dinsdag 6 december 2022

Matt Shelton, a Covid Hero of New Zealand

Matt Lost Everything -- But Fulfilled his Duty to Warn His Patients

This story is about just one person. My dog 

(I no longer have a Twitter 

account, and Twitter has not yet amnestied me) posted 

a lengthy Twitter thread about Matt Shelton of NZ.

Matt Shelton is a New Zealand doctor who warned his 
600 patients about the Covid vaccine. 
He lost everything - his license, his practice, his income, 
his savings - except for his conscience and his sense of purpose.

What follows is a series of tweets, with pictures 

and links to newspaper stories, about what happened to Matt 

and New Zealand. 

The tweets also explain how New Zealand is hiding 

the true impact of Covid, just like the USA and China are doing

and how Jacinda Ardern is trying to cover up her Covid crimes 

and wants to “move on” without reckoning.

Matt is a hero, and he needs to be thanked and celebrated.

NZ was the worst country in this pandemic, 

and NZ heroes need to be celebrated and villains exposed.

Do you know any other Covid heroes? 

Post your examples in the comments!


P.S Tessa Lena wrote about Matt in March and spoke to him.


Gideon van Meijeren wil onderste steen boven: ‘Waarom wordt deze belangrijke informatie geheimgehouden?’

Gideon van Meijeren merkte dinsdag tijdens het debat over de wolf op dat de discussie over dit onderwerp hoog oploopt en steeds feller word...