woensdag 7 december 2022

What is Permaculture? By Bill Mollison, David Holmgren

                Video Link: https://youtu.be/QBLKuYDh5S8


         Bill Mollison

      David Holmgren

 101.735 weergaven 18 okt 2017

A short film narrated by Bill Mollison and David Homgren reveals how Permaculture began from one simple question about agriculture and developing into a sustainable design system that embraces the laws of nature.

This is video was edited together to help people understand what Permaculture is and why Bill Mollison and David Holmgren created Permaculture.

"A sustainable system is any system, that in its lifetime, can produce more energy than it takes to establish and maintain it." - Bill Mollison

This video was created to support a documentary film about Permaculture.

Permaculture The Documentary.

Please follow and help support the making of this film at: http://www.dogsgowoof.com.au/permacul...


          Interview with Bill Mollison

             Video Link: https://youtu.be/6RD1GW-vOHg


49.769 weergaven   26 mei 2016

Find our films about permaculture at www.ecofilm.de I made this Interview with Bill Mollison, "Father of permaculture", at the International Permaculture Conference in Motovun, Croatia in june 2005.

Sorry about the sound trouble that pops up sometimes.

Mollison talks about the future of the earth, permaculture, life and death, community, spirituality, Fukuoka, GMO... He´s quite a special personality, see yourself :-).

In his lectures - if people went to sleep (according to him), he would throw a chair through the room, to wake everybody up.


De Daily Mail ontwaakt plotseling uit haar journalistieke coma en meldt een feitelijk verhaal over Covid-doodsinjecties

februari 21, 2025   10        Foto Credit: Leohohmann.substack.com W aar is dit soort berichtgeving de afgelopen vier jaar gebleven toen...