zondag 16 juli 2023

The most popular TOXIC food ingredient in the United States – CANOLA OIL (koolzaadolie; Colza; Raapzaadolie, Rapeseed oil )

 Tuesday, January 02, 2018 by: S.D. Wells

Tags: badfoodbadhealthcanolacanola oilcanola oil coagulatescanola oil dementiacanola productscanola toxicexpeller pressedFood Dangers!food truthgmo canolagroceriesingredientsorganic canolarapeseedtoxic canolatoxic ingredientstoxinsTrader Joe'sWhole Foods


(Natural News) You’ve heard the saying “The devil’s in the details,” well… the devil is actually in the ingredients list. It’s called Canola oil and it’s quite easy to find in almost all of the prepped and processed food products at two of the top “healthy” food grocers in the country. No, Canola oil didn’t just “get a bad wrap” (pardon the pun), because it’s been bad all along. Let the truth be told: Canola oil is bad for your health. Did you think otherwise? Were you conned because you believed some hoax of a slogan, “Heart Healthy” – with a cutesy logo from the insidious American Heart Association?


Remember that the AHA is comprised of clowns who want us to trade out butter to eat more toxic oils, like genetically modified Canola, soy and corn.

Now, we know what you’re thinking – maybe if Canola oil is organic and expeller pressed, then we’re safe to eat that kind. Wrong. Scientists are now warning against long-term consumption of Canola Oil as it could worsen symptoms of dementia and cause weight gain. It causes plaques in the brain that lead to degenerative diseases in animals.

The “Heart Healthy” LIE has been perpetuated for decades by another Big Food myth. Most Canola oil is exported from Canada to the United States because Canada has a National Health Plan (Canadian Healthcare) that’s free and the government does NOT want to have to pay the billions of dollars in sick care costs from giving their own people clogged arteries and dementia.


Primary health concerns for regular Canola oil consumption include cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity. United States consumers are sucking down over 2 million tonnes of Canola oil a year, and add to that over 3.5 million tonnes of Canola meal. Oops. It’s the second most popular edible (if you can call it that) oil in the country. It’s almost everywhere now, invading nearly all types of food, including many “healthy” options and organic, like salad dressings, cereals and protein bars.

It’s surprising Big Pharma isn’t using it in vaccines yet. It’s surely in lots of baby food products and the “protein” drinks served up for the sick and weak at hospitals. And remember, organic or not, it coagulates, causing weight gain and dementia. Therefore, choosing “expeller pressed” or “Certified Organic” won’t matter when you experience what the medical doctors will call a genetically inherited memory loss (Old timer’s disease) and can’t remember or even recognize your immediate family.


Top foods at Whole Foods that contain coagulating, memory-damaging Canola Oil


This is just the tip of the iceberg of over a hundred products at Whole Foods that contain Canola oil: 8 Whole Grains Multigrain English Muffins, Cornbread, Light White Sandwich Bread, Prairie Bread, Sandwich Bread, Stuffing Cubes, 10 Minute Stuffing, Blueberry Muffins, Lemon Poppyseed Muffins, Molasses Ginger Cookies, Chocolate Confetti Cake, Vanilla Confetti Cake, Salted Caramel Cake, 365 Organic Mayonnaise, Applegate Chicken Nuggets, 365 Organic Homestyle Waffles, 365 Organic MultiGrain Waffles, Dr. Praeger’s California Veggie Burgers and Spinach Cakes, 365 Organic Vegan Lasagna, and the list just goes on.


Top foods at Trader Joe’s that contain coagulating, memory-damaging Canola Oil


This is just the tip of the iceberg of over a hundred products at Trader Joe’s that contain Canola oil: Butternut Squash Soup, Mediterranean Hummus, Vegan Spread & Dressing (Mayonnaise with the first ingredient as Canola Oil – meaning it’s mainly that), Almond Butter Granola, Peanut Butter Protein Granola, Cornbread Stuffing Mix, Turkey Stock (broth), Spud Crunchies Potato Snacks, Beet and Roasted Garlic Dip, Chocolate Covered Pretzel Assortment, Cinnamon Streusel Coffee Cake, Chocolate Mint Flavored Cupcakes, Vegetable Pastry Puffs, Ranch Seasoned Crispy Chickpeas, and of course you’ll find coagulating Canola oil in the Trader Joe’s Brand Chunky Blue Cheese Dressing & Dip.

Still not sure whether or not you plan to continue consuming Canola oil? Watch this home video of how badly Canola oil coagulates when left in a bowl for a few weeks. Imagine what this does when it gets trapped in your digestive tract, your cleansing organs, your blood and your brain! Alzheimer’s disease barely existed in America 75 years ago. Still thinks it’s hereditary?


      Video Link: https://youtu.be/H6YP5RViaAE





Check out the real deal about nutrition, food, supplements and even toxic chemicals like Canola Oil at NaturalPedia.com. It’s the online encyclopedia you’ve always wanted, and it’s right here at your fingertips. Let the truth be told!


Sources for this article include:









Bron: https://www.naturalnews.com/2018-01-02-the-most-popular-toxic-food-ingredient-in-the-united-states-canola-oil.html



Is canola oil consumption the driving force behind doctors prescribing blood thinners?

