dinsdag 14 juni 2022

The (evil?) architect of The Great Reset

 243.548 weergaven  9 jun. 2022

Sorelle Amore Finance

                  Video link: https://youtu.be/A6zy0D6YBfk

#KlausSchwab #WEF #WorldEconomicForum

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Who is Klaus Schwab, really? I'll be trying to bring a more balanced perspective to the answer to that question. Because when it comes to the leader of the WEF, it seems like most of the information that's out there is pushing a very one-sided view.

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Klaus Schwab founded the World Economic Forum in 1971, and it's since grown from a humble management conference, into a globe-spanning giant whose members include numerous world leaders, and the most profitable companies on the planet. But a lot of people have questions about the motives of the WEF, as well as whether its leader Klaus really has the purest intentions for the world. Many people believe there's more to the story, and the WEF is operating more out of self-interest, rather than selflessness. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

0:00 - Who is Klaus Schwab?

0:46 - A quick refresher on the World Economic Forum

1:51 - Who can join the WEF?

3:05 - The WEF's financial activities

4:18 - How Schwab is getting richer

5:38 - FTX insert

6:42 - Klaus' controversial actions

9:41 - Some final thoughts




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Sorelle and Leon. Founders, Abundantia Liability Disclaimer: https://www.abundantia.co/disclaimer *We may earn a commission if you buy any products or services via the links in this video's description. This video is not investment, financial, or legal advice. It may be incorrect, outdated, inaccurate, or reflect personal opinions. This video is for entertainment purposes only. This video is sponsored by FTX.

#KlausSchwab #WEF #WorldEconomicForum


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