woensdag 27 september 2023



Dear Michel,

The coming weeks we will highlight a pesticide scandal every week. We’ll show that you, your loved ones and the world around you are not protected against dangerous pesticides. We’ll explain why and give you texts to send to the politicians who can do something about it. Especially now, for the coming months are crucial for pesticide reduction and nature restoration in Europe. Important proposals are on the table.
Please write to the politicians with our easy tool. We encourage you to write the same people with a different text every week. They should know the pesticide authorisation system is as leaky as a sieve: it doesn’t protect our health and our environment the way it should. Their own PEST research committee concluded a lot of gaps in 2019, but 4 years later hardly anything has changed.
We’ll supply you with information and short texts that you can paste into your message. Of course, you can edit and rewrite these texts the way you want. Now, it’s especially important to let the decision makers know that it’s high time for change.
It can and should be done. Do you remember bars and restaurants full of cigarette smoke, inhaling it even if you didn’t smoke? At the time we thought it was normal, but it wasn’t. After a long struggle the tobacco industry lies were exposed, lobbyists were banned. We found out that smoking is much more harmful than previously thought. Many quit and smoking was banned from public places. Now you can hardly imagine such a smelly, unhealthy atmosphere.
Well, that is where we need to go with pesticides. It’s not normal that dangerous pesticides are spread around us, in the fields and on our food. That they float into our space, contaminate our food, soil and water, seriously harm health and biodiversity. It’s not normal that pesticides are found in our blood and in the dust in our houses. A toxic-free environment should become the norm, soon.
Time to speak out about this scandal!
Write directly to politicians
The Glyphosate Scandal
Last week the EU Commission proposed to renew the EU licence for glyphosate for another 10 years. Can you imagine 10 more years of widespread use of the Roundup herbicide? No change in agriculture, toxic business as usual. Don’t be fooled by so the called scientific evaluation by the EU authorities. Their protocol forces them to neglect most independent scientific studies. The countries in the EU Council will cast their votes on the 12th and 13th of October.
If you want to know more, check the Stop Glyphosate website:
Why ban glyphosate?
And see what our specialists at PAN Europe have to say about this. Heard and seen enough?
Take action now! Write to your politicians and tell them to ban glyphosate.
Protest against glyphosate renewal
For example:

"Dear politician, I am concerned about my health and environment. The current pesticide evaluation does not protect us. Many important studies and evidence are left out. The glyphosate example clearly shows these gaps. Please provide a better system that really watches over health and environment. Ensure a ban on glyphosate and a sharp reduction in the use of pesticides. Thank you!"

(Rewrite as you wish and add your own text.)
Support our work
To help us to raise awareness, please make a donation. Thank you!
Yes, I donate!
We wish you a good day,

The ECI team

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