vrijdag 23 juli 2021

5.522 mensen zijn overleden binnen 28 dagen na een Covid-19-vaccin in Schotland volgens Public Health Scotland

Public Health Scotland heeft onthuld dat alleen al in Schotland 5.522 mensen zijn overleden binnen achtentwintig dagen na het ontvangen van een Covid-19-vaccin in de afgelopen zes maanden.

De dagelijkse expositie 18 juli 2021 

Omdat er tientallen verzoeken om vrijheid van informatie werden gedaan, waarbij aan Public Health Scotland (PHS) werd gevraagd om het huidige totale aantal sterfgevallen te verstrekken van personen die binnen 28 dagen na het ontvangen van een Covid-19-vaccin zijn overleden, besloot PHS dat de beste manier om verder te gaan was om de informatie routinematig en periodiek te publiceren in hun statistisch Covid-19-rapport.

De meest up-to-date cijfers van PHS en binnen het  rapport uitgebracht door op de 23 e  juni 2 021, en ze laten zien dat tussen de 8 ste  december 2020, en de 11 ste  juni 2021 een totaal aantal van 5522 mensen stierven binnen 28 dagen een dosis van een Covid-19-vaccin hebben.

Volgens de  spreadsheet van Public Health Scotland ; waaronder het aantal sterfgevallen per type vaccin en de datum waarop ze plaatsvonden, 1.877 sterfgevallen waren te wijten aan de Pfizer-mRNA-prik, 3.643 sterfgevallen waren te wijten aan de AstraZeneca-virale vectorprik en 2 sterfgevallen waren te wijten aan de Moderna-mRNA-prik .

Dit komt neer op gemiddeld 920 sterfgevallen per maand als gevolg van de Covid-19-vaccins in Schotland alleen. Overtreft het gemiddelde aantal mensen dat is overleden aan Covid-19 in Schotland met 866 per maand.

Een  vrijheid van informatie verzoek  gedaan op de 30 ste  januari vroeg de Schotse regering om het totale aantal mensen die waren overleden aan Covid-19 sinds maart 2020 te onthullen.

Waarop de Schotse regering op 11 maart 2021 reageerde met:

“Het antwoord op uw vraag is dat er tussen maart 2020 en januari 2021 (inclusief) 596 sterfgevallen met betrekking tot COVID-19 zijn geregistreerd waarbij er geen reeds bestaande medische aandoening was.”

Public Health England heeft tot nu toe geweigerd gegevens te publiceren over het aantal sterfgevallen binnen 28 dagen na het vaccin in Engeland, maar het is niet omdat mensen het proberen.

Er zijn tientallen verzoeken om vrijheid van informatie ingediend bij PHE om de vraag te stellen, maar ze reageren nooit met de verklaring dat "Public Health England kan bevestigen dat het niet over de informatie beschikt die u hebt gevraagd.

Met behulp van de gegevens over het aantal sterfgevallen als gevolg van de Covid-19-vaccins in Schotland kunnen we echter inschatten wat het waarschijnlijke aantal sterfgevallen is als gevolg van de prikken in Engeland. 

Als we ons aanpassen aan de omvang van de bevolking, schatten we dat het werkelijke aantal sterfgevallen als gevolg van de jabs in Engeland in de afgelopen 6 maanden zo hoog zou kunnen zijn als 57.470.

Dat aantal alleen is precies waarom PHE "beweert" dat ze die informatie niet hebben.

donderdag 22 juli 2021

 UK chief science advisor admits that 60% of people admitted to UK hospitals are “fully vaccinated”

Tuesday, July 20, 2021 by: Lance D Johnson
Tags: badhealthbadmedicineBig Pharmabooster shotsdeceptionfraudulent clinical studieshospitalizationsnatural immunitypandemicpharmaceutical fraudspike protein experimentvaccine damagewaning vaccine immunity



(Natural News) On July 19th, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson held a news conference alongside Sir Patrick Vallance, Britain’s Chief Scientific Adviser. When Sir Patrick took the mic, he admitted that the “fully vaccinated” are being hospitalized en masse for covid-19 and are falling severely ill to the “delta variant.” In fact, Vallance clearly stated that 60 percent of UK hospitalizations are now coming from people who already had two doses of the covid-19 vaccine. Hospitalizations are climbing, as tens of thousands of “fully vaccinated” people realize they were duped again.

