxation on water supplies.


I am living in the countryside in the E.U. My family will never bend the knee to the wef agenda. We are actively connecting with local like minded families...preparing as quickly as we can to be sustainable and dis-connect with the barbarous system. Living in the countryside is nourishment for the body, mind and soul. My hope is that we will be a great, great many 'discontents' stretching across the globe- pockets and pockets of hope and abundance that eventually the 'smart city' folk will race to join.

Czeketa *

This has already happened in socialist Czechoslovakia, where I grew up. They came and simply confiscated private homes. The grandmas were tying themselves to the trees on their property against the socialist machinery which showed up to level their house they grew up in. The new government order was for their land since now on "to serve the common good", and the people standing against the communist practices were proclaimed evil and greedy. How can anyone even question this as a possible good thing? Different forms of socialism and communism happened many times in history and resulted into millions of corpses EVERY SINGLE TIME.

northern light 108

I get a weird feeling when the government says "don't worry, we will take care of you"

Rom 8:28

I was born in a communist country, when I was a child everything was perfect for me, but when I became a adult I realized that I was born in slavery because I had no right to have my own dreams and that makes me miserable. because freedom is the most important thing in life. that was the reason for the sacrifice in the CALVARY.


The real scary part is the fact they talk about people outside of dystopia means they have plans for everyone planning on being outside.

Donna Allgaier-Lamberti

The "dream" of country living is just that....a dream. I moved my husband to the county 20 years ago so that we could live on the $40,000 we had coming in. We bought a fixer-upper on 5-acres in the country. We homesteaded, kept chickens for eggs, beg eaters, manure and entertainment. We grew many of our own vegetables and sources many vegetable and fruits locally; froze and canned. This worked 24/7 for over 20 years but as we aged life and our health declined our life and keeping everything up became more and more difficult for us. Homesteading is physically hard!

Jeff Andre

I realized that the secret to making a million is making better investment. I always tell myself you don't need that new Car or that vacation just yet and that mindset helps me make more money invest:ng. For example last year I invested 70k in blue chip stocks and crypt0 s (with the help of my advisor of course) and made about 380k, but guess what? I put it back and traded with her again and now I'm rounding up close to a million. Delayed gratification always pays off

Kelli Macalister

They have figured out a way to get people off of their land, with the new sustainability/ inclusion legislation being passed, they will tax everyone into bankruptcy and off of their land. Also, they will make the ability to have animals more and more expensive and more difficult most likely through limitations and taxation on water supplies.

Cheeky Nonconformist

This was probably one of the best I’ve seen so far on what it truly is, the great reset. Part of people living in the country or woods has been a conditioning over many years. Think of all the movies where the woods is considered a dangerous and dark place were evil things come out of. They want you afraid of the woods and have. It’s not new

Joshua King

Country living has been a true blessing to my soul I was brought up in the city, but when I embraced the mountains and countryside I began to feel rest. Rest is truly internal, but outward circumstances being peaceful adds value to our life the pandemic has shown people just how miserable things can be for people, caught up in City apartments.

Speed Fiend

This presentation was BRILLIANT! MUST WATCH for anyone that wants to understand what is coming if they do not prepare.

Steve Bennett

Chad I think a good leader leads by example. Maybe the elites should go first and give away all they have so we can see how happy they are when they own nothing. That way the rest of us can make an informed decision.

Etc…  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omGd7NNzjBk


Check our our shirts and other clothing 


‘Ik ben boerin en wat Caroline van der Plas hier zegt is om te huilen. Ze moet zich schamen’

BBB-voorvrouw Caroline van der Plas sprak donderdag in de Kamer lovende woorden over het plan van minister van Landbouw Wiersma om stikstof ...