vrijdag 29 juli 2022

How GcMAF works & Nagalase!

 REVEALED: Cancer industry profits 'locked in' by nagalase molecule injected into humans via vaccines... spurs tumor growth... explains aggressive vaccine push

Monday, July 27, 2015 by: Julie Wilson staff writer

Tags: nagalase, GcMAF, cancer industry profits


Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/050582_nagalase_GcMAF_cancer_industry_profits.html#ixzz3kfz1GuAR


(NaturalNews) One of the world's most lucrative industries, spending on cancer drugs reached an all-time high last year, as it was valued at more than $100 billion. Spending on cancer drugs increased 6.5 percent annually over the past five years and is expected to continue growing at a rate of 8 percent each year through 2018, according to figures provided by the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics.

That spending is highly concentrated, as the US and five of Europe's largest countries account for nearly two-thirds of the entire market.

This means that billions and billions of dollars are secured by Americans being diagnosed with cancer.

That's one profitable industry; however, it could all be completely dismantled by one thing: a cure.

As Mike Adams recently 
reported, "A universal cancer cure would destroy the profitability of the highly lucrative cancer industry and collapse the American Cancer Society, hospitals, oncology clinics and pharmaceutical companies that depend on chemotherapy revenues to stay profitable."

This means that anyone moving closer to developing a cure for cancer would be considered an extreme threat to the medical establishment and likely stopped at any cost.

With that in mind, the mysterious 
deaths and disappearances of several natural health doctors throughout Florida is as suspicious as it is concerning.

If anyone was close to finding a universal cure for cancer and would ensure the public had access to it, it would likely be natural health doctors, or naturopaths, as they're less likely to prescribe drugs and more likely to try and heal the body naturally using holistic medicine and nontoxic approaches.

Breakthroughs using this type of medicine are extremely "controversial," as they threaten everything that the medical-industrial complex stands for, i.e. costly chemotherapy treatments and cancer drugs.

Doctors leading this type of research are routinely raided and shut down by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), after which they're treated like criminals and their reputations smeared.

This is typically orchestrated against doctors who are considered a threat by the medical establishment.

Renown holistic doctor found dead one week after FDA raids clinic

This seems to be the case with Dr. James Jeffrey Bradstreet, who was recently found dead after his body was discovered floating in a North Carolina river with a single gunshot wound to the chest. Bradstreet, a renowned physician known for his 
skepticism of immunizations (particularly the MMR vaccine), and his progressive autism research, was raided by the FDA one week before his mysterious death. The details of the raid remain largely unknown.

Personally affected by autism, as both his son and stepson were diagnosed with the condition, a significant portion of Dr. Bradstreet's work was dedicated to this cause. He even testified twice before the U.S House of Representatives about the link between vaccines and autism.

As Natural News' reported, leading up to his death, Dr. Bradstreet was working with a little-known molecule that occurs naturally in the human body. GcMAF (Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor), which is the GC protein after it combines with vitamin D in the body, has the potential to be a universal cure for cancer.

It's also believed to be capable of treating and reversing autism, HIV, liver/kidney disease and diabetes.

Dr. Bradstreet was working with a naturally occurring compound that may be the single most effective thing in the immune system for killing cancer cells

In an 
interview on the Hagmann and Hagmann Report, Dr. Ted Broer, an internationally recognized health and nutrition expert also based in Florida, describes how cutting edge Dr. Bradstreet's work was, as well as a discovery he made that very well may have placed him in great danger and could have been the motive for his suspected murder.

The alternative doctors who went missing and/or were killed, were reportedly "interlocked" through Dr. Bradstreet and Dr. Gonzalez's extensive research on autism, and what's causing autism, according to Dr. Broer.

Dr. Gonzalez, a renown holistic cancer treatment pioneer who helped thousands overcome the disease through alternative medicine, 
died of an apparent heart attack just one month after Dr. Bradstreet's body was discovered floating in a river.

Internationally recognized health and nutrition doctor reveals possible motive for Bradstreet's death

Dr. Broer stated in the interview:

This information I'm about to give you right now is extremely controversial and a bunch of people have exited the planet who were working with it.

