vrijdag 9 augustus 2024

Lipid Nanoparticles in mRNA Vaccines Pose Great Risk — Video

 Sean Miller | Infowars

July 23rd 2024, 10:58 am

Two doctors sound alarm over novel vaccines with exotic fat-based technology.

Dr. John Campbell spoke with Dr. Clare Craig Monday regarding the dangers of the lipid nanoparticle component of the Covid vaccine.

The lipid nanoparticle encapsulates the modified messenger RNA (mod mRNA) sequence of an mRNA vaccine so as to get it into the cell.

“A lot of people have tried to put all the problems with the [Covid] vaccine on the fact that it was producing spike protein all over the body…so there’s definitely a spike pathology element of it,” Dr. Craig said. “The lipid nanoparticles were known to be toxic.”

               Video Link: https://youtu.be/WikF7rayH_4

She went on to discuss the danger of how the lipid nanoparticles are being used.

“It’s not just the lipid nanoparticle, its the principle of having a lipid nanoparticle that delivers an instruction to make a foreign protein into your cells because if that protein is a membrane-bound protein then that cell…is got a death sentence on it and your immune system will come and kill it,” she said. “And if that’s happening in organs across your body then that’s going to cause all sorts of harm.”

Campbell went on to clarify what Craig said by repeating it in different words and elaborating upon it.

“…so we would be getting healthy cells taken out all over the place by this immunological destruction of previously healthy cells,” he said.

Craig said that even if the mRNA payload wasn’t in the cell:

·     it would still cause a massive inflammatory response

·     which comes with physiological consequences,

·     in addition to triggering autoimmune diseases.

The Moderna Covid vaccine patent (10,703,789B2) describe the lipid nanoparticles.

“A pharmaceutical composition which has a plurality of lipid nanoparticles that has a mean particle size of betwen 80nm and 160nm and contains a modified mRNA encoding a polypeptide. The lipid nanoparticles include a cationic lipid, a neutral lipid, a cholesterol, and a PEG lipid. The mRNA contains a 5′-cap, 5′-UTR, N1-methyl-pseudouridine, a 3′-UTR, and a poly-A region with at least 10 nucleotides,” Moderna patent 10,703,789B2 said in the ‘Abstract’ section.

Another patent (9,868,692B2) described the mechanism of the technology as well.

“The disclosure features novel lipids and compositions involving the same. Nanoparticle compositions include novel lipid as well as aditional lipids such as phospholipids, structural lipids, and PEG lipids. Nanoparticle compositions further including therapeutic and/or prophylactics such as RNA are useful in the delivery of therapeutic and/or pro phylactics to mammalian cells or organs to, for example, regulate polypeptide, protein, or gene expression,” the Moderna patent 9,868,692B2 said in the ‘Abstract’ section.

The Covid shots are known to 

·     make people retarded

·     increase in lethality after repeated doses and 

·     double the death rate of Covid patients while 

·     vaccinated kids face a 4,423 percent higher all-cause mortality rate 

·     and 74 percent of the vaccinated who’ve died were killed by the shots,

·     yet the death rate is still higher than what is reported and it also 

·     increases Covid infection rates

·     And all cause mortality 

·     in addition to increasing the death numbers 

·     and resulting in tons of bizarre and unusual skin disorders

·     massive increases of insane and gross turbocancers

·     colon cancers

·     reproductive destruction,

·     miscarriages

·     paralyzation

·     Parkinson’s,  

·     tinnitus

·     hepatitis,

·     blood clots in the brain

·     non-serious disorders

·     death by neurological disorders

·     increased excess death rates,

·     autoimmune disorders in the thyroid

·     as well as deadly headaches, seizures 

·     and heart inflammation including in children,

·     while also causing the vaccinated people’s skin to ‘erupt’

·     in addition to a multitude of serious ailments seen in massive population studies 

·     while also containing hundreds of times the allowable levels of DNA contamination leading to mutagenic effects, 

·     contaminating the blood supply,

·     as well as permanently altering the DNA of the vaccinated and their offspring,

·     but while some batches are worse than others 

·     and Moderna kills 30 percent more than Pfizer,

·     all the injections are still killing people 

·     and are expected to kill people for a very long time into the future.

In the U.S. the CDC recommends that all Americans receive their Covid shot and that young children receive extra, as well as that all Americans now receive another shot, despite receiving them previously,

while Canada recommends another Covid shot for the pregnant, indigenous, ‘racialized’ & ‘equity-deserving’.

Source: https://www.infowars.com/posts/lipid-nanoparticles-in-mrna-vaccines-pose-great-risk-video/

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