Wednesday, November 27, 2019 by: S.D. Wells

Tags: #nutritionalzheimer's curebadfoodbadhealthBig Pharmablood thinnersbrain healthcanolacanola dementiacanola oilcanola oil alzheimer'sdeceptionend dementiaingredientsmedicationmind body sciencePrescription drugsRapeseed oil



(Natural News) Over five million American “patients” are taking blood thinners every day, and most of them will keep taking them, under doctor’s advisement, until the day they die. So why are so many people at risk of blood clots now, as opposed to previous generations? Medical doctors all claim it’s a disease that’s genetic, that can’t be solved without using rat poison (blood thinner), and this will surely save you from a stroke. Have you recently had surgery? You’re a prime candidate for blood thinner poison, and it’s well over a billion-dollar-a-year industry. Got atrial fibrillation? Great – time for some pesticide pharmaceuticals – would you prefer that be delivered orally or intravenously? What’s your poison, is it Warfarin, Rivaroxaban, Heparin, Fondaparinux, Edoxaban, Dabigatran, or Apixaban? It’s all just a sales trick called close by choice, like with used cars.

Could it be though, that canola oil is coagulating in your blood and your doctors fail to ever talk about it, because they received zero nutrition training in medical college? Let’s take an inside look at the most insidious “food stuff” on planet Earth that has been proven by scientists to cause weight gain, memory loss and dementia. Yet, what are they leaving out of this “equation?” Will these scientists run tests on the connection between blood clots and canola next?

New study reveals CANOLA OIL is detrimental to the brain because it increases plaques, the hallmark of degenerative disease

That cheap, trendy staple oil you use is deadly, and may be the reason you and your relatives are all prescribed toxic blood thinner. Should you take medicine that can kill you if you fall and suffer internal bleeding, or stop eating what’s causing the blood clots? A new study shows how canola oil WORSENS memory loss in Alzheimer’s patients. Do you need more proof that proper amounts of blood, oxygen and nutrients are not reaching these people’s brains? This is not inherited. Did one generation of people suddenly devolve into blood clotting zombies who can’t recognize their own offspring? No.

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Canola oil increases plaque build-up in the brain, and that’s the number one recognized cause of degenerative “diseases” that include Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and any other names M.D.s and hematologists slap on dementia these days. Can you say “long term consumption” without forgetting what we’re talking about?

Can you now guess why doctors call it a disease? So you won’t think you can fix it by filtering toxic food. See, if you believe everything is “genetic” (they call it inherited), then you’ll just shut up and take your medicine “as prescribed.” They also scare everyone to death (pardon the pun) that they’ll die if they don’t take the rat poison. It’s all about the money and the sick care system of retaining “patients for life.”

What’s ironic is that the scientists were testing canola oil to see if it was beneficial for the brain, like olive oil. The findings absolutely shocked them all. One animal model using aged rodents revealed that Alzheimer’s progresses from the “asymptomatic phase” early on to full-blown Alzheimer’s due to long-term canola consumption. That’s just two tablespoons worth in terms of what humans eat.

How much canola oil do you suck down daily? Think about mixed salads, prepared food bars, and just about every food item with a shelf life of forever. Canola oil is really just diluted rapeseed oil, the latter of which is a pesticide, just like blood thinner medications.

Are you doubling up right now on both? Are you suffering impairments of your working memory? Surely the doctor told you that’s just a side effect of the medication, but what about the brain functioning detriment caused by eating canola oil? You’re actually suffering from amyloid plaques and severely decreased contacts between neurons in the brain. You’ve got a brand new disease called ECI, “Extensive Canola Injury” of the brain.

We need a survey from every American who is on blood thinner medication who has been eating canola for years

Did you know that a close cousin of Warfarin, called Coumafuryl, was marketed as rat poison under the old brand names “Lurat” and “Rat-A-Way?” Yep, Coumafuryl was notable for its tasteless, odorless quality, that made it quite effective for feeding rats for extermination. Are you a rat being dosed for extermination now? What’s the name on your oral anticoagulant bottle? Is it Marevan or Coumadin?

Warfarin got super-popular in the 1990s when doctors figured out they could use it to slash atrial fibrillation deaths from stroke by four percent. Those odds for patients still stink, compared to the detrimental effects on the body from eating rat poison daily.

Blood clotting isn’t always bad, though. When you cut yourself, that’s what seals your wound and keeps you from bleeding out. It’s important to stay safe and never consume canola oil. That’s what doctors should be telling people, instead of shooting rat poison into their patients through IVs and telling them not to eat leafy greens ever again.

Tune in to FoodSupply.news for updates on how Big Food and Biotech are polluting your food while medical doctors and hematologists blame your parents’ (and their parents’) genes. Does Extensive Canola Injury “run in your family?” Well then it is “genetic.”


      Video Link: https://youtu.be/H6YP5RViaAE



Sources for this article include:







Bron: https://www.naturalnews.com/2019-11-27-canola-oil-consumption-driving-force-doctors-prescribing-blood-thinners.html


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  zaterdag, 22 februari 2025 10:07 Het lijkt erop dat het langzaam maar zeker bij heel veel mensen begint in te zinken wat er eigenlijk met ...