This information has been around for awhile. They knew the information they were working with and they were basically being very, very careful, supposedly. And some of them were being accused of using GcMAF, and the FDA apparently raided several of their offices several weeks before they committed suicide or suddenly died.

It's going to sound complicated, but I'm going to break this down for everybody super, super easy tonight. When you first hear these terms they're going to sound weird to you.

GC protein is a protein in the body that's used by macrophages in the body. What it does is, macrophages in the body are the ones that kill cancer cells, they stop cytokines storms and can be involved in cytokines storms, we'll explain all these terms in a few minutes.

After defining GcMAF and how it's formulated, Dr. Broer reiterates that it's "probably the single most effective thing in the immune system to kill cancer cells."

However, what Dr. Bradstreet and his colleagues discovered is that the immune system is being compromised by a compound called "nagalase."

Nagalase is an enzyme/protein that's made by cancer cells and viruses causing immunodeficiency syndromes and has also been linked to autism as well as a "host of other problems," Dr. Broer explains.

Doctors found dead and/or went missing felt that nagalase was being introduced to the body through vaccines

"What ends up happening is when the GC protein cannot be converted to McGAF, the entire immune system is compromised."

Some of the doctors who wound up dead or missing believed that the nagalase protein/enzyme was being introduced intentionally into the body either virally or directly through vaccines.

"This is such incredibly damning information to the entire medical profession and the immunological profession and those folks that [sic] are producing immunizations, that apparently they didn't want these guys around," Dr. Broer said.

"I'm not saying what happened to these guys, I'm just saying they're not on this planet anymore."

Doctor compares cancer-causing nagalase to stealth bomber

Nagalese blocks the GC protein from attaching itself to vitamin D, thus preventing the immune system from doing its job and therefore causing cancer and other serious diseases. Without an active immune system, cancer and viral infections can spread rapidly.

Remarkably, there's a significant amount of research available on nagalase and the GcMAF protein. Citing a chapter from The GcMAF Book by Dr. Tim Smith, MD, Dr. Broer said:

Nagalase is like a stealth bomber, the nagalase enzyme synthesized in or released from cancer cells or a virus particle pinpoints the GcMAF protein facilities on the surface of your T and B lymphocytes and simply wipes them out with an incredibly precise bomb.

How precise? Nagalase locates and attacks one specific two-electron bond located only at the 420th amino acid position on a huge protein molecule, one of tens of thousands of proteins, each containing millions of electrons.

This is like selectively taking out a park bench in a major city from 6,000 miles away. More astonishingly, if that is possible, nagalase never misses its target, so there is no collateral damage.

Nagalase is being found in super high concentrations in autistic children

Dr. Bradstreet and his colleagues also learned that the nagalase protein was not present in children at birth but was somehow introduced into autistic children, they felt, during the immunization process.

Before his death, Dr. Bradstreet treated 1,100 patients with GcMAF with an 85 percent response rate – something that was deemed impossible by the medical community.

After reintroducing GcMAF (which had been blocked by nagalase), 15 percent of Bradstreet's autistic patients were no longer autistic, as all of their symptoms were completely eradicated.

Since 1990, 59 research papers have been published on the healing effects of GcMAF, 20 of which pertain to the treatment of cancer. Research suggests that GcMAF can also cure or effectively treat Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as reduce cancerous breast, prostate and kidney tumors.

Stay tuned as Natural News continues to uncover more on this investigation.















How GcMAF works


How GcMAF works


        Pre-clinical trials


What we have learnt


Your body’s own internal medicine

Your GcMAF empowers your body to cure itself. In a healthy person your own GcMAF has 11 actions published so far, (20 known) including two on cells, three excellent effects on the brain, and 6 on cancer. Amongst these it acts as a “director” of your immune system.

But viruses and malignant cells like cancer send out an enzyme called Nagalase that prevents production of your GcMAF: that stops its 11 beneficial effects, and neutralises your immune system. So diseases become chronic, and cancer cells grow unchecked.


Minutes after a receiving a dose, 10 of the body’s actions restart.

In three weeks of two GcMAF 0.25ml doses a week, your immune system is rebuilt to above normal strength.

You need

a.     two doses a week for typically 24 weeks for many diseases and early cancers,

b.     up to seven one ml doses a week and a year for stage 4 cancers.


