zondag 1 augustus 2021

 Health care workers being BRIBED to post scripted, word-for-word copycat warnings over “delta” variant

Friday, July 30, 2021 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: badhealthbadmedicinebadsciencebriberycoronaviruscorruptionCOVIDliesmedical-industrial complexPlandemicscriptedsuper spreadersTwittervaccinationvaccines



(Natural News) In an effort to convince more Americans that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “delta variant” is a really serious thing that we should all be afraid of, the medical-industrial complex is now bribing medical workers to tweet word-for-word “scare” stories about how emergency rooms are being overrun with Chinese Virus patients.

One script that is being repeated over and over again on Twitter reads as follows:

“I just left the ER.

We are officially back to getting crushed by COVID-19.

Delta Variant is running rampant and it’s MUCH more transmissible 

than the original virus.

99% of our ICU admits did NOT receive a vaccine.

Virtually ALL of them wish they had.”

This message was posted by someone named “Sam Ghali, M.D.,” as well as by another named “Terry,” another named “Alex West,” and yet another named “Julia Song.

In each instance, the message was identical, suggesting that Wuhan Flu evangelists are utterly desperate to convince more people to get “vaccinated.”

Nobody is afraid of the “delta variant” because it only seems to exist on television, on the internet, and in the mouths of government officials. In real life, there is no trace of the Fauci Flu – except, of course, among those who got injected and are now spreading the Chinese Disease among themselves.

These vaccinated “super-spreaders” are now the real pandemic since their bodies have been transformed into spike protein factories.

Meanwhile, the unvaccinated with healthy immune systems are living their lives as normal, completely mask-free.

If you’re unvaccinated, stay that way

The truth is that the healthiest people in America today are those who said no to the experimental jabs and continued to support their immunity naturally with things like vitamin C, vitamin D, green tea, zinc, and quercetin. Those who are now getting sick are those who took the jab and wrecked their bodies forever.

It is going to take a bit more time for this to fully manifest as there appears to be an “incubation” period post-injection for many people, but it will soon be apparent that the jabbed got hoodwinked by the system. This is precisely why the medical-industrial complex is pushing to get everyone jabbed at “warp speed.”

The house of cards is already collapsing, though, as even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now admitting that vaccinated people are “shedding” the virus onto others. Vaccinated people are also carrying a higher viral load than unvaccinated people, it turns out.

What this means, of course, is that jabbed people are in a whole lot of trouble. Many of them will die in the coming months and years, and those who survive will be stricken with a lifetime of health problems for which they will need regular “booster” shots if they want to stay alive.

Many people who were tricked into getting jabbed are now coming to this stark realization, and it is understandably enraging them. The problem, though, is that rather than blame themselves for being stupid, they are instead blaming people who just said no to these experimental drugs from the very start.

Many of these enraged vaccinated zombies are also now demanding that everyone else who is not jabbed be forced to get jabbed just like they did. This, they say, will bring about a fair and equal outcome of sickness and death – a “herd genocide,” if you will.

“Not only are vaccinated people now the super-spreaders, it also turns out they’re the ‘super-breeders’ of vaccine variants,” warns Mike Adams, the Health Ranger.

The latest news about Chinese Virus injection deception can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

Sources for this article include:




Vaccine Propaganda TROLL FARM Catapults Big Pharma Lies Across Social Media While Those Who Tell The Truth Are Silenced

Social media algorithms are being used to not only identify and eliminate certain facts and truths, but these AI systems are also being used to promote certain types of propaganda, to brainwash the public into accepting falsehoods as if they are popular messages of truth.

vaccine propaganda troll farm catapults big pharma lies across social media while those who tell the truth are silenced

To make matters worse, unscrupulous operatives are using vaccine propaganda BOT FARMS to catapult Big Pharma’s lies across social media, to instill fear in the public and advocate for more government and corporate control over lives.

The latest bot farm was caught spreading lies about the unvaccinated to garner public support for vaccine passports and a system of segregation against healthy, naturally-immune people.

BOT Farms Disseminate Propaganda To Gain Acceptance For Lockdowns, Segregation Of The Unvaccinated

Social media users are beginning to spot deceptive propaganda and come to realize that these personalized messages are being used en masse to convince the public of specific narratives.

These bot farms are being used to guilt and shame the unvaccinated, so they feel compelled to comply.

These bot farms demoralize and discourage people from speaking up and taking action, as their civil liberties are threatened.

These bot farms give the impression that a lie is a universal truth openly accepted by many people. This manipulation is culling people’s motivation, determination, and silencing their will.

These bot farms are intended to spread disinformation and make people feel defeated, so they will give up and question their reality. By breaking down the psychology of people, these bot farms stop people from speaking out about their liberties and the issues that matter.

When these bot accounts are engaged, they are programmed to vilify the truth and contradict common sense and human reasoning. These fake accounts are there to anger Americans and make them believe that they have no rights, no legal recourse and no expertise to comment on the matter at hand.

These bots should NOT be engaged because they are heartlessly programmed to defend an agenda of enslavement, fear and depopulation.

BOT Farms Being Used To Psychologically Control The Masses And Socially Ostracize The “Unvaccinated”

One particular message that is making rounds is the lie that ERs and ICUs are getting swamped by unvaccinated people.

This message was disseminated across Twitter and made to look like it is coming from a concerned healthcare worker:

“I just left the ER. We are officially back to getting rushed by COVID-19. Delta Variant is running rampant and it’s MUCH more transmissible than the original virus. 99% of our ICU admits did NOT receive a vaccine.”

This message was NOT sent out by a real healthcare professional working on the front lines. This message is being sent out VERBATIM across several social media accounts, using fake bots. These messages are being used to psychologically subvert the masses and achieve greater levels of compliance.

These bot farms can be controlled from a single computer, hooked up to multiple phones and social media accounts. These bot farms may include a group of internet trolls who are paid to interfere in public consensus and political decision making.

These keyboard armies are paid to spread propaganda and attack critics, brainwashing people into accepting lies, while controlling political discussion and influencing election outcomes and restrictive covid policies.

Reference: NaturalNews.com

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