dinsdag 10 oktober 2023

Hydroxychloroquine Does Save Lives After All, New Study Finds

 Will we hear apologies?

A brand-new scientific study compared hundreds of hospitalized recipients of hydroxychloroquine (and azithromycin) with thousands of controls who received standard hospital care.


This study was carefully done, peer-reviewed, and published in a prestigious journal.

It looked at very sick, hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and tried to see if hydroxychloroquine, given with or without the antibiotic azithromycin, would help save lives.

The authors selected matching controls to account for any possible confounding effects.

We conducted a retrospective analysis to compare the 28-day mortality rate in 352 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin (HCQ-group) in our hospital with a contemporary control group of 3533 patients receiving standard of care from the Belgian Collaborative Group on COVID-19 Hospital Surveillance.

Scientists found that hydroxychloroquine did save lives, indeed:

A statistically significant reduction in crude mortality rate at 28 days was observed in the HCQ-group compared to standard of care (16.8% vs 25.9%,p ​= ​0.001).

For those not statistically inclined, p=0.001 means there is less than one-in-a-thousand possibility of this outcome being a random bit of luck. In other words, this is a finding of a very high degree of statistical certainty.

Scientists did their utmost to eliminate any possible confounding factors, such as the effect of age and so on.

After adjustment for these variables the OR for mortality was 0.635 (95%CI 0.464–0.875). Patients who did not receive HCQ had a 57% higher risk of mortality.

Read this again: those who did not receive HCQ had a 57% greater chance of dying, all other things being equal!

The authors conclude:

A Bit of History

Hydroxychloroquine was known as a safe and effective drug for Covid-19 and was used in China from the beginning.

However, having a safe and effective medicine would preclude expedited approval (emergency use authorization) for the Covid-19 vaccine. Therefore, for the vaccine promoters, dismissing all safe and effective treatments was essential.

Indeed, a fake Surgisphere study was arranged that “proved” the ineffectiveness of HCQ using a completely fabricated dataset. Based on this study and another industry-sponsored study intentionally administering harmful doses of HCQ, the FDA recommended not using hydroxychloroquine. Despite the Surgisphere study exposed as an elaborate fraud, HCQ was never reinstated as a recommended drug.

A part of this story was that, unluckily, President Trump touted HCQ as an effective drug. The Pfizer-sponsored media, additionally suffering from the Trump derangement syndrome, was quick to denounce anything recommended by Trump. Truth did not matter to them; neither did the lives of people who could die following wrong recommendations.

Suppressing safe and effective COVID drugs, such as hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, sadly costs lives.

How Many Lives Were Lost?

According to the official statistics, 1,178,411 people have died of Covid in the United States. If 37% of those lives could be saved by using HCQ, then about 436,000 people would not have to die needlessly. They would still be with us, enjoying the company of their loved ones, children, and grandchildren.

Instead, Pfizer made billions, the pandemic was never stopped, and the Pfizer-sponsored press has moved the object of their hysterical attention elsewhere.

Do you think that we will hear a “pandemic apology”?


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