vrijdag 15 november 2024

Wi-Fi can be used to influence brainwaves, has potential for hypnotic effects and social engineering (+ 5G R. Kennedy)

11/13/2024 // Lance D Johnson // 3,5K Views

In today’s interconnected world, wireless internet access has become ubiquitous, found in nearly every coffee shop, office and home. But Wi-Fi signals are not benign. Radio-frequency (RF) radiation is constantly bombarding the cells and influencing brain waves. Of particular concern is extremely low frequency (ELF) waves, which have the potential to interfere with brain waves and make a person unknowingly enter a suggestive state of mind. Wi-Fi is a vector for social engineering, causing individuals to surrender their critical thinking to conform to official narratives and group think.

Keith Cutter, a well-known critic of modern wireless technology, has spent years exploring the darker side of Wi-Fi radiation. According to Cutter, Wi-Fi’s impact is not limited to direct radiation exposure but also extends to more subtle and disturbing effects, including brainwave entrainment, cognitive disruption, and what he refers to as the “Wi-Fi memory effect” on body tissues.

The effect of radio frequency electromagnetic fields over time

Wi-Fi operates using radio-frequency electromagnetic fields, transmitting data via pulse-modulated RF radiation. While the technology itself may seem harmless — after all, most devices only emit relatively low levels of RF radiation — Cutter believes that the cumulative impact of this exposure over time is far from benign.

One of the primary concerns Cutter highlights is the effect of extremely low frequency (ELF) waves, which Wi-Fi broadcasts in addition to its higher frequency RF signals. ELF waves range from approximately 3 to 30 Hz, a frequency range that just so happens to overlap with the natural oscillation frequencies of the human brain. The brain’s electrical activity is divided into different frequency bands, each associated with different states of consciousness and mental function:

  • Delta Waves (0.5-4Hz): Associated with deep sleep, healing, and relaxation
  • Theta Waves (4-8Hz): Linked to deep relaxation, meditation, and creativity
  • Alpha Waves (8-12Hz): Present during calm, relaxed states, such as daydreaming or light meditation
  • Beta Waves (13-30Hz): Associated with active thinking, concentration, and problem-solving
  • Gamma Waves (30-44Hz): Involved in higher cognitive functions like learning, memory, and sensory processing

Cutter is most concerned with 10Hz ELF pulses, emitted by Wi-Fi beacons. These beacons, which constantly pulse at this frequency, are essentially broadcasting a persistent signal to ensure devices remain connected. Cutter believes that the 10Hz pulse can have a profound effect on brain activity, particularly by inducing a phenomenon known as brainwave entrainment.

Brainwave entrainment from 10Hz pulses can put people in a suggestible state

Brainwave entrainment refers to the synchronization of brainwaves to an external frequency. When the brain is exposed to a consistent external stimulus at a particular frequency, such as the 10Hz signal emitted by Wi-Fi, it can shift its own natural brainwave patterns to match. At 10Hz, the brain enters a more relaxed state, akin to alpha waves, which corresponds to reduced cortical activity.

Cutter is particularly alarmed by this, warning that prolonged exposure to the 10Hz ELF signal can create a “suggestible state,” where the brain is more susceptible to external influences. These external influences could include media, marketing, or even subconscious programming, all of which are being introduced to people while they are under the influence of Wi-Fi emitting devices.

"We’re talking about the possibility of mind control," Cutter warns, suggesting that this kind of brainwave manipulation may make individuals more vulnerable to external suggestions (like hypnosis). The manipulation could be used to coerce populations into believing or thinking a certain way, against their intuition, knowledge, rational thought, or instincts.

Wi-Fi radiation may create a “memory effect”

Another concern raised by Cutter is the potential for Wi-Fi to have a “memory effect” on body tissues. This refers to the way certain electromagnetic frequencies can be absorbed and retained by the body, potentially leading to long-term physical changes or health conditions.

Cutter compares this phenomenon to trauma stored within the body — similar to the psychological concept of "trauma memory," where past emotional or physical trauma manifests in the body even after the event has passed. In the case of Wi-Fi, he suggests that the body could absorb the radiation and store it in tissues, leading to ongoing health issues like fatigue, headaches, and even more severe conditions associated with electrical sensitivity.

Wi-Fi is far from a benign technological convenience. It’s proliferation into daily life presents a “hidden epidemic,” one that is silently negating the health and well-being of individuals, and making their minds more vulnerable to suggestion.

Sources include:




Bron: https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-11-13-wi-fi-can-be-used-to-influence-brainwaves.html


Dit zei Trumps nieuwe minister van Volksgezondheid over de gevaren van 5G

De radiofrequente straling van 5G is gevaarlijk. Dat zei Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Trumps nieuwe minister van Volksgezondheid, afgelopen jaar tijdens een bijeenkomst die werd uitgezonden door NewsNation.

Deze straling verstoort de bloed-hersenbarrière en is gelinkt aan glioblastoma’s en andere kankers, en veroorzaakt een hele reeks andere desastreuze gezondheidseffecten, voegde Kennedy toe. Hier zijn letterlijk duizenden en duizenden studies over te vinden.

(Video verwijderd? Klik hier...)


Je kunt beweren dat het een complottheorie is, maar het federaal hof van beroep heeft me in het gelijk gesteld, aldus Kennedy. Hij voegde toe dat hij ook een zaak van Monsanto heeft gewonnen over de kankerverwekkendheid van glyfosaat. “Dat werd ook een complottheorie genoemd.”

Kennedy benadrukte nog eens dat 5G gevaarlijk is. “We moeten onze kinderen beschermen. Je moet die antennes niet op basisscholen plaatsen. We zouden mensen moeten waarschuwen: hou je mobieltje niet tegen je hoofd!”


We maken een epidemie van glioblastoma’s mee en die vormen zich in vrijwel alle gevallen aan de kant van het hoofd waar mensen hun telefoon tegenaan houden, zei Kennedy nog.

Over de auteur: Robin de Boer is economisch geograaf. Volg hem hier op Substack.

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