Your body then takes the disease down without side effects, and successfully in 80% of cases -depending upon how well you follow the protocol under “Treatment Protocol” on this website.


What is GcMAF?

It is a human protein. One week’s GcMAF looks like a small raindrop. If properly produced it is perfectly sterile, and a most ethical course for doctors.

GcMAF is therefore a replacement therapy for those who can’t make their own. Taking GcMAF replaces the missing part of the immune system, and also acts as the body’s own internal medicine.


GcMAF is extracted and isolated; its a 24 step process, and at the end it must have tests to prove its sterility and activity. (If it does not come with published tests, its probably not GcMAF.) Our GcMAF has been tested in universities, laboratories and clinics, where, as a result of the testing, consistent activity and sterility have always been found, and been the subject of 40 scientific research papers.


What does GcMAF do?

The GcMAF Conference 2013 showed GcMAF is a far more powerful molecule than thought, both in terms of the science, and doctors’ results. In stage 4 cancer, some doctors who use the full protocol, listed on “Treatment Strategies,” are saving every patient (if they have not had chemotherapy.) Success can be achieved with all tumour cancers including breast, lung, prostate, pancreatic and melanoma.


GcMAF can eradicate chronic inflammation and viral infections. It is better than antibiotics in many areas, and 25% successful with Autism (60% with ultrasound), 50% or more with Chronic Herpes, Chronic Acne, Chronic cirrhosis of the liver, Chronic kidney disease, Chronic depression, Colitis, Crohn’s, Fibromyalgia, Hepatitis, Herpes, LMBBS, ME/CFS, Osteoporosis, Periodontal disease, Psoriasis and various types of Immune dysfunction including allergies. Research shows GcMAF can halt deterioration in Parkinsons, multiple sclerosis (MS), dementia and ALS, and in its role of immune system regulator, can reverse diseases that attack the immune system like Lupus and Arthritis. And is effective with wound healing. Its successful with tumour cancers, and some others.

In addition to rebuilding a depressed immune system, GcMAF:

Inhibits angiogenesis – stops blood supply to tumours

Activates macrophages – phagocytosis and destruction of cancer cells

Apoptosis – suicide of cancer cells

Reverts the cancer cell phenotype to normal (Turns cancer cells into healthy cells)

Reduces the metastatic potential of human cancer cells in culture.

Increases energy production at the mitochondrial level – ME/CFS

Improves human neuronal metabolic activity through cAMP signaling  – autism, ME/CFS, MS, ALS

Counters toxic effects including cadmium – ME/CFS

It abolishes neuropathic pain due to neuro-oxidative stress (stress due to the anti-cancer drug oxaliplatin) in the lab. (neurodegenerative diseases and autism that have oxidative stress as a pathogenetic mechanism)

It increases neuronal connectivity by promoting differentiation and the formation of dendrites and neuritis (autism and ME/CFS, where there is a lack of connectivity between neurons).

See the 31 research papers published, particularly Brescia, and the 60 published by others listed under “The science”.


80% of terminal stage four tumour cancers cases can be saved (40% if they’ve had chemo), but usually when they are closely monitored, which is why residential Treatment Centres are being run in Switzerland. If they have three months to live and have not had chemo, almost no one needs to be lost.


 uit https://gcmaf.se/how-gcmaf-works/


·         What we have learnt


The scientists who have published papers on trials of GcMAF selected those in the early stages of cancer and HIV, and reported nearly 100 percent success, with no recurrence after many years. They did not attempt trials on people with large tumours.

Our trials are quite different: most people are over 50, some over 80, with advanced or terminal cancers, with significant tumour mass. Most come to us when their doctors tell them they can do no more.

The life of GcMAF is only six days – you have to keep taking it until your disease has gone (ie your nagalase is under 0.65 nmol/min/mg) then a further 8 weeks, or the immune system gets shut down again.


How long should you take GcMAF for?


8 weeks for chronic herpes/acne, fibromyalgia, inflammation.


Allow 24 weeks plus of GcMAF  for: Autism (85% improve, 25% eradication, 60% in one week with ultrasound), CFS (70% eradication), HIV, Lyme (8% respond, most appear to have the VDR gene blocked and the viruses conceal themselves with biofilms) and stage 1 to 2 cancer, (80% respond).


