A new study by Zhai et al. found disturbing effects of mRNA COVID vaccines on people who are diabetic or prediabetic. Authors report that “61.1% of patients with type 2 diabetes, but not healthy controls, exhibited aggravated insulin resistance towards the booster shots of the COVID-19 vaccine”. The study authors recruited 155 people and compared their condition before and after the mRNA COVID booster shots:
They found that there was a significant effect on diabetic subjects:
Spike Protein is the Culprit!I would like to compliment the authors, who bravely showed the deleterious effect of COVID-19 vaccines - something for which their careers will probably suffer - and also found out what exactly is the culprit in the COVID-19 vaccine. It turns out to be “spike protein,” effects of which I underlined in blue, whereas conclusions about diabetes are underlined in red: These charts show the worsening of diabetes, as well as increased risk of cardiovascular outcomes past Covid vaccines, in a simple set of charts: Mouse Experiment Confirms Effect of COVID VaccinesTo their further credit, the authors did not stop at these convincing findings and decided to perform similar experiments on mice. Compared to the controls, Covid-vaccinated mice show worsening glucose control, a rise in triglycerides, and increased cardiovascular risk due to vaccinations: I feel very sorry for those mRNA-vaccinated mice. Is their risk of “dying suddenly” increased? It sure looks like it! COVID Also Worsens DiabetesSome pandemic skeptics believe that “Covid is just a cold” or that “viruses do not exist.” I am not one of them. The story about COVID and diabetes is just one example of why this is not a good illness to have. The authors, after conducting a very deep investigation, proved that Covid vaccines impair glucose tolerance in diabetics via spike protein that they encode. A question arises: what about Covid, a disease that produces spike protein as part of the viral replication? Does COVID also worsen diabetes? Unfortunately, the news is not great: COVID-19 does the same thing as Covid vaccines: it impairs glucose tolerance in diabetics and prediabetics. The study authors explain: A Sad Personal ConfessionUnfortunately, I am one of those affected people. I have a family history of diabetes, and according to 23andme, I carry a certain diabetes gene. I am not vaccinated against COVID-19. And yet, in a strange coincidence, my blood sugar worsened during the COVID pandemic, from prediabetic to diabetic levels. As of today, my BMI is 27.6, so I am exactly midway between normal weight and obesity - and yet my blood sugar control leaves much to be desired. In desperation, despite liking meat and spending about eight years on low carb in the past and dieting for the last 20 years, I am trying a vegan diet to see if it would help with blood sugar. The results from the four weeks of being vegan are encouraging. I know that any restrictive diet can have a temporary good effect, so I am reserving judgment for now. The takeaway is that both COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19 make diabetes worse. For that, we need to thank the inventors of COVID, as well as the creators of COVID vaccines - who happen to be mostly the same people. Have you heard of anyone whose diabetes got worse recently? You're currently a free subscriber to Igor’s Newsletter. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |
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zaterdag 6 januari 2024
mRNA Covid Vaccines Worsen Diabetes, Study Finds
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