woensdag 22 juni 2022

Finally Proven: Pfizer Vaccine Causes COVID Reinfections, Disables Natural Immunity!


Pfizer Randomized Controlled Trial offers Proof Beyond Doubt

Igor Chudov   20/06/2022

As most of my regular readers know, the topic of reinfections in vaccinated people was something I was interested in since the Fall of 2021. This issue is hugely important since if people can catch Covid more than once, this pandemic has the potential to never end.

I wrote at least a dozen articles on this subject, such as this one:


However, reinfections in vaccinated (vs unvaccinated) people were never proven in a large official randomized controlled trial, until now. As you know, randomized controlled trials offer the gold standard of evidence: randomize people between a vaccine group and a placebo group, and see if the vaccine group does better than the placebo group.

Fortunately, we have data from Pfizer’s own official trial submitted to the FDA. This randomized controlled trial concerns vaccinating young kids and proved beyond doubt that vaccination causes repeated reinfections. Look at Page 38:

What is that page saying? There were a total of 12 kids-participants who managed to get two COVID infections within the time frame of the trial. 11 of them were vaccine recipients and only one received no vaccine!

Say that again?

Out of 12 kids who had two COVID infections, only ONE was in the never-vaccinated group!

Mind you, as the above passage says, all of these 12 reinfected children, never had Covid prior to the trial. So what caused vaccinated children to develop a disproportionate amount of repeat infections? The vaccine, of course. It is a randomized controlled trial, after all.

Thanks to Pfizer, we finally know that Covid reinfections are real and that their vaccine causes them by disabling natural immunity.

A little caveat is that Pfizer made the trial purposely complicated (because it is a resuscitated FAILED trial where they added one more booster dose and more kids). Pfizer vaccinated the control group. This complication somewhat affects the 6-23 months age category, but still shows obvious vaccine failure.

The 2-4-year-old group is much less complicatedall reinfections happened in the vaccinated participants, five of six were from the first-vaccinated group. “All of these participants received 3 doses of assigned study intervention, except for one participant in the BNT162b2 group who received two doses”. We have a smoking gun that reinfections are vaccine driven.

Why do Vaccinated People Never Acquire Natural Immunity?

This article explains:

Reinfections in the UNvaccinated

There is no denying that some unvaccinated people also get reinfected. It happened to ONE out of 12 Pfizer participants and some of my unvaccinated readers (relatively few) reported reinfections as well. I must not minimize their experience. However, the Pfizer trial shows, that the largest share of reinfections is in the vaccinated and it is driven by vaccination.

What are the Implications

Thanks to the wonders of haphazardly developed and poorly-tested “vaccines”, we have 70% of the Western population treated with experimental, unproven substances that ended up disabling immunity, enabling endless reinfections, and we have the pandemic that never ends, dumpster-fire-style.


This is, sadly, happening in the over-vaccinated West, as the unvaccinated countries of the world are enjoying herd immunity. Yes, herd immunity comes at a cost, but that cost is behind the people of those countries.


Bulgaria vs Portugal: Herd Immunity vs Herd Mentality

Consider two Southern European countries that chose different paths: Bulgaria and Portugal. Bulgaria is 30% vaccinated, whereas Portugal is 95% vaccinated. Reportedly, there was nobody left to vaccinate in Portugal. The result? Portugal is a steaming pandemic dumpster fire, whereas Covid basically does not exist in Bulgaria.

These two countries are also an experiment.

The outcome of the experiment is that Covid vaccines failed.

Good luck people, and enjoy the ride.

Would you give Covid vaccine to your toddlers and infant kids and grandkids? If not, please talk to a mother you know, and try to place a seed of doubt in her mind — to make her do her own research. Help her with research, too.

And share this article.

Bovenkant formulier

Onderkant formulier




Bovenkant formulier

Onderkant formulier




11 hr agoLiked by Igor Chudov

Brett and Geert covered this this week too. All Geert's predictions a year ago, about mass vaccinating during a pandemic, have sadly come to fruition.



46 replies by Igor Chudov and others



Sair McKee

Writes Digital Psychology for Growth M…11 hr agoLiked by Igor Chudov

Are we getting closer to the accountability stage? People in high places heads ought to be rolling. #waiting

Igor, I had the two Pfizer vaccinations do we know what the ingredients are yet? What am I staring down the barrel at in terms of future medical complications?

Keep digging Igor, your newsletter is gold! 👊


55 replies by Igor Chudov and others

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