dinsdag 13 september 2022

UK BANS Covid Vaccines for ALL kids under 12

Authorities Afraid of Criminal Liability for Vaccination?

Naked Emperor reported on the UK not giving Covid vaccine to under-12 children.

The Naked Emperor’s Newsletter
UK Government stops vaccinating 5-11 year olds
Your support is very much appreciated. Please consider taking out a paid subscription to support independent journalism. In February this year, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) in the UK) decided that children between the ages of five and 11 could be vaccinated with a Covid vaccine…
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This is great news.

I just wanted to post a quick note because, in many places and news media, this news is not described properly. People mention this program as being “discontinued”. That benign sounding description is not quite exactly correct.

The correct statement is that in the UK, Covid vaccines were just BANNED for all children under 12. Not a single UK child under 12 is allowed to get any doses of Covid vaccines.

People are complaining about their previous vaccine appointments CANCELED and being unable to give the shots to their kids:

All I want to say about this story is that it should be described as a BAN on mRNA vaccinations for those under 12, as no one under 12 is allowed to vaccinate even if their parents really want to. The above tweet author’s doctor, being mindful of liability and the ban, is REFUSING to give Claire’s kid the vaccine and Claire has nowhere else to go.

This is a big vindication of our efforts. I am guessing that the British authorities are becoming more aware of the public disappointment and the looming specter of criminal liability, and are backpedaling on the vaccines quietly.

So a big thank you to all. It would not happen if people stayed silent, were scared of losing online accounts, etc.

And if you report this news on social media, consider saying that Covid vaccine is BANNED for under-12 in the UK. Ask why it is not yet banned in your country!


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