dinsdag 11 januari 2022

Thousands protest COVID-19 measures in several cities across Germany

Thousands protest COVID-19 measures in several cities across Germany

               LINK: https://youtu.be/yGksvZHlFM0      

#COVID19 #coronavirus #Germany

11 jan. 2022

 Thousands took to the streets of several cities in Germany on Monday, to protest against the restrictive measures set in place to curb the spreading of COVID-19, and the announcement made by Chancellor Olaf Scholz that some of them will be increased.

Clashes erupted in Bautzen, scuffles in Leipzig with at least one detained person, whereas the marches in Berlin and Karlsruhe concluded largely peacefully.

Scholz announced on Friday after talks with the country’s state leaders that Germany is set to implement stricter rules for the hospitality sector. Under the new measures, only those who have had a booster vaccine dose will be able to have a sit-down meal at a restaurant without other requirements. People with two shots or those who have recovered from coronavirus must show a negative test; The unvaccinated will not be able to dine at all.

The German hospitality industry association has criticised the move, saying it will have a potentially catastrophic effect on bars and restaurants. However, the government has said the measures will be necessary to counter the spread of Omicron.

Germany: 'We are the red line' - Thousands rally in Nuremberg against new COVID restrictions

11 jan. 2022

                          LINK:  https://youtu.be/GobPmp8sDoA 

#COVID19 #coronavirus #Nuremberg

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