Vallance warned that hospitalizations could climb to 1,000 a day. According to these projections, up to 4,200 or more “fully vaccinated” people could require hospitalization every week in the UK. These figures do not include the tens of thousands of “fully vaccinated” people who sought hospitalization after suffering from adverse events following vaccination. Because these new vaccines use a unique sequence of the engineered spike protein, they introduce the bioweapon component of SARS-CoV-2 directly into the blood of people – poisoning the vaccinated, all for the promise of some immunological superiority. As thousands of vaccinated people are learning each week, the vaccines do not impart immunological superiority. These shots are a destructive, deadly experiment, making more people susceptible to coronaviruses and severe illness, while directly killing off tens of thousands of people in the process.

COVID vaccine efficacy could be as insignificant as 1%, when determining absolute risk reduction

After the press conference, Sir Patrick was forced to retract his “vaccine misinformation” on Twitter. “Correcting a statistic I gave at the press conference, about 60% of hospitalizations from COVID are not from double vaccinated people. Rather, 60% of hospitalizations from COVID are currently from unvaccinated people.”

If this statement is actually true, and the data is not manipulated any further to promote the vaccine, then at least 40% of COVID hospitalizations are coming from “fully vaccinated” patients. This means the vaccines are not effective at all. They do not prevent real COVID infection like a vaccine is supposed to do, and they don’t even lessen the severity of the illness. Instead, the vaccines cause more health problems, flooding people’s bodies with inflammatory spike proteins that obviously DO NOT translate immunity.

This real-world vaccine failure coincides with research comparing the vaccines’ relative risk reduction (RRR) versus absolute risk reduction (ARR). The vaccine manufacturers used RRR to falsely promote vaccine efficacy. By omitting ARR, the manufacturer used reporting bias to inflate the vaccine efficacy. The fraudulent vaccine studies also used disparate study protocols, including disparate primary endpoints (such as what is considered a COVID-19 case, and when is this assessed). The fraudulent studies also used previous vaccines as placebos to obscure the safety data, and the studies relied on variances in study populations, with disparate background risks of COVID-19, duration of exposure, etc. With these factors considered, the vaccine’s efficacy is closer to just 1 percent absolute risk reduction.

Natural immunity up to 40 times more effective in preventing hospitalizations in Israeli study

Israeli public health authorities have come to a similar conclusion, that the COVID vaccines are a false sense of security, with a real-world effectiveness rate that has fallen to 64 percent. That effectiveness rate is only bound to plummet further, as more fully vaccinated people are hospitalized — their bodies unable to adapt to new variants.

In fact, Israeli Health Ministry data on new COVID outbreaks suggests that natural immunity is more than forty times more permanent than vaccine-induced immunity. Only 72 of the 7,700 cases in May were from people who had been infected previously. That’s less than one percent of new cases. On the contrary, 3,000 new cases were from fully vaccinated people (approximately 40 percent of new cases).

As the delta variant becomes the predominant strain in the US, plaguing people who have already been vaccinated, Dr. Anthony Fauci urges Americans to listen to “trusted messengers” like himself. He says fully vaccinated people are “generally protected” and that children above age two should wear masks until they, too, are fully vaccinated. Pfizer is already pressuring regulatory agencies around the world to prepare populations for a third dose and subsequent booster shots each year. How can a vaccine be considered “efficacious” if more booster shots are required? Why are these vaccines still on the market if 40 to 60 percent of new covid hospitalizations are coming from the fully vaccinated?