Late stage cancer, if you follow “Treatment Protocol” again has 80% responders, but it takes a year to 18 months to become cancer free.

Cirrhosis of the liver: 16 months


Remember everyone responds differently. We can’t say how you will respond.

The more minor the disease, the easier it is for GcMAF to eradicate.


GcMAF needs normal levels of vitamin D to function strongly (take 10,000iu a day). in low responders, larger doses are required.


We have probably proved GcMAF can work for people up to age 90, and can destroy large tumour mass. See “Participants experiences”.


If you have your blood taken for monocyte counts, relevant markers and vitamin D levels, and again for a nagalase test at the beginning, you should see on your next test after three weeks that your immune system is back to full strength, and after 8 weeks significantly falling nagalase will indicate the disease is losing its grip.


Don’t stop the GcMAF until your nagalase gets below 0.65 nmol/min/mg, when it loses the ability to prevent your body producing your own GcMAF, and then you no longer need ours. Even better, get scans.


Autism children can improve at five weeks with substantial improvements at 8 weeks. See “Participants experiences.” But everyone is different.


The beauty of using your own immune system to attack disease or cancer is that it remembers how to defeat it. And unlike chemotherapy, the side effects are trivial. But you catch cancer from your surroundings: toxic cleaners and shampoo, WIFI, a walkie takie land line – keep it out of your bedroom, the food you eat – if you don’t change your surrounding, you risk a cancer coming back.

The only way you can tell if GcMAF is genuine and active is to test with living cells in a laboratory. See “Quality and Tests of our GcMAF.”


To recap:

We put live macrophages cells and MCF7 breast cancer cells together; nothing happens. Then we add GcMAF; in 72 hours the macrophages eat all the MCF7 cancer cells. We then put only GcMAF and MCF7 together, and the GcMAF turns the cancer cells back into healthy cells.

We have GcMAF available for preclinical trials. See “Buy GcMAF”.

You must read at least all of “Buy GcMAF” and “Treatment strategies” on the left if you want to take this further.  And you must be prepared to give us feedback.


uit https://gcmaf.se/how-gcmaf-works/



·         GcMAF

Vial of 2.2ml

Dosage varies dependent on condition.

Product: €600

Shipping: €60

Total: €660


uit https://gcmaf.se/pricing/


2 doses of  0.25ml of GcMAF a week


In our Treatment Centres our doctors give

a maximum of 2ml, one vial a day for 2 days only, because the body cannot transport cancer debris away at that level.

The most we give continually is 1ml a day.


Cancer treatement:


Under the UK GMC Good Prescription Guidelines paragraph 68 a doctor may use the treatment of his choice. You have a legal right to choose your medication – Declaration of Helsinki (1975). If you have a cancer with tumours, for the Home Protocol the dosage is:


1. For stage one,

            a standard dose of 0.25ml GcMAF twice a week


2. for stage 2 three doses a week,


3. stage 3 five doses a week,


4. late stage 4 up to a full 1ml five times a week.


You should expect no side effects with 1ml a day.


2. At least 10,000iu of vitamin D3 a day,

                   100mcg K2,

                   400mg of magnesium citrate.


3. No sugar or carbohydrates (so no cereals or bread etc) which feed cancer.


4. Eat vegetables, fish, and white meat.


5. If your weight drops below your perfect weight for your height, take Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) from a vitamin shop, or better, Master Amino Acid Pattern.


If nebulising the dose is 0.5ml to 1.0 ml a day in 5ml of saline.

If you add drugs to this, the more you add the more you will reduce your chances of success. More is less.

Don’t stop the GcMAF until 8 weeks after you have scans proving you are cancer free, or 8 weeks after your nagalase drops below 0.65.

GcMAF is usually successful with terminal stage four pancreatic cancer, but it takes doses of one ml a day initially. Chemotherapy can make blood and immune system counts so low treatment fails.


Avoid the five main causes of cancer

1. Too much sugar

2. Lack of vitamin D3

2. Poor nutrition lacking in amino acids and trace metals,

4. Lack of oxygen and exercise,

5. Severe shock stress.


uit https://gcmaf.se/treatment-protocols/





First Immune

+44 1481 722787




uit https://gcmaf.se/pricing/

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