vrijdag 13 januari 2023

Ivermectin's Effectiveness Proven Again; Patented Version of the Cheap Drug Shows 72% Efficacy

 800,000 people died in the USA for nothing.

You are not a horse! You are not a cow! That’s what the FDA told us to dissuade us from taking Ivermectin.

Fortunately, we are also not sheep and did not believe the FDA. Many of us stocked up on Ivermectin, and most found it helpful. While I did not use it when I had my Covid in Nov 2020, it worked great for my wife in Dec 2021 and other family members during the summer of 2022.

Ivermectin, a cheap and safe generic medication, was of little interest to profit-minded pharmaceutical giants like Pfizer and Merck. Therefore, they conspired with the FDA to lie that it did not work and instead pushed expensive Covid vaccines and non-working drugs like mutagenic Molnupiravir and rebound-causing Paxlovid.

Expensive Patented Version of Ivermectin Proven to Work!

A company called MedinCell came up with an expensive, patentable version of Ivermectin. The only difference between the pills you can freely buy in Mexico or India and MedinCell’s version is that the patented solution is “slow-release.”

MedinCell conducted a randomized controlled trial of their version of Ivermectin and found that it reduces Covid infections by 72%!

The study was very well designed because the participants were EXPOSED to the Covid infection within five days. Given the exposure, the outcomes were more likely to happen and thus were easier to compare between groups, giving the trial greater statistical power.

The 72% reduction in infection is much MORE effective than the “covid vaccine.”

The trial encompassed the period of Mar-Nov 2022, thus giving us the real-world effectiveness of Ivermectin against the Omicron variant.

While I am happy at the finding, there are several things to be NOT happy about.

  • If we are to believe official numbers, about 1,121,000 people died of Covid in the USA. Given published effectiveness estimates of Ivermectin coming from honest studies, Ivermectin could save eight hundred thousand of those lives. The intentional suppression of Ivermectin cost us so dearly.

  • Given a 72% reduction in infection, natural immunity with Ivermectin would likely have stopped the pandemic entirely in 2020.

  • This is an expensive, patented “slow-release” version of Ivermectin. The “slow release” likely brings no clinical benefit but will bring financial benefit to Medincell.

  • Had Ivermectin been recognized as an effective antiviral, the “Covid vaccines” could not get EUA approval, and thus we would avoid thousands of vaccine victims and destroyed immune systems.

  • Second-largest Democratic donor and the largest crypto thief Sam Bankman-Fried donated 18 million dollars to the Together trial after it falsely demonstrated a finding that Democrat-aligned Covid vaccine pushers wanted, namely that Ivermectin allegedly was useless.

The good news here is that Ivermectin works, and to simulate slow release, you can take smaller dosages more frequently or cut pills into smaller pieces.

Here are some of my other articles about Ivermectin — with honest trials showing a comparable reduction in illness and death.

Igor’s Newsletter
New Ivermectin Study -- Same 70% Reduction in Deaths
A new study of Ivermectin is out and, while we should celebrate the results, they are just like results of all other honest previous Ivermectin studies. What was the study about? Researchers compared patients in the United States who were treated with Ivermectin (they identified 1,072 such patients), and compared them with patients who were treated with …
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Igor’s Newsletter
CNN vs Ivermectin
Came across this tweet from a bluecheck CNN anchor: I was so sad to hear that Ivermectin is not effective, so I decided to give the study a closer look…
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So, thousands of people died of Covid. Thousands of people died of Covid vaccines. The pandemic, prolonged by vaccination, is raging and reinfects people with immunity disabled by mystery genetic treatments. My prediction from last March, unfortunately, is coming true.

Igor’s Newsletter
AIDS-Like "Chronic Covid" is Taking Over Europe, Australia and NZ
This article will explain exactly why endless Covid reinfections happen, and the dangerous consequences that they lead to, based on recent scientific advances. What’s happening? When Omicron appeared around December of last year, the powers-to-be in most Western countries found themselves in a situation of mass vaccine failure, where a Covid variant Omic…
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All of this happened because of the recklessness and greed of the biomedical-industrial complex, which developed Sars-Cov-2 and then pushed an unproven, ineffective vaccine that worsened the pandemic.

While the above paragraph is upsetting, the good news is that Ivermectin was validated, and “we have the tools” to manage a Covid infection or exposure. Do not worry about “slow release”, it is just a money grab by MedinCell.

Lastly, take a minute to think about millions of victims of suppression of Ivermectin worldwide, who died to make a few companies and foundations richer and more powerful.

Will Ivermectin ever be recommended officially? And do we even care about such approval if we can still order it online? (except in Australia where they still cannot) Let us know what you think!


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De Daily Mail ontwaakt plotseling uit haar journalistieke coma en meldt een feitelijk verhaal over Covid-doodsinjecties

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