Sources include:






Source:  https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-07-20-uk-chief-advisor-admits-fully-vaccinated-hospitalized.html 

It’s the VACCINATED who are speeding up the evolution of variants 

and spreading them to others, 

including the Delta Variant

Image: It’s the VACCINATED who are speeding up the evolution of variants and spreading them to others, including the Delta Variant

(Natural News) In the same way the US has overused and abused antibiotics for humans and animals, rendering most of them useless, while creating superbugs that are immune to those antibiotics, the Covid-19 vaccines are creating super-virus “bugs” that vaccinated people are MORE susceptible to catch, transmit to each other, and then die from. Did you know that MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus), the deadly bacterial superbug that’s spreading rampantly in US hospitals right now, is immune to antibiotics? Yes, MRSA is able to persist, despite treatment with multiple antibiotics, as this virulent bacteria that causes deadly staph infections has become IMMUNE to treatments.

The Covid-19 vaccines are artificially infecting the human body with a weak version (plus mimicking protein fragments) of the virus SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus), while the versions in the wild are already morphed and have become immune to those inoculations, rendering them all not just useless, but endangering the lives of the injected.

Every single American who has gotten vaccinated for Covid believes that vaccines are the only way to protect against viruses, and ironically, have become the centerpiece of a mass medical experiment to terminate several billion humans.

It’s mass-scale depopulation by design, and the vaccinated have no clue that they are the ones spreading their greatest fear amongst themselves, while vaccines ironically turn out to be their nemesis. Instead of dying from MRSA they’re dying from mRNA (just replace the S with an N). Instead of dying from morphing bacterial superbugs, they’re dying from morphing virus superbugs.

From MRSA to mRNA, the bacterial and viral superbugs will wipe out several billion humans

Some vaccinated sheeple will get sick and injured from the vaccine, then visit the hospital, only to catch MRSA and die from that. In case you weren’t aware, hospital means “place to die.” The vaccine is the catapult that wrecks your health permanently, and faster than the mercury in flu shots, or the Nazi gas chamber chemicals in chemotherapy, or even the fluoride in tap water. It’s a rush job and big pharma isn’t playing around anymore.

Just recently, a former Pfizer executive had an interview with America’s Frontline Doctors, who tried to save America at the beginning of the outbreak by spreading the word about natural remedies, and this former Pfizer top guru blew the whistle on China Flu jabs, calling them an agenda of pure evil, crimes against humanity, and a “massive-scale depopulation” scheme.

The new herd theory means the herd is spreading disease amongst themselves, while being weakened by insidious government-sanctioned vaccinations (that cause deadly blood clots).

The new strains of Covid are immune to the vaccines just administered to a few billion people around the world, but what makes matters worse is that the vaccinated are even WEAKER now, and the more virulent strains will be attacking them first. But there’s a caveat. All the vaccine injuries and deaths are now getting blamed on stronger “variants” of Covid, a convenient and planned cover-up from the beginning, before the creation and release of Covid part I.

The longer Covid spreads among the VACCINATED, the more ability it has to mutate into more virulent variants

Gene therapy vaccines are setting up the vaccinated for their worst fear, a flu that CAN kill them, along with inoculations that cause blood clots and heart inflammation. Even the healthiest soldiers in the US military are suffering “acute onset of marked chest pain” and myocarditis just days after getting the Covid toxic jabs, according to a clinical study published in JAMA’s Cardiology Journal. So if you’re one of those people who just can’t seem to find a source of real science behind the vaccine violence in America, there you go. There’s your clinical study documented by JAMA (an Allopathic favorite). Yes, all 22 healthy male soldiers from the clinical study experienced severe chest pain and were diagnosed with CLINICAL MYOCARDITIS, which can be deadly if it ends in heart failure.

So now what if those soldiers just caught MRSA or Delta Variant in the hospital where they were treated for Covid-vaccine-injuries? Who and what gets the blame, the unvaccinated? This is worth careful consideration. There exists zero medical rationale for getting Covid vaccines. They are classified by the CDC as medical experiments, and all the guinea pigs and the “herd” of uninformed sheeple are about to find out why.

