dinsdag 18 juli 2023


 A quick look into what's causing the cancer explosion.                                      

One of the toxic ingredients in the fake vaccine is likely Thulium isotope tm-170 which is a weak Gamma and Xray emitter. It is used in dental Xray machines and pipe surveying machines.

Being Xray it can pass out through the body, so being in the presence of a recently jabbed person could be like standing next to a mini Xray machine.

Thulium 170 has a short half life of 128 days, its more or less going to be spent and undetectable after a year.

However, by that time it will have caused severe DNA damage that will not show up for years to come.

Mirrored - Xray_911

Video Link: https://www.brighteon.com/4e657c19-b519-4812-9640-8aeab08282dd

Source : https://www.brighteon.com/4e657c19-b519-4812-9640-8aeab08282dd 

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