woensdag 7 december 2022

Japanese expert warns: COVID-19 injections endanger BILLIONS of lives

 Monday, December 05, 2022 by: Ramon Tomey

Tags: badhealthbadmedicineBig Pharmabiological weaponcovid-19Dangerous Medicineimmune systeJapanMasanori FukushimamRNA vaccinesnatural immunitypandemicpharmaceutical fraudspike proteintruthvaccinevaccine damageVaccine deathsvaccine injury

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author



(Natural News) A Japanese expert warned against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, arguing that “billions of lives could ultimately be in danger” due to the experimental injections.

Kyoto University (Kyoto-U) professor emeritus Dr. Masanori Fukushima issued this warning in a Nov. 25 conference convened by concerned citizen Kazuhisa Ukawa.

The latter organized the conference to give family members of vaccine death victims and those discriminated for their vaccination status a chance to tell their stories. Moreover, Ukawa said the conference sought to offer them guidance and support.

“Given the wide range of adverse events, billions of lives could ultimately be in danger,” said Fukushima. Some of these adverse events he cited were “cardiovascular disease,” “autoimmune disease” and “susceptibility to infection.”

“All those who have fallen ill after being vaccinated should not delay informing their medical institution,” the expert advised. “Don’t be slow.”

According to Fukushima, “vaccine damage is now a global problem.” However, he rebuked the central government in Tokyo for “forcefully ignoring” the dangers of the injections, spending “trillions of yen importing vaccines” and “inciting the population” to get injected.

“Last year, I thought it would be a problem if this vaccine spread – and I decided it was delusional to think a vaccine would fix the pandemic. In professional magazines, the misunderstanding has finally come to light, and now it is understood how dangerous it is.”

Fukushima added that the damage caused by the COVID-19 injections is a form of drug harm.

“This country has learned its lesson about drug harm, and has become a country that will never suffer drug harm again,” he said. “Therefore, we will eradicate drug harm risks at all costs.”

Dr. M. Fukushima: COVID-19 shots suppress natural immunity

The expert asserted during the press conference that the COVID-19 vaccines undermine natural immunity.

“It can suppress natural immunity. COVID-19 didn’t spread [among the] Japanese at first because they have immunoglobulin A (IgA) in their saliva and they have this kind of resistance to [SARS-CoV-2],” he explained.

“However, due to vaccination – natural immunity has been suppressed. This is what happened. I don’t think it will subside at all; it will spread more and more. Most people already have post-vaccination infections.”

Fukushima reiterated that “the people who have the disease right now are not the ones who haven’t been vaccinated, but the ones who have been vaccinated.”

The expert also zeroed in on the mRNA technology used in the COVID-19 vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna. (Related: NO QUALITY CONTROL: Three lots of Moderna’s covid “vaccine” pulled from Japan for stainless steel contamination.)

“[When you] wrap the mRNA into nanoparticles, every single cell engulfs it and the cells transform. This is what I know now; the mechanism is clear.”

“The nanoparticles are [also] absorbed by the brain. A stupid scientist would say ‘they can’t cross the [blood-brain] barrier, so it’s OK.’ I’m not a fool.”

One of the attendees who lost his wife from the COVID-19 vaccine spoke out during the conference, directing his comments at the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW).

“How many people are you guys going to kill [with the COVID-19 vaccines]? We The People are neither toys nor guinea pigs. You use mass communications to incite us to [get vaccinated, and] the result is … we lost our family [members].”

The participant also issued a challenge to officials of the Japanese health ministry.

“I know that most of you guys [from the MHLW] are not vaccinated. You have said that you have gotten vaccinated, but I heard only 10 percent of you have gotten it. Since you guys have said that the vaccine is undoubtedly safe, would you please demonstrate it by getting your shot first?”

VaccineDamage.news has more stories about the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Watch Dr. Masanori Fukushima as he warns against the COVID-19 vaccine during the Nov. 25 press conference below.

 Video Link: https://www.brighteon.com/7bab1f37-ad76-4e8f-bc21-f59c24b168dc

This video is from the In Search Of Truth channel on Brighteon.com.

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