Welcome to Fauci’s “two Americas” — the dying vaccinated and the informed refusers (who will enjoy longevity). Visit CovidVaccineReactions.com if you already got a toxic Covid jab or two and you are experiencing side effects, blood clots or other adverse events. Then tune your internet frequency to Pandemic.news for updates on these crimes against humanity being delivered under the guise of inoculation.

Sources for this article include:







DELTA variant hysteria exposes the sobering truth: 

Covid vaccines don’t work, and “variants” are pushed as scare stories to demand more vaccines, mask mandates and destructive lockdowns

Image: DELTA variant hysteria exposes the sobering truth: Covid vaccines don’t work, and “variants” are pushed as scare stories to demand more vaccines, mask mandates and destructive lockdowns

(Natural News) We have now reached a stunning tipping point in the global push for mass vaccinations that inject people with spike protein bioweapons. 

New research finds that “fully vaccinated” individuals are suffering an eight times higher mortality rate than the non-vaccinated. And a stunning report out of the UK finds that 62% of those dying from covid are people who have been vaccinated.

The covid vaccine, it turns out, doesn’t really work.

More specifically, it doesn’t provide non-specific immunity to even slight variations in coronavirus morphology. While natural immunity produces more “general” antibodies that work against all sorts of variants, the covid vaccine — consisting of spike protein bioweapons being injected into human guinea pigs as part of a global medical experiment — provides little or no immunity against viral variants (even assuming it works against the original strain, which is quite a leap).

The implications of this are profound. It means that people who have chosen the vaccine route instead of the natural immunity route will be forever dependent on “booster” shots to try to address each new variant as mutations appear in the wild. This means repeated injections with more bioweapons, and it means the covid vaccines that were originally promoted as a pathway to “freedom” and immunity are no such thing. It’s more like an addiction to the needle, because you need endless injections just to stay current, since viruses constantly mutate in the wild.

While a naturally immune person has achieved true freedom with a fully functioning immune system, a vaccine-dependent person has no general protections and must live in constant fear that a new mutation will suddenly render their existing, limited antibodies completely obsolete.

Yet vaccine passports are given to the vaccinated — the most vulnerable — not those who have achieved far more powerful natural immunity. This is just one of the many ways the entire plandemic response is actually designed to continue spreading the infections so that lockdowns, mask mandates and vaccine mandates can be gleefully justified by power-drunk bureaucrats and medical tyrants (like Fauci).

Delta variant vaccine failure now used to demand return to lockdowns, masks and social distancing

As I publicly predicted months ago, these new “variants” are greedily invoked by health tyrants to unleash a return to authoritarian lockdowns, mask mandates and other freedom-crushing demands. The failure of their own vaccine creates the very conditions that give them the power to take away yet more human freedoms. And just to add insult to injury, they demand you consent to every new vaccine they concoct, always with the same calculated lie: “If you just take THIS vaccine, then you’ll be safe and free!”

But it’s always a lie. The vaccines don’t really work as promised, and you’re never free until you stand your ground and say no to the medical tyrants.

Importantly, given that viruses constantly mutate in the wild, there is no future where medical tyrants voluntarily declare the pandemic to be “over” and stop demanding lockdowns, masks and vaccine injections.

They’ve found the ultimate power trip scam, and they’re going to keep pushing it as long as they can. And for those who are willing to be obedient sheeple this means never-ending enslavement under the Pandemic Virus Industrial Complex.

Remember the promise from 2020? 

“Give us two weeks to flatten the curve.” Soon it will be two years and counting. There is no scenario where these covid tyrants release their iron grip on humanity. There is no point where they say, “You’re vaccinated enough.” There is no circumstance under which they will back off from their power grab and trust in people to make their own decisions.

