vrijdag 4 november 2022

Finland REFUSES to Recommend Bivalent Boosters for Working-Age People

THL: Boosters Weaken Immunological Response!

Exciting news! The Finnish health authority outright REFUSED to recommend bivalent boosters for working-age people and children and acknowledged vaccines causing damage to immune systems:

Finnish authority explains that these shots “weaken immunological response”:

Finland’s THL cited a Greek study, where “fully vaccinated people” had only 1 day shorter absence from work due to Covid, compared to partially vaccinated people (8 instead of 9 days) — and that is within FOUR MONTHS of the first vaccination!

THL's chief physician also refers to a Greek study published in mid-October, which investigated how much the duration of illness and sickness absences could be reduced by corona vaccinations among healthcare professionals.

- In this study, the fully vaccinated had 8.1 days of absence due to corona, and the partially vaccinated had 9.7 days of absence. In other words, the fully vaccinated have had 1.6 days less sick leave during the four-month follow-up.

And finally, acknowledging the elephant in the room, Emily Oster-style:

- The current mRNA vaccines' protection against infections is only moderate and short-lived, says Nohynek.

Compare this to the US, where the Biden administration demands five-year-olds to take their useless bivalent booster two months after these 5-year-olds get their previous useless monovalent booster.

(that new kids’ booster was not tested on a single child or a single baby mouse)

Anyway, the tide is turning. The US is currently taken over by crazy and blind people, but it will turn around also. Congratulations.


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Source: https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/finland-refuses-to-recommend-bivalent?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email 

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