As proof of that, LA County has just issued a new declaration, demanding that everybody wear masks indoors — even if you’re vaccinated — because of the Delta variant. Isn’t this a blatant admission that the promise of vaccines was a complete fraud? So any time a new variant comes along, everybody has to surrender to the public health tyrants yet again?

Today’s Situation Update podcast reveals even more details about the insidious covid plot to enslave humanity forever. 

You will never be free until you stop acting like a slave

But for many people, after taking the vaccine and multiple booster shots, they will be lucky to even be alive. Mass vaccine deaths are right around the corner, and about half the country is at risk of being killed by the vaccines they took, oblivious to the fact that the vaccines were all engineered as depopulation bioweapons from the very start.

Hear the full podcast here:


Hear a new Situation Update podcast each day — along with amazing interviews — at:


Covid vaccines from Pfizer destroy every system of the human body

Image: Covid vaccines from Pfizer destroy every system of the human body

(Natural News) The Israeli People Committee (IPC), a citizen-led group of Israeli health experts, has issued an urgent warning that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” from Pfizer damages virtually every system of the human body.

While much of the attention, at least in Europe, has centered around the AstraZeneca jab, which is linked to deadly blood clots, the Pfizer injection is actually far more dangerous and a much bigger threat, based on the latest data.

A detailed report released by the IPC warns that getting jabbed with a Pfizer syringe could lead to a catastrophic health outcome, as evidenced by the high number of people who have already had their lives ruined by it in Israel.

“There has never been a vaccine that has harmed as many people,” the report explains. “We received 288 death reports in proximity to vaccination (90% up to 10 days after the vaccination), 64% of those were men.”

The Israeli Ministry of Health, meanwhile, is claiming that only 45 people in Israel have died from the Pfizer injection. This is a gross undercount that minimizes the true deadly impact of the jabs.

If the figures contained in the IPC report are valid, then more Israelis have died from the Pfizer shot than have Europeans from the AstraZeneca shot throughout the entirety of Europe.

“According to Central Bureau of Statistics data during January-February 2021, at the peak of the Israeli mass vaccination campaign, there was a 22% increase in overall mortality in Israel compared with the previous year,” the report further warns.

“In fact, January-February 2021 have been the deadliest months in the last decade, with the highest overall mortality rates compared to corresponding months in the last 10 years.”

Younger people are dying most from the Pfizer jab

The most affected demographic seems to be younger people between the ages of 20-29, which saw the most dramatic increase in mortality post-release of the Pfizer vaccine.

“In this age group, we detect an increase of 32% in overall mortality in comparison with previous year,” the report states.

“Statistical analysis of information from the Central Bureau of Statistics, combined with information from the Ministry of Health, leads to the conclusion that the mortality rate amongst the vaccinated is estimated at about 1: 5000 (1: 13000 at ages 20-49, 1: 6000 at ages 50-69, 1: 1600 at ages 70+).”

Based on this data, the IPC estimates that as many as 1,100 Israelis have died thus far from the Pfizer injection. Older people die the soonest, usually less than three days post-injection, while younger people typically live for more than a week post-injection before passing away.

The IPC further found that the risk of mortality goes parabolic after the second injection. Those who stop with the first shot have a much greater chance of living than if they go in for the second round.

As for the injuries caused by the injections, the IPC found that cardiac events such as myositis and pericarditis are common. The same goes for massive vaginal bleeding, neurological damage, and damage to the skeletal and skin systems.

“It should be noted that a significant number of reports of side effects are related, directly or indirectly, to Hypercoagulability (infarction), Myocardial infarction, stroke, miscarriages, impaired blood flow to the limbs, pulmonary embolism,” the group contends.

The full report from the IPC is available for viewing at this link.

“These mRNA vaccines contain a virus which then attaches to the RNA (the messenger) of man’s DNA which can never be undone,” warned one commenter at Great Game India.

“This means that the RNA / messenger will always carry a virus; the very one they inject into the body!”

The latest news about injuries and deaths caused by Chinese Virus injections can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

Sources